Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: (Greg Wilson) Subject: Re: Boeing Book X-Submission-Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1992 23:08:39 GMT References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Organization: Rational Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: Date: 04 Dec 92 22:30:35 PST (System Support) writes: >Maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to get hold of a new book about >Boeing entitled something like "The Boeing Story". Does anyone have >any ideas about such a book, author? Any help would be much >appreciated. Does Boeing (Seattle) have an email address? >Thanking You in appreciation, >Michael Interestingly, I happen to be just about finished reading "Vision: The Story of Boeing," by Harold Mansfield. This is an older book (1966) that I picked up in a used bookstore. Published by Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, New York. Haven't read "Legend and Legacy" yet - but it looks like I will have to! > >-- Greg Wilson