Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: (Greg Wright) Subject: Re: Yet more on the El Al crash X-Submission-Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1992 20:15:58 GMT References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Organization: Boeing Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: Date: 16 Dec 92 04:19:47 PST In article (Robert Dorsett) writes: > >The manual describes a 747-200, with CF6-50E engines, which produce a >static thrust of ~52,000 lbs. The El Al airplane was powered with JT9D-7J's, >which produce ~50,000 lbs of thrust). So it's not entirely applicable to >the El Al crash, and I emphasize that the following is simply a "what-if," There is also a difference in engine mountings, fairings, and low speed behavior. You could find a significant change in CLmax because of these things. > >--- >Robert Dorsett > >!!rdd -- ________Greg Wright____________ "I struggle to be brief | | and become obscure." | | |____uunet!bcstec!gregory_______| NOT A BOEING SPOKESPERSON.