Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: barr@ash.mmm.ucar.EDU (Keith Barr) Subject: Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s?? X-Submission-Date: Wed, 9 Dec 92 8:39:46 MST References: Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Submission-Message-Id: <> Date: 10 Dec 92 00:52:10 PST (Gregory R. Travis) writes: > BTW, just to be pedantic: The wings do not each contribute exactly > 50% of the total lift. Remember that that fuselage itself contributes > a SUBSTANTIAL amount of lift at cruise as do the horizontal stabilizer > surfaces (in certain flight regimes!). What flight regimes might those be? Unstable flight, as in the F-16? Actually, in most aircraft the horizontal stabilizer is downlifting, so the wings have to create more lift, and the body contributes to the pitching moment, but contributes very little lift (unless we are talking about the B-2). For the horizontal stabilizer to lift up, the CG would have to behind the Center of lift, which is not usually allowed. I would bet a dollar that the DC-10 has a down lifting tail, although I don't know for sure. If you want references for either of these points, I recommend that you look at Etkin's book on stability (an engineering text I used in my aircraft design class that would explain in painful detail why you need the CG in front of the Center of Lift), and you might check out K.D. Wood's text on aircraft design for discussions about pitching moment and lift created by the fuselage. (is it just me, or is this thread becoming less and less appropriate for this newsgroup?) _____________________________ _____ | Keith Barr \ \ K \__ _____ | \___________\ \/_______\___\_____________ | Comm/AS&MEL/Inst/IGI / < /_/ ..................... `-. |_____________________________/ `-----------,----,--------------' When you think how well basic appliances work, it's _/____/ hard to believe anyone ever gets on an airplane.--Calvin