Subject: Typical responses to advice 32. ***** Q: Someone broke the netiquette. Should I email advice? A: When you have gained more experience on Usenet you may wish to help other users to find they way on the net. This requires diplomacy! Mistakes are not remedied by scolding the errant user. It just will get you enemies on the net. Learn to distinguish genuine, well-meaning ignorance from deliberate net abuse. Let's consider in this item the genuine mistakes. If you absolutely feel that you must write to the errant user, try to help by giving constructive advice. This is very important. If you are not constructive your advice will be wasted, or worse. Too many mistakes are made on the net in this respect. Be prepared for varying kinds of responses. Since I have myself managed to gain a reasonable amount of experience on the net on giving advice to fellow users, below are some of my observations. These are typically the kind of responses one tends to get when giving unsolicited emailed advice about matters like where one should put binary postings, what are the relevant newsgroup's topics and so on. 1: Cooperative. Quite common. The user understands the nature of the advice correctly, considers it useful, and that's normally the end of it. Or s/he may email me a brief (welcome) note acknowledging the information without further ado, sometimes complimenting on the fact that there was no "flame" involved. (My response in this case: It is a real pleasure to deal with users like you, and I look forward to meeting you again on the net.) 2: Apologetic. Perhaps the most usual reaction. This is not a necessary feeling since the information is genuinely meant to help the user to find his/her way on the newsgroups. There is no criticism involved in my sending the advice. (My response in this case: Please do not be discouraged by my note. We all make mistakes. Please go on and enjoy the net.) 3: Patronizing. Especially some experienced users feel embarrassed by their mistake, may agree, but wish save face by whatever rationalizations happen to become handy. A fairly common additional hallmark of this category is including suggestions that would cause an inordinate amount of extra work at my end. (My response in this case: We both seem know the true ropes. So just let's leave be without further parrying.) 4: Indignant. This reaction is fortunately not common. The user does not actually refute having misposted, but the user's ego is for some reason bruised from getting the unsolicited guidance. Consequently s/he throws some form of a tantrum. Typically the user also finds severe fault with the content of the advice. If the note is short, s/he'll complain that it is too curt, if the note is extensive, s/he'll complain that a couple of rows would have been enough. There is no satisfying a user in this frame of mind. (My response in this case: Please first try to properly calm down. Then reread the information which I sent you from a more detached and receptive perspective.) 5: Abusive. Fortunately this has happened very, very rarely. The user calls me names, tells me to f**k off, tells me to mind my own g*d d**n f**king business, and that he damn well posts whatever, wherever, and whenever he pleases. He also confuses my giving the information with trying to "police" the net. (My response in this rare case: I am afraid you seem to be beyond redemption, a forgery, or under the influence. Please try learn the some elementary manners if you intend to frequent the net.) 6: Imperial. The user wants all things handed to him/her on a silver platter. Goes something like in this spirit. "How dare you send me a prerecorded message. I do not have the time to read through long FAQ material (FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions). I want a good, brief and customized answer to my question and to my question only." (My response in this case: Sorry. While I try to help I am not everyone's obedient servant. If you wish to have commercial quality personal service, please turn to commercial providers.) --------------------------------------------------------------------