Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: (Robert Dorsett) Subject: The DC-10 Case Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Original-Message-Id: <> Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Date: Sat, 21 Nov 92 00:11:55 CST Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics, From: (Robert Dorsett) Subject: The DC-10 Case (non-review) Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1992 06:16:16 GMT Ran across this. It looks like a nice little anthology, covering many aspects of the DC-10. Probably worth it for the NTSB reports alone ($20 each from NTIS). I haven't read the more "thematic" articles, though, and no endorsement is meant or implied. -------------------- Title: The DC-10 Case Subtitle: A study in applied ethics, technology, and society. Editors: John H. Fielder and Douglas Birsch Publisher: State University of New York Press Date: 1992 Pages: 346 ISBN: 0-7914-1087-0 (hardcover) 0-7914-1088-9 (paper) Illustrated. CONTENTS: Preface Introduction Ethical Analysis of Case Studies/John H. Fielder HISTORY AND EARLY WARNINGS 1. Regulatory and Institutional Framework 2. High Risks, Sinking Fortunes/John Newhouse 3. Floors, Doors, Latches and Locks/John Fielder 4. The 1970 Ground Testing Incident/Paul Eddy, Elaine Potter, Bruce Page 5. National Transportation Safety Board Report on the Windsor Incident 6. The Applegate Memorandum/Paul Eddy, Elaine Potter, Bruce Page 7. Fat, Dumb and Happy: The Failure of the FAA/Paul Eddy, Elaine Potter, Bruce Page 8. Compliance with Service Bulletin SB 52-37 9. Conclusions of the US Senate Oversight Hearings and Investigation of the DC-10 Aircraft THE 1974 PARIS CRASH 10. French Government Report on the 1974 Paris Crash 11. Engineers Who Kill: Professional Ethics and the Paramountcy of Public Safety/Kenneth Kipnis 12. Whistleblowing, Ethical Obligation, and the DC-10/Douglas Birsch 13. What is Hamlet to McDonnel Douglas or McDonnell Douglas to Hamlet?: DC-10/Peter French Commentary/Homer Stewell 14. Statement of John C. Brizendine, President, Douglas Aircraft Company, McDonnell Douglas Corporation THE 1979 CHICAGO CRASH 15. National Transportation Safety Board Report on the 1979 Chicago Crash 16. The DC-10: A Special Report/McDonnell Douglas 17. Two Models of Professional Responsibility/Martin Curd and Larry May THE 1989 SIOUX CITY CRASH 18. National Transportation Safety Board Report on the 1989 Sioux City Crash 19. The 1989 Sioux City Crash/John Fielder 20. Statement of Ralph Nader 21. Aviation Safety: Management Improvement Needed in FAA's Airworthiness Directive Program 22. The FAA, the Carriers, and Safety/Charles Perrow 23. International Airline Passengers Association Critique of the DC-10 24. Moral Responsibility for Engineers/Kenneth D. Alpern Commentary/Andrew Oldenquist Commentary/Samuel C. Florman Select Bibliography IEEE Code of Ethics Index Back Cover: "Designed as a textbook for courses in ethics, this book privdes the material needed to understand the accidents in which more than 700 people were killed-- accidents that many believe were the result of unethical actions and inactions by individuals, organizations, and government agencies. An introduction to ethical analysis and discussions of the ethical responsibilities involved are also provided. The case study offers material for a sustained inquiry into every level of ethical responsiblity reflecting the rich complexity of actual events. "_The DC-10 Case_ presents these issues through a collection of original and published articles, excerpts from official accident reports, congressional hearings, and other writings on the DC-10. The authors allow the readers to examine the ethical issues of airline safety as they actually occur, taking account of the circumstances in which they arise. "John H. Fielder is is Professor and Douglas Birsch is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University." --- Robert Dorsett!!rdd