Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: EGEISELMAN@FALCON.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL Subject: VR COCKPIT QUESTION 12/16-3 X-Submission-Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1992 16:11 EDT Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Followup-To: poster Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Date: 28 Dec 92 22:47:45 PST I have an exercise that I would like to propose to the net. This exercise is intended to demonstrate that the collective creativity and expertise of net participants can be harnessed via a specific methodology. I think the net should be exploited as a population of subject matter experts and a source of user input from which the extracted information may be applied to solving real design problems. Through an iterative process of concept refinement, using the collective knowledge base of the net, it may be possible that otherwise undiscovered design questions, problems, concepts, capabilities, and etc be revealed. I am going to take a look at this idea by doing the following: I will post a purposely vague design question to the participants of the net. Do with the information what you will. For those of you who choose to participate in the exercise, e-mail your individual responses to me. Please use the date of the post you are responding to in the subject field of the message. Also, be sure to include the date of the post you are responding to in the body of the mail message. Feel free to submit questions to the net for clarification and discussion but I will not extract information directly from the net. If you need a definition or have a question, ask the net first. About four weeks after the original post I will submit an edited compilation of the net response. This post will hopefully act to spark more ideas, make clarifications, and identify problem areas. The refinement process will continue. The net may then respond to the new description in order to patch holes, make corrections, and propose changes. This iterative process will continue until responses die off and/or the concept is solidified. I will document this process and report the results (I will post the report). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample question: Let's say your are given a virtual reality system. Your system consists of a high resolution wide field-of-view full color head mounted display devise (display), an extremely accurate head tracking system (transducer), and a 60Hz graphics generator (image generator). Given this technology, how should it be applied to the flight deck of a commercial airliner? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Please indicate, in your e-mail responses, if you would like your name and/or affiliation to be excluded from any publication which may result from this exercise. Any information on personal background or experience you want to include may be of some use. All credit and acknowledgements will be made as appropriate. My thanks to all who participate. e-mail to: EGEISELMAN@FALCON.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL