Subject: How does one create a new Usenet newsgroup?? 22. ***** Q: How does one create a new Usenet newsgroup? A: The creation of a Usenet newsgroup is quite a complicated process. Not technically, but administratively. The creation process is described in Usenet Netiquette, creating new newsgroups, etc advice Among other things it involves a request for discussion (RFD), a call for votes (CFV), a waiting period if the votes passes, the actual creation by the Usenet authorities. I was involved in the creation of the two comp.archives.msdos newsgroups even if the actual voting process was kindly taken care by another person. I can assure you that it is much hard work and it takes several months (yes, indeed) to go through the whole process. Hence it is not realistic to make suggestions of creating new newsgroups without careful consideration and groundwork. Carefully think is it really a newsgroup you wish to have. In many cases, especially if the need is local, you might instead wish to consider setting up a mailing list. A2: From Sethu Rathinam Reprinted with permission. If you want to create a Usenet newsgroup, you need to read at least the following documents - they are posted to news.answers and/or news.groups periodically. Read these groups often for at least 6 months before attempting to create a newsgroup. 1. How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup 2. So you want to Create an Alt Newsgroup 3. Usenet Newsgroup Creation Companion The above is a *minimum* requirement. Strong Advice: If you are in a hurry to create a newsgroup, you shouldn't be creating one. A3: A point by David DeLaney Before you do anything else, you check to make sure that there are no existing groups that already cover the area. --------------------------------------------------------------------