Subject: Chain letters 30. ***** Q: How should I react to chain letters? A: One of the most frequent net abuses is posting make money fast chain letter schemes. Not only are they against the netiquette, but they are outright illegal in many countries. For example for the U.S. see 3404 Jul 22 1995 chain.txt About chain letters, from the U.S. postmaster general These scams come in many variations on the net. If you are a newcomer to the Usenet news, don't do anything about it. In particular do not become another offender by continuing the chain. Many system administrators are quite fed up with this form of abuse. They often will cancel the culprit's computer account without further ado. If you are an experienced user, you may want to notify the relevant postmaster. If you do, please bear in mind a few obvious things. 1) Copy the full headers of the posting for her/him. The scam postings often are forgeries just to annoy the net. The full headers make it a bit easier to try asses this. 2) Delete most of the body of the scam, since it serves no informative purpose. 3) Be polite and to the point. The following newsgroups have more information on errant behavior on the Usenet Information regarding network resource abuse (moderated) Network facility abuse, including spamming. --------------------------------------------------------------------