Subject: Where are the net rules available 15. ***** Q: Where can I find the net rules (the "netiquette")? A: The newsgroup news.announce.newusers has a set of useful periodic postings of net advice and rules. Sometimes one feels that reading these periodic postings would not hurt the old hands either. I heartily suggest taking a look. I have stored some of this information as It includes, among other things, the often requested information about how to go about creating a new newsgroup (as explained in another item of this FAQ). Another newsgroup of interest in this connection is news.answers. A2: From: (Ellen Keyne Seebacher) [Reproduced and edited with Ellen's kind permission] Newsgroups: news.newusers.questions Subject: Re: Looking for "netiquette" document Date: 9 Jan 91 23:00:53 GMT Organization: University of Chicago : >I'm looking for a copy of the document entitled "netiquette". : There is none by that exact title (though one contains the word). There _is_ a _series_ of articles referred to loosely as "netiquette" (net etiquette, of course); their individual titles are as follows: Introduction to news.announce List of Active Newsgroups Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies Regional Newsgroup Hierarchies List of Moderators Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists List of Periodic Informational Postings How to Get Information about Networks Rules for posting to Usenet How to Create a New Newsgroup How to Create a New Trial Newsgroup A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette Hints on writing style for Usenet Answers to Frequently Asked Questions USENET Software: History and Sources --------------------------------------------------------------------