Subject: Millisecond timing 10. ***** Q: How is millisecond timing done? A: A difficult task, but the facilities are readily available. TurboPower Software's commercial Turbo Professional (don't confuse with Borland's Turbo Professional) has a unit for this. (The usual disclaimer applies). It is called tptimer and is part of the package. This one has been released to the PD. I have also seen a SimTel upload announcement of a for C and ASM, but I have no further information on that. is another option. It is not quite as accurate as tptimer. To test the tptimer unit in you can use the following example code uses Crt, tptimer; var time1, time2 : longint; begin InitializeTimer; time1 := ReadTimer; Delay (1356); (* Or whatever code you wish to benchmark *) time2 := ReadTimer; RestoreTimer; writeln ('Elapsed = ', ElapsedTime (time1, time2)/1000.0 : 0 : 3); end. It is quite another question when you really need the millisecond timing. The most common purpose for millisecond timing is testing the efficiency of alternative procedures and functions, right? The way I compare mine is simple. I call the procedures or functions I want to compare for speed, say, a thousand times in a loop. And test this for elapsed time. This way the normal resolution (18.2 cycles per second) of the system clock becomes sufficient. This is accurate enough for the comparisons. var elapsed : real; i : word; elapsed := TIMERFN; (* e.g. from /pc/ts/ *) for i := 1 to 1000 do YOURTEST; (* Try out the alternatives *) elapsed := TIMERFN - elapsed; writeln ('Elapsed : ', elapsed : 0 : 2); Incidentally, if you want to make more elaborate evaluations of the efficiency of your code, Borland's Turbo Profiler is a useful tool. (The usual disclaimer naturally applies.) --------------------------------------------------------------------