Subject: Arrays > 64K 14. ***** Q: How can I create arrays that are larger than 64 kilobytes? A: Turbo Pascal does not directly support the so-called huge arrays but you can get by this problem with a clever use of pointers as presented in Kent Porter, "Handling Huge Arrays", Dr.Dobb's Journal, March 1988. In this method you point to an element of a two dimensional array using a^[row].col^[column]. The idea involves too much code and explanation to be repeated here, so you'll have to see the original reference. But I know from my own experience, that the code works like magic. (The code is available from archives as Kent Porter, "Huge Arrays Revisited", Dr.Dobb's Journal, October 1988, presents the extension of the idea to huge virtual arrays. (Virtual arrays mean arrays that utilize disk space). Another possibility is using TurboPower Software's (the usual disclaimer applies) commercial Turbo Professional (don't confuse with Borland's Turbo Professional) package. It has facilities for huge arrays, but they involve much more overhead than Kent Porter's excellent method. (* ================================================================= My code below is based on a UseNet posting in the late comp.lang.pascal by Naji Mouawad Naji's idea was for a vector, my adaptation is for a two-dimensional matrix. The realization of the idea is simpler than the one presented by Kent Porter in Dr.Dobb's Journal, March 1988. (Is something wrong, this is experimental.) ================================================================= *) {} const maxm = 150; maxn = 250; {} type BigVectorType = array [1..maxn] of real; BigMatrixType = array [1..maxm] of ^BigVectorType; {} var BigAPtr : BigMatrixType; {} (* Create the dynamic variables *) procedure MAKEBIG; var i : word; heapNeeded : longint; begin heapNeeded := maxm * maxn * SizeOf(real) + maxm * 4 + 8196; if (MaxAvail <= heapNeeded) then begin writeln ('Out of memory'); halt; end; for i := 1 to maxm do New (BigAPtr[i]); end; (* makebig *) {} (* Test that it works *) procedure TEST; var i, j : word; begin for i := 1 to maxm do for j := 1 to maxn do BigAPtr[i]^[j] := i * j; {} writeln (BigAPtr[5]^[7] : 0:0); writeln (BigAPtr[maxm]^[maxn] : 0:0); end; (* test *) {} (* The main program *) begin writeln ('Big arrays test by Prof. Timo Salmi, Vaasa, Finland'); writeln; MAKEBIG; TEST; end. (For a better test of the heap than in MAKEBIG see Swan (1989), pp. 462-463.) --------------------------------------------------------------------