Subject: Where did my Usenet posting disappear? 28. ***** Q: I just made a posting to the Usenet news but it is not there! A: This is a fairly common complaint, but most often it is unfounded. You see, most, if not all newsreader programs no longer show a posting once it has been read. Else you would see the same posting over and over again, but it does not mean that the posting has been deleted, i.e. expired. You just have to force your way back to postings that already have been read. How to do that depends on your newsreader program. See your newsreader's help for more. For example in rn and trn the key to press to go backwards to any posting is P. When you have made a posting to the news, for some reason it can become read under some newsreaders, even if it shouldn't. Thus it might appear that your posting did not make it even if it did. Force the newsreader to go back / forward to read messages to see your posting if your configuration has these kinds of problems. Another dilemma is that depending on your local arrangements the newsposting may take a (short) while before your newsserver makes it accessible. Some newsgroups are moderated newsgroups. If you post to a moderated newsgroup, instead of making it appear right away, your newsreader program will email your posting to the newsgroups moderates who eventually posts it to the newsgroup (or rejects it). There is one pitfall with submitting a moderated posting. If you cross-post to a moderated newsgroup and non-moderated newsgroups, your posting will not appear in the non-moderated newsgroup, but will be emailed to the moderator. Whether he/she heeds to your cross-posting definition is up to him/her. The blanket advice is not to use cross-posting at all when submitting a posting to a moderated newsgroup. --------------------------------------------------------------------