Subject: 2. ***** Q: What does "Subject: Re: none" mean in the news? A: It means that someone has posted a message without a subject header. This is an irrational thing to do. On top of that net rules (the netiquette) don't exactly love it, consider the way in which many readers (I included) read the news. Because of the deluge of postings, readers first scan the subjects only (e.g. in rn use =) to decide if anything is worth a closer look. The most likely result is that postings with no subjects, or uninformative subjects (such as "Help", "Help urgently needed", "Information requested", "A question", "Read this", and so on) get summarily bypassed. Conclusion: If you post, use informative subject headers. That way your posting has a much better chance of being noticed by the potentially interested parties. It works to your own advantage. A2: What was said in the above also goes for email messages. Especially if you receive much email (like I do) you will soon notice how much easier it is to keep things organized if the email messages have descriptive subject headers. Often even any subject header is better than none. To give one example. Even if I am very pleased to get email stating "thank you for your help" I am usually left quite baffled. Getting and sending so much email myself I often have no idea what I am being thanked for. Putting in some kind of a reference (whether the email concerns thanks or some other situation) helps the receiver to place your email correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------