Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: Christopher Davis Subject: MD-11 milestone dates X-Submission-Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1992 15:34:58 -0500 References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: <> Date: 01 Dec 92 00:13:26 PST KS> == Karl Swartz KS> Having received several other submissions mentioning earlier service KS> dates I decided to look up the real dates for the MD-11 and hopefully KS> nail the lid on the debate once and for all. KS> date LN reg'n note KS> ---- -- ----- ---- KS> Dec 21 1990 453 N891DL delivery of Delta's first two MD-11s, leased KS> 454 N892DL from Mitsui (GE engines; Delta's own are PW) Interesting note on these two; I was on a DL flight from CVG-BOS last night (Thanksgiving travel :) and was looking in the seat pocket (trying to find a DL postcard I didn't already have, actually) and noted their "supplemental" emergency information card, which covers the aisle lighting (red lights at exits, white elsewhere) now standard. The card listed all of DL's jet types, with an interesting note next to MD-11: "(except ships 891 and 892)". After looking in JP, we realized that these were the "odd couple" and that explained it. (Unrelated notes: 757 BOS-CVG, 727 CVG-CLE, 727 CLE-CVG, 757 CVG-BOS, and the outdoor viewing deck at CLE was closed (sigh) but at least the glassed-in area was open...)