Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: (Michael T. Palmer) Subject: Re: GE aerospace X-Submission-Date: 1 Dec 92 15:24:29 GMT References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Organization: NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA USA Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: Date: 01 Dec 92 13:54:52 PST (David Benedict Ducharme) writes: >I was in an argument the other day that I hope that can be cleared up here >was GE aerospace sold straightout, or was it merged with MM. >sold straightout meaning that they no longer have any say in those dealing >anymore. My understanding is that it was a merger, not an outright sale, based on a letter yesterday from a friend who works for "Generous Electric Aerospace." Additionally, I believe the FTC has not yet approved the transaction, although I may have missed the announcement. Anyone with first-hand knowledge is encouraged to correct me if I'm wrong. -- Michael T. Palmer, M/S 152, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681 Voice: 804-864-2044, FAX: 804-864-7793, Email: PGP 2.0 Public Key now available -- Consider it an envelope for your e-mail