Subject: Should I thank for posted advice? 25. ***** Q: Should I post a thank-you note about a response I have got on the Usenet news. A: Good manners never hurt, even if not everyone automatically expects to be thanked for posting advice. However, if you do, there are some very important considerations to think of. If you wish to send a thank-you response, use email, and email only. Do _not_ post your individual thank you note to the Usenet news. Many newsgroups have over a hundred thousand readers. Hence posted thank-you notes are, quite rightly, considered superfluous traffic. If you have received emailed advice from many quarters and wish to thank collectively, please do not do that either on the Usenet news. One notable exception. If you summarize for the benefit of the other readers the information which you have received. If you use email, then tell your benefactor what you are thanking him/her for. Some users handle so much Usenet postings and email that unless you do they will have no idea what your thanks is related to. They'll just be baffled. --------------------------------------------------------------------