Subject: FAQNEWS1.TXT contents Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Timo Salmi All rights reserved FAQNEWS1.TXT Frequently (and not so frequently) asked questions relating to Usenet news with answers. Part 1/2. The items are in no particular order. You are free to quote brief passages from this file provided you clearly indicate the source with a proper acknowledgment. Comments and corrections are solicited. However, if you wish to ask for individual consultation, please do not email your question to me. Instead post your questions to a suitable Usenet newsgroup like news:news.newusers.questions. It is much more efficient than asking me by email. I'd like to help, but because of my many activities I am very pressed for time. I prefer to pick the questions I answer on the Usenet news. Thus I can answer publicly at one go if I happen to have an answer. Besides, the newsgroups have a number of other readers who might know a better or an alternative answer. Don't be discouraged, though, if you get a reply like this from me. I am always glad to hear from fellow Usenet news readers. .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Using a suitable right margin in the news and email. 2) What does "Subject: Re: none" mean in the news? 3) Why "Reply by email, I don't read this group" gets flamed? 4) What is an appropriate maximum length of a signature? 5) Is there a list of ftp sites (for certain kind of programs)? 6) How do I extract from binary postings? 7) Should I offer to email this utility I have at my disposal? 8) Someone email me a .zip extractor (or something equally common) 9) How should I react to "a dying boy's last wish"? 10) How should I react to crackpot messages? 11) How should I react to abusive email or postings? 12) How do I submit my PC program to the binaries? 13) May I just go ahead and post binaries to discussion newsgroups? 14) What is cross-posting? How do I do it? 15) Where can I find the net rules (the "netiquette")? 16) I just posted to a wrong newsgroup. Should I explain it next? 17) Where to put test postings? 18) What is archie? 19) Why do you answer so tersely? It sometimes seems rude. --------------------------------------------------------------------