Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: bentson@CS.ColoState.EDU (Randolph Bentson) Subject: Re: TV programme on 777 References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Organization: Colorado State University, Computer Science Department X-Original-Message-ID: Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1992 16:30:31 GMT In article (Martin Lomas) writes: >... >Fly by wire briefly explained. >... >Any other critics out there? > > >Martin. > -NOT FROM THE SHOW- Boeing is _very_ reluctant to use fly-by-wire. Management trusts computer solutions no more than members of this forum. I got the impression that this system has a pilot override as part of it's basic design. (A sort of "do what I say, not what you think I want" mode.) One interesting feature is the networking of non-flight related computers. Planes will have an internet that will also link link to ground stations, satellites, and other planes. They will have the ability to do significant book-work while in the air. Flight crews will be able to order maintenance and consumables, weather and traffic information can be exchanged, etc. It's likely there will be a network for passangers-- a big step forward from airphone. Boeing recently moved a great number of folks (on the order of 5000) that were scattered south of Seattle to a new facility in Everett, Washington (about 50 miles north). They did it on the week-end so as not to disrupt anybody's work. They figure this will enhance communication among folks working. -- Randolph Bentson Colorado State University bentson@CS.ColoState.Edu Computer Science Department 303/491-5792 Ft. Collins, CO 80523