Subject: Can I say hello and find friends on news.newusers.questions? 26. ***** Q: I am new and would love to receive messages from far away! A: >>> Please do not post hello messages to new.newusers.questions <<< Dear New Users ("Newbies"), welcome to news.newusers.questions. This message is meant as helpful guidance from an old user to help you to find your way with regard to the no-no of posting hello messages, or posting replies to them. The newsgroup news.newusers.questions is intended for the "Questions and Answers of users new to Usenet". Since so many of the users are new here, there are a lot of aspects of net usages and conduct, which a number of the readers are not aware of. This posting is to inform you of one of the pitfalls. There are frequent postings by new users introducing themselves in the style "I am new and would love messages from far away". This is nice, BUT it is _*NOT*_ the thing to do. The newsgroup is for asking new users' questions, not for socializing, however friendly the intent. IMPORTANT: If you see a "hello" posting on news.newusers.questions, and absolutely wish to respond to it by saying your own friendly hello, do not post - I repeat DO NOT POST - your reply to this newsgroup, but send your greetings by EMAIL! At the count in April 1995 there were some 390,000(!) users reading news.newusers.questions. There will be a total chaos if the new users continue posting hello messages in this newsgroup. Besides, there is a real danger that your mailbox might virtually explode with responses from all over the world if you solicit hellos on news.newusers.questions. The number one tenet on news.newusers.questions is to start by reading, not by posting. Watch, learn and get your bearings before starting to post yourself. If you wish to socialize there are special newsgroups for the purpose like soc.penpals, and alt.personals.misc. The newsgroups in the "talk" hierarchy might also interest you. Furthermore, you might try to find out about special alternatives like IRC (Internet Relay Chat) from a more seasoned friend. For a more comprehensive treatment of alternative newsgroups for socializing please see "A Guide to Social Newsgroups and Mailing Lists" by Dave Taylor. It is posted regularly to news.answers. It is also available from by their mail server: To receive it by email send email to "" with the command "send pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/usenet/social-newsgroups/part1" (no quotes). What was being said here about the no-no of hello postings goes for test postings, too. Do not post tests to news.newusers.questions! For more information on the right places to post tests please see my weekly >>> Please don't test here: A Weekly FAQ on test postings <<< (The item "Where to put test postings?" in this file) P.S. While the word newbie is unfortunately often used derisively, I use it here solely in a positive sense and would hope to see it gain this more friendly connotation. --------------------------------------------------------------------