Subject: Limiting news distribution 24. ***** Q: What are the distribution area codes for Usenet news postings? A: If you look at the header of a Usenet news posting, you'll observe that it includes the a line "Distribution:" where you might put a limited area code like usa, na (North America), local etc. Don't trust this. The distribution limitation is not guaranteed to work. In global newsgroups a local distribution can easily "leak" since not all configurations along the feed observe this feature. Thus the distribution field in the header is best left unchanged. The best advice is always assume that the newsgroups default will take precedence. In practice that means a "world" distribution in news hierarchies like news. and comp. The New users' newsgroup news.newusers.questions is a good case in point. Always assume world distribution. Hence the frequent question where to find the different distribution codes is somewhat moot. writes on this in is own FAQ (reprinted with permission): In theory the distributions work as intended, but in practice, due to lack of verification by posting agents, misconfigured news transport agents, wide-area sites which pick up all news regardless of distribution, and inadequate controls on the names of the distributions, they are relatively useless. --------------------------------------------------------------------