Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: (Ahmed Shabana) Subject: Re: Boeing 747-300 X-Submission-Date: 2 Dec 92 18:35:23 GMT References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: Date: 03 Dec 92 00:40:06 PST (Terrell D. Drinkard) writes: >In article (Karl Swartz) writes: >>In article (Terrell D. Drinkard) writes: >>>In article (Jerry And >> >>>>I've heard Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas and Airbus all have plans >>>>in the works for Really Big Planes in the 600-700 passenger, >>>>7500-8000 mile range. >> >>>The Boeing and the Airbus offerings in this market seem to both hover >>>around 600 seats and 7,000 mile range. Takeoff weights in the million >>>pound plus range. The anticipated market, as described by John Hayhurst, >>>Director of New Large Airplane Division, is only a couple hundred airplanes >>>TOTAL. From my knothole, it looks like a prestige fight. >> >>That's an *awful* lot of cash to dump down a hole simply for bragging >>rights. Terry ( writes: >It isn't just bragging rights. Prestige has a market value. There are >several airlines who are not out to make a profit. The national airlines >of some oil rich countries for example, are not expected to make buck, >rather to 'carry the flag'. Thai, as another example bought 747s some >years ago largely because of prestige. Therefore, you have some airlines >who fly the airplane in the world to make a >political statement. While I agree with you that some airlines buy planes for prestige ( I think the cake goes to Iran Air during the Shah days when they had several Concordes on order), Thai is a world class airline that is profit oriented. They have a very close relationship with KLM and are one of the most successfull airlines in the fast growing Asian market. Moreover they have at least 9 747's in their fleet ( 6 -200, 3 -400) and an order for 5 more -400. Such commitement to an aircraft type stems from simple economics and not prestige. Ahmed -- _____________________________________________________________________ Ahmed A. Shabana |" Bill, now you can get rid of THAT watch" Anderson Graduate School of Mgmt.| Omega watches commercial aired on U.C.L.A. | Election day referring to Clinton's Timex