Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics.airliners Path: news From: Karl Swartz Subject: Welcome to sci.aeronautics.airliners! Message-ID: Approved: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM X-Original-Message-Id: Sender: kls@ohare.Chicago.COM Date: Fri, 13 Nov 92 22:45:11 PST Welcome to sci.aeronautics.airliners! This is a moderated newsgroup for the discussion of airliners. More precisely, the charter, taken from the CFV, is as follows: A moderated discussion group on airliner technology: the design, construction, performance, human factors, operation, and histories of transport-category airplanes. MODERATION POLICY ---------- ------ The moderation policy will in general be to post most articles as they are submitted, rejecting articles only if they are redundant or mostly content-free (a flood of random conjecture after a crash, for example) or inappropriate to the charter of the group. I expect to process new submissions at least once per day, except occasional weekends and major holidays. If I anticipate longer delays I'll send a note to the group and, when appropriate, arrange a backup moderator. SUBMISSIONS ----------- Submissions for the newsgroup should be sent to If your newsreader properly supports posting to moderated newsgroups (and your mailpaths file is correctly configured) you may prefer to post articles -- this should have the same effect as sending mail to the above address, with the added benefit of preserving some of the reference information for those using threaded newsreaders. Administrative questions pertaining to the group should be sent to ARCHIVES -------- Several archives will be maintained and made available for anonymous ftp. Further details will be posted within the next few weeks. MAILING LIST ------- ---- A mailing list form of the group is also being considered for people lacking access to Usenet. As with the archives, details will be posted when they are available. CREDITS ------- Many thanks are due to Robert Dorsett, who organized and ran the vote and without whose perseverence this group would probably still be a topic for idle dinner e-mail. Thanks, too, to the 168 people who voted fror the group. (I'll refrain from any Bronx cheer to the 26 naysayers -- at least they voted!) And thanks in advance to all of you eager contributors -- I'm eagerly awaiting the first article! -- Karl Swartz |INet 1-415/854-3409 |UUCP uunet!decwrl!ditka!kls QUAYLE IS A BOZOE |Snail 2144 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park CA 94025, USA "I never vote for anyone. I always vote against." (W. C. Fields)