Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: Christopher Davis Subject: Re: Boeing Book X-Submission-Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 06:17:08 -0500 References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: <> Date: 01 Dec 92 13:54:48 PST ckd> == Christopher Davis > Michael> == System Support Michael> Maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to get hold of a new Michael> book about Boeing entitled something like "The Boeing Story". Michael> Does anyone have any ideas about such a book, author? Any help Michael> would be much appreciated. ckd> This might be the Robert Serling _Legend & Legacy_, which I hope ckd> to find the time to do a book review on, eventually. *Very* good ckd> book. (I don't have an ISBN handy, the book's at home.) Okay, I'm at home now...information follows in (hopefully) refer format: %A Robert J. Serling %T Legend & Legacy: The Story of Boeing and Its People %P 480 %I St. Martin's Press %C New York %D 1992 %O ISBN 0-312-05890-X %Y US$24.95 (hc) There is a photo section in the center, including some interesting "747-300" shots (a trimotor design in the same class as the L-1011/DC-10, which obviously never saw production), the 2707 SST mockup, the Boeing hydrofoil (one of which I once rode on between Victoria BC and Seattle as the _Flying Princess_), and some others. It does not include the Boeing light rail vehicle (streetcar) that Boston and San Francisco wound up with. (Interesting note: I have had the [probably extremely rare] experience of having been a passenger in Boeing vehicles below ground, at ground level, at (and slightly above) sea level on water, and of course the traditional jet cruising altitudes. Now if I could have only managed a trip to the Moon; both the Saturn first stage and the Lunar Rover...)