Subject: My replying habits 19. ***** Q: Why do you sometimes answer so tersely? Why do you not post the full answer instead of your stupid FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) referrals? Why don't you use email instead of postings? A1: When one answers as many questions as I have done on the net, both on the Usenet news and by email, one sometimes omits the coating, and concentrates on the essential, for better or worse. This may convey an unintended impression of unfriendliness, which most certainly is not my purpose nor my attitude. A related matter is that I have often posted or emailed a pointer to the answer by referring to my Frequently Asked Questions and other collections or programs, rather than the actual, full answer. There are several reasons for this conduct, which some users don't quite like. First, I feel that it is better to help people to learn how to find the answers, than simply feed them. (I'm supposed to be a professor underneath, am I not? :-). In the long run such know-how is much more beneficial for the users. (Recall the proverb about teaching a man to fish instead of giving him a fish). Also this method has a curbing effect of the same repeated questions ballooning and filling a newsgroup. Second, the pointed information is often much better and more accurate what one can provide on the fly. It is much more easy and thus more efficient to give a pointer rather than to try to remember, for example, the exact name and/or location of a utility that a user asks for. Third, although being very busy most of the time, I can usually afford the few moments it takes to write a pointer, but I simply cannot repeatedly afford the time to look for the same full answer, and then write it. It's hopefully better to give some information than none at all. Ask yourself which is better. A pointer or no answer. Of course, there must be a sensible balance between pointers to answers and giving the full answers. Fourth, I get by email many such questions or requests which, while still welcome, are not fair in the sense that answering them would take an inordinate amount of effort from my part. A few examples of such requests. A typical one is that I should manually uuencode some package and email it to the user. My standard response is to send the prerecorded Garbo instructions (/pc/link/pd2ans.txt which also is included in /pc/ts/tsfaqn*.zip). Believe it or not, some users see it fit to complain about getting the full prerecorded Garbo instructions from me as a reply to their emailed Garbo related standard questions. They seem to think that I should devote my time to an individualized service carefully editing for them exactly the information they need. Another excessive one is asking me to see on the requester's behalf what a package's documentation says, or to test and then describe a particular package for him/her individually so that the requester would not have to take the trouble of downloading it to see for him/herself. There are also many other similar instances where I must refer the emailer to post the questions to the Usenet news, to refer him/her to other general sources of information, or refer him/her to a person to whose domain the question belongs. I am sometimes surprised (and why not flattered) of the kind of knowledge the users imagine I have. You really wouldn't believe some of the requests I get, starting from asking me to send information about hotels in Finland to foreign students' enrollment pleas, and even about matters I have never even heard of in my life like locating some obscure German health products. Fifth, don't let my FAQ referrals deter you from posting your own answers. They are definitely not meant to discourage anyone else posting one's own answers. As an aside it is interesting to note that more than once I have encountered posters who recriminate giving the FAQ reference and pointedly show off with how to answer the question in full. They might do it a few times, but after a while they tend to quit answering at all. So much for their initial bravado. Sixth, some users are upset about my posting my answers instead of emailing them. The drift from the above should be clear. I can't repeatedly afford the luxury of giving individual guidance. If I have a pointer I post it at one go, since from experience we know that the same subjects keep repeating, and the overall effect can still be the hankered reduction of traffic! Of course there is a problem to the pointer or FAQ method which I often use as an answer to questions posed on the Usenet news. Someone else may have a much better answer than I do. If s/he doesn't post it because of the pointer I've made to the FAQ, good answers are foregone by the users. For some more on this subject please see the following items in "Reducing comp.lang.pascal traffic" "Re: A kill file example" "Advantages and disadvantages of FAQ referrals" "Re: what is bandwidth?" and ftp:/ "Re: "Wasted" Bandwidth" If someone's legitimate postings are bothering you, also see rn KILL file FAQ from Leanne Phillips A2: I try to help when I can, but with the amount of email I get one has to be realistic. Therefore, I very often have to respond to users with prerecorded messages, FAQ referrals and/or refer their questions to the Usenet news. Please do not be put off if and when I have to give you this kind of a response. --------------------------------------------------------------------