Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: yarvin@CS.YALE.EDU (Norman Yarvin) Subject: Re: GE aerospace X-Submission-Date: 2 Dec 1992 17:24:15 -0500 References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Organization: Yale Computer Science Department Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: <1fjd2fINN46n@CATHY.NA.CS.YALE.EDU> Date: 03 Dec 92 00:40:09 PST (Derek H Cedillo) writes: >I hate to see GE lose a part of itself, but it was a wise move. A relative of mine works in a satellite manufacturing plant in New Jersey which is part of the deal. (He refers to that plant, and I don't know how much else, as "Astro".) It was bought by GE from RCA two or three years ago. He says that when GE took charge, they made many changes for the worse. For instance they brought in a computerized procurement system which was inappropriate for the satellite business -- it would have been better suited to a light bulb factory. Since Martin Marietta has much more interest in satellites than GE did, he has hopes that the new transition will not be as bad. -- Norman Yarvin