Insomnia isn't anything to lose sleep over   OH NO, a worm in my Hard-drive!  'Cause Waffles jus' pancakes w/ little squares on 'em  <--that's an S-Hole * BLANK * ! - For a REAL sponge cake, BORROW all the ingredients !! (G)arbage (I)n, (G)arbage (O)ut !! !Who! wal!ked acc!ross this ta!glin!e wit!h muddy fee!t!! !enif tsuj si gnihtyrevE !enilgaT sdrawkcaB elttiL ylliS a si sihT !sdrawkcab nettirw si enilgat sihT " A RUT IS AN OPEN-ENDED GRAVE. FILL IT WITH SOMEONE" " Naah.... That was an owl" G. Custer "... and I can't get up!" Tom wept impotently. "... as he gave the computer screen a cursory glance." "... boldly go where no modem has gone before..." "...but he MADE me do it..." "...give me a second..I'm thinking! snif? Whats burning?" "A Robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage." "A fool cannot peel an onion" -- Old Arabic Proverb "A friend in power is a friend lost," -Henry Adams "A man is known by the silence he keeps" -- Herbert "ACH-TONGUE", said the german cook. "Acute taglinitus?" Doc, is it terminal? "Ain't" ain't a word! "Any excuse will serve a tyrant," -Aesop "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton. "Be wery, wery quiet. I'm wabbit hunting." "Beans are the musical fruit" Tom said astutely. "Books rule the world," -Voltaire "Build a watch in 179 easy steps" by C. Forsberg. "Call it a hunch." -- Quasimodo "Clean up your room!" -- Mother Nature "Computer's Anonymous" - It's a sickness not a crime! "Criminal Lawyer" is redundant. "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline." - Dr. McCoy "Don't worry, I'm fluent in weirdo" "Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa" ...News at 11 "Eat more fruit" said Tom, with aplomb. "Facts are stubborn things." - T. Smollett "First shalt thou pull out the Holy Pin" "For example..." is not proof! "For only Zeus is free," -Aeschylus "Frankly my dear, I don't give a download!" -Rhett Sysop "Fuzzy Logic": a Vulcan contemplating a tribble. "Great. First the white man, now aliens." "Gruesome, isn't it?" - B. Bunny. "HOER" -- one who uses a hoe ... "Harmony Grits" -- Breakfast for Savannah Symphony "Harry... keep the change." "Hello, World!" 17 Errors, 31 Warnings.... "Help, help! I'm being repressed!" "Hex Dump" - Where Witches put used curses. "Hi-yo Silver", the dentist said "High marks, well earned" agreed Tom appraisingly. "Hold a good friend with BOTH hands!" - Nigerian Proverb. "I am completely operational and all my ciruits are funct "I flew abominably" crowed Tom after the air raid. "I let my mind wander and it didn't come back." "I like a man who grins when he fights." - W. Churchill - "I lost everything," [Norris] said. "I wish I'd stolen that tagline." "You will, you will !" "I'll have to change your grade" Tom's teacher remarked. "I'm Beverly." "I'm Geordi." "We are Hugh." "I'm sorry I'm so tardy," Tom said belatedly. "I've risen and I can't get down!" - Jesus at a disco "If I took a notion, I could swim across the ocean" "If it works - don't fix it"! "If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster..." "It appears to be a tagline of unknown origin." - Spock "It is clearly a bunny rabbit!" - Data "It is... hm... It is... It is green." - Data "It's a dessert topping AND a floor wax!" "Just a little off the top!" - A. Boleyn "Life is a zoo in a jungle" - de Vries. "Log in, log on, and drop carrier." T. Leary, 1991 "Meow, meow" Tom chanted catatonically. "Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition" -- Intel. "Mulch that bed again", Tom barked repeatedly. "My arm!", said Captain Hook offhandedly. "Never dip into capital" ... Financial Advice "No, sorry. The correct answer is 'Pork'." "Ok, now for a quick backu&%#^1s" "Open the pod door please, Hal" "Paper will put up with anything written on it" "Picard Hood # Captain of Teas" "Politically Correct", the perfect oxymoron. "Practical politics consits in ignoring facts," -H. Adams "Press any key to continue"? But I cant find the ANY key! "Release pixie-dust, Mr. O'Brien." "Seems to me the important stuff happens in the dark." "She's so fat that when she sings, it's over." "So I awoke, and behold it was a dream" -- Bunyan "Stay in your car!!" -- Rodney King, Reginald Denny (ILC) "Supposingly" is NOT a word! "The name's Vonnegut," he said Kurtly. "The oily bird gets the worm" ... Exxon slogan "Too much sax and violins on TV" --Musicians' complaint "Toto, I don't think we're in DOS anymore..." "Tourist Season" : When it's OK to shoot them. "Turn Your Head and Cough" - Norman Rockwell. "Vox populi, vox humbug" -- Sherman "We're all out of isinglass" said Tom amicably. "We're going to make you IBM compatible HAL..." "We're off to Scotland" said Tom clandestinely. "Weed it and Reap" -- American Vegetable Assoc. motto "Well... it's GREEN..." > - Scotty "What do you think this is?........Anyway? "Who steals my tagline steals trash" -WS "Whom are you?" he asked. (He had went to night school) "Yeah, but she was only a little bit pregnant!" "You can observe a lot by watching" Y. Berra "You know what, Mary? You've got spunk. I HATE spunk!" "You summoned me, Captain?" asked Earl Grey, hotly. ################# CENSORED ################# ######T#H#E#F#T##R#E#S#I#S#T#A#N#T##T#A#G#L#IN#E#!###### ##*#####*##+SQm#T*##g is eating my taglines. #???? -- I sent the check. Excuse me Canada, cheque. #include #include $$ MONEY TALKS! MINE SAYS, "BYE, BYE!" $$ 'Cause It's A Mystery! 'DINNER'S READY!' Ok I'll be right there....... 'Exit, pursued by a bear.' 'Nice approach. Now let's see your departure. 'Only TWITS use all capital letters !!' 'Think education is expensive? Try ignorance! 'Tis always morning somewhere in the world. 'Tis only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. 'til you come back to me, that's what I'm gonna do... (( This tagline is a pale reflection of itself )) ((((((((HYPNOTIC))))))))((((((TAGLINE)))))))) (-: ;-) (-: :-) (-: :-) = ROTFL... (A)Abort (R)Retry (S)Smack the friggin thing (A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer (A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)esign (A)bort, (R)etry or Auto-(D)estruct? (A)bort, (R)etry, (Fail), (V)alium (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)orry I Asked! (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened . . . (Crime) - (Punishment) = Criminal Justice (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza * <-Tribble <-Tribble after a close shave * Canada Remote Systems, Toronto, 416-629-7000 * I * didn't do it, the * computer * did it! *** TAGLINE BAN IN EFFECT IN THIS CONFERENCE *** ************ #eta testers are CRAZY! ************ ***A real man takes care of his children*** **FLASH** Energizer bunny arrested; charged with battery. **Just a minute, Dear - almost done** **WARNING** DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF LAW! *I* didn't do it, the *computer* did it! *NOW* is a point in time that is already gone. *Neat* people never make exciting discoveries *REAL* Gun control is a tight pattern.. (::) * *-<(:-{> *癙 ¿ÿ $x $ r $gÿ.... - A Smith & Wesson beats 4 aces! - - Don't like my driving? Stay off the sidewalk! - - My keyboard keeps changing what I type. - - Who WANTS to skin a cat more than 1 way? - ---- * My senior year - The best 5 years of my life. ---- Who do you call to exorcise software ?? ---- ---- This is the mother of all taglines -------- The information went data way --------> ------------ Detach below this line ------------- ------> Engage......... ------> Tagline on the other side of the screen. --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E-- -=(I'm insanely creative!)=- . . . ASCII to ASCII, DOS to DOS . . . . . . But Violet Gives Willingly! . . . like a scurvy politician . . . --Shakespeare .!. Ooops! there it is again...Hummmmm! .. No, nurse! Dammit! I said to prick his boil! ... Our Father UART in heaven ... ... What's up? New planets to conquer! ... a partially submerged tagline measuring 2,0 meters... ... and they're still looking! ;> ...........enilgaT oediV esreveR............. ....and Jupiter's in line with Mars........ ...2 HOURS to bury a cat?? Well it wasn't dead! ...3 dreaded words: hard disk failure ...Ask me about my oath of silence... ...But I DID read the manual... ...Every morning is the dawn of a new error... ...Expectant Mother's Picnic Sat.: BYOB/GYN... ...I'm too sexy for my tagline... ...and a time to every purpose under heaven.... ...and all the children are above average ...and the Goths are winning ...but have you tried PRUNES? ...but he MADE me do it... ...feel free to interrupt me, at any time... ...going where no clusters have gone before! ...laiceps er'uoy siht daer nac uoy fI gently with a chainsaw, Heather! good Fathers can be great Dads, too! ..and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon /^\/^\/^\__/^\/^\/^\ Camel in a valley, walking north. 1 + 1 = 3; for large values of 1 1 each miscellaneous tagline. Read if you must. 1 minute of shut mouth is worth 1 hour of explanation. 1 person's sin is a 2nd's pleasure & a 3rd's duty 11th Line -- Time for a TagLine 1500 YEARS IS ENOUGH. COME FROM THE SHADOWS. 186,000 miles/sec:Not just a good idea,its law. 1st see that you are all right, then defeat an opponent. 1st things 1st...nothing can be easier than that! 2 weeks ago I couldn't spel pgmr, now I are one. 2(C) or !2(C) 2+2=3.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 2+2=4 (for the time being). 20,000 leaks under the sea? How'd they fix them? 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, Hmmm..... 2400 Baud Callers Need Love Too! 3 blondes in a convertible: Farfromthinkin 3 dreaded words: hard disk failure 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716 and so on IN YOUR FACE! 300 Baud Callers Need Love Too! 36 is NOT old. I'm just getting started...... 4.77MHz clone: Faster and cheaper than WINDOWS. 4AM? REALLY? Oh no, not again! 50 states, and I had to pick this one! 57 characters in my tagline; many more in this Conference 5" hard is better than 3" floppy 80586 microprocessor are for cooking... 9 out of 10 men who try Camels prefer women. 911 is not dial-a-taxi 98% of all statistics are useless. :) :D :O :( :[ ;) 8) B) :> |I :P =) :S :B :] :\ < Yeah, right. You call this a tag line? > <- "TWIT" button. Push it and ZAMMO!! <-- It came! Just a hundred days since I sent the check! <-- Not Yet Available in the Romulan Empire. <--- Hey, I love my number, perfect 7 infinity perfect 7! <----------- This Space For Rent -----------> << Just some more irrelevant nonsense from me. >> <<< Tagline deleted by Natl Endowment for the Arts >>> ... Thanks, I needed that!?!?! . ?pu gnikcab yb naem uoy tahw siht sI A 100% right of return both ways. A Buddist nudist practices yoga bare. A CAT'S PURR IS THE SOUND OF IT GENERATING CUTE. A Conservative is a Liberal who got mugged! A Frere there was, a wantowne and a merye. A Gentleman Never Gives Offense Carelessly. A Good Scare Is Worth More Than Good Advice! A Great Love Affair! One Actor, Unassisted! A HUG warms the soul and places a smile in the heart. A Hammer Can Miss Its Mark. A Bouquet Never! A Happy Heart is like Good Medicine A Hard Bod is a Terrible thing to waste ! A Little Radiation Only Bothers Sissies! A NIMITZ class carrier can DEFINITELY ruin yer day!!! A School Bus Driver's Troubles Are Behind Him! A Smile Is Like A Sunrise On An Ice Floe! A VW bug is a Mercedes Benz larva. A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind! A Wise Man Once Said...I Don't Know. A big enough hammer fixes anything. A bigot will not reason, a fool cannot, a slave dare not. A billion dollars isn't what it used to be. A bird in the bush can't mess in your hand! A bird in the bush can't make a mess in your hand. A bird in the hand is dead. A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring. A bird in the hand's better than one overhead A bleeding heart can be hell on the carpeting. A bug is a feature that didn't make it into the manual. A bug? What is a bug? I have no record of any in my system. A bureaucracy is a giant system run by pygmies. A car raising contest is a jack off. A cat has both four feet and fore feet A cat's courage is as strong as the dog's chain. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link A clean disk is a sign of a sick mind. A clean, neat, desk is a sign of a sick mind. A clean, neat, desk is a sign of a sick mind (mine). A closed mind gathers no facts. A closed mouth gathers no feet! A day without sunshine is like night. A dirty book is seldom dusty. A dirty mind is, well, a dirty mind! A dope-smoking draft-dodging adulterer is our President? A dry sense of humor is better than slobbering everywhere A feature is a bug with seniority. A floppy disk is an immature hard disk. A flow of words is not proof of wisdom. A fool and his money rarely get together to start with. A fool and his money are my best friends! A fool and his money are my kind of customer A fool must now and then be right, by chance A friend's helping hand is no bad thing... A gentleman never heard the story before. A girl a day keeps the wife away. A good frame of mind . . . but no picture. A good man gone wrong is usually a bad man found out. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. A horse is a camel designed by a lazy designer A horse is a horse, of course, of course. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance. A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman A lawyer's time and advice are all he has to sell. A liberal's generosity is only limited by your income A lie in time saves nine. A light at the end of the tunnel is a train. A little greed can get you lots of stuff! A little tagline can be dangerous to your health ... A little traveling Music, please A little truth helps the lie go down. A living example of Artificial Intelligence. A male rite of passage: Writing your name in the snow. A man is known by the company he keeps avoiding. A man of few words, Lets..Willya..Lemme A man that admits to being a legislator may have other nasty habits. A man that admits to being a lawyer may have other nasty habits. A man's reach should exceed his grasp. A mind...a terrible thing to lose. A miser is hard to live with, but makes a fine ancestor. A modem is a deterrent to phone solicitors A mortgage is forever - or 30 years, at least A motion to adjourn is always in order. A mouse is an elephant built in Japan. A naked man fears no pickpocket. A naked woman fears no pickpocket! A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat... A nuclear war can ruin your whole day A one track mind often has a derailed train of thought A ounce of pretension = a pound of manure! A penny earned is ridiculous... A penny for your thoughts; $20 to act it out. A pill a day keeps the stork away. A proctological exam? What does that entail? A prune is a plum with experience... A real man takes care of his children A reasonable price? Well how much have you got? A rolling stone gathers no moss but picks up quite a glos A rooster clucks defiance-- but a lawyer. . . A seminar on Time Travel will be held two weeks ago A sense of humor like ours will not go unpunished. A sharp tongue cuts its own throat. A single fact can spoil a good argument A smile is the whisper of a laugh. A society gets the teenagers it deserves. A statesman is a dead politician. We need more statesmen. A stiff neck usually supports an empty head. A table of contents has no drawers. A tagline a day keeps the vultures away. A teacher affects eternity. A terrible mind is a thing to waste...... A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart. A thief finds things before they get lost! A true friend is one soul in two bodies. A truly wise man knows he's a fool. A verray parfit gentil knight. A vest a day keeps the doctor away. A well-crafted tagline is a joy forever. A winner: Don't judge a book by its movie A wok is what you thwow at a wabbit. A wop bop a loo bop, a wop bam boom... A yer ago I cudnt spel programer now i are one! AAcckk!! II''mm iinn hhaallff dduupplleexx ALL kids are SPECIAL KIDS !!!!!! AMC Pacer...World's largest fishbowl!! Party on Wayne! ANARCHY: Not just the LAW - it's a good idea! AND, it frees my palms to do other things! ASCII and ye shall receive. Abolish procrastination...tomorrow. Abort, Retry, Fail, Ignore, Complain ? Abort, Retry, Gag! Abort, Retry, Ignore, Say Kaddish? Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail, Nuke... Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail, or Implode About 3 worth from the Pacific Northwest * Absense makes the heart go yonder. Abused kids: Unseen they suffer, unseen they cry... Accident: the greatest of all inventors... Acetone = What you do in exercise class... Ach, twas a wee monster in the loch. Acid is reality-absorbent. Acoustic: What you shoot pool with.... Act like a dumbass and they'll treat you as an equal... Add toner. Paper out. Admit Nothing..... Deny EVERYTHING..... Demand PROOF! Adult GIF's Are Meant For Testing Monitors! Adventure is the champagne of life. Adventure is the result of poor planning. Adversity Makes Men Think Of God! Advertising is 85% confusion and 15% commission. After 2 weeks of no messages you are back! After Adam & Eve left paradise, they raised Cain After reading this message... hit Ctrl, Alt, Del. After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is NOT our friend. Age and Trickery will always overcome Youth and Skill. Aibohphobia: The fear of palindromes. Ain't nerd-life grand? Alexander the Grape--he concord the world. All I really wanna do, is baby be friends.... All Scottish food is based on a dare. All computers are greedy money eliminators. All educated Americans, first or last, go to Europe. All general statements are false. All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. All men are born equal. The tough job is to outgrow it. All my good Taglines are still in SLMR! All of the really good taglines are one character too lon All opinions are flawed. Form new ones ASAP. All opinions have been declared flawed. Form new ones ASAP. All rising to a great place is by a winding stair. All stressed out...and no one to CHOKE !!! All tags lost-C: swallowed its belly button! All that glitters has a high refractive index. All the kookies are not in the jar All the world's a stage, and I missed rehearsal. All those updates, and still imperfect!!!!! All true wisdom is discovered in tag lines. All truth is based on complete confusion. All we need is *L*O*V*E*................... All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound? Allow me to seduce you into my rancour. Als sie mich umschlang mit zaertlichem Pressen Always ask why, unless someone says "LOOKOUT!!!". Always do your best. Maybe someone will appreciate it. Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn. Always, no, sometimes think it's me... Alzheimers advantage: New friends every day. Am I at Wits End, Or just stuck in my chair? Am I online yet? Ambition is the curse of the political class. American kids have Ninetendo-Japanese kids have homework. An Act Done Against My Will, Is Not My Act! An African or European swallow? An Atheist Has No Invisible Means Of Support. An Electrician gets into people's shorts! An Elephant. A mouse built to government specs An Optimist can be mugged very easily An ancient lunatic reigns in the trees of the night. An example of minority rule is a baby at home. An expert is someone from out of town. An honest politician is one who STAYS bought. An idea is a curious thing. It won't work unless you do. An idle mind is worth two in the bush. An inch of dog is better than a mile of pedigree. An old person has gotten old ...will you? An open mind gathers no dust. An optimist is a guy without much experience... An orgasm is Nature saying: Have Fun! An oxymoron? An Individual Borg!-(Noel Gamboa) An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys. An' my Hawaiian shirt is ready for ACTION! 8-) Analogy is NOT the study of Rectums. Anatomically Correct beats Politically Correct Ancient Chinese secret, huh? And Adam asked "What's a Headache?" And God said: E = #mv# - Ze#/r, and there was light! And I don't understand what you mean by "universal protocol". And I was sure I was a figment of your imagination. And another one bites the dust .... And bring your knees in tight... And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche. And in 10 lines, no less!! And just what do you think YOU'RE downloading?!? And like a ghost she glimmers on to me And now for something COMPLETELY different! And remember kids, DON'T try this at home! And the only thing the Borg left was this Amiga... And the politicians throwing stones.... Anger and pie crust both get soft after two days. Anger is one letter short of DANGER. Deal with it or die. Annie laid her head down in the roses... Another Bizarre Doughnut Reference Another Visitor!... Stay Awhile!... Stay Forever! Another day and still I owe the Govt. Another day, another job hopelessly botched! Another deadline, another miracle.... Answers: $1 Correct answers: $5 Dumb looks: Free! Antenna coupling: insect foreplay Any ...ism causes schism!!! Any Fool Can Hate,But It Costs Something To Love Any given program, once running, is obsolete. Any job worth doing is worth bitching about. Any problem can be solved with a bigger hammer! Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable Anyone can hate. It costs to love. Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. Anyone for fishing? time got to read.. Anything I make can become a cause for my sorrow. Anything goes (well, sorta). Anything worth doing is worth overdoing! Anything worth doing is worth asking someone else to do. Apollo Contraceptives: Every reentry safe as the first. Apprentice curmudgeon in training. Apt natural. I have a gub. Archeologist: One who's career lies in ruins. Are deaf psychiatrists better listeners? Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors? Are we having fun yet? Are we there yet? Are you a Klingon, or is that a turtle on your head?## Are you a schizo? - If so, that makes four of us. Are you feeling lucky, punk? Are you online? Good! Hit to take the I.Q. Test. Are you using OS/2 or this just an XT? Are you using Windows, or is that just an XT? Are you waiting for your prey? Aren't Twin Peaks and the Tetons the same thing? Argumentum ad hominem. Armageddon is for the unimaginative. Armed people are citizens, unarmed people are subjects... Art is anything you can get away with Artificial Intelligence: The other guy's opinion. Artists do it in oil As A Volunteer, I Get Paid Weekly. Very Weakly! As I said before, I never repeat myself. As a Student Pilot "I Need An Altitude Adjustment" As we danced to the Masochism Tango Ashes and keyb ards don mix! Ask Me About My Vow Of Silence. Ask not for whom the bell tolls; let the machine get it. Ask the phantom... He knows what evil lurks. Asphalt = Proctologist's malpractice insurance Assembler Programmers do it in Bits At least you can always use my code as a bad example. At my back I always hear.... At such times, the wise cat retires to meditate. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. Athiests have no one to talk to at orgasm. Athlete's foot = the agony of defeet... Attorneys deserve less respect then Dangerfield Avoid Mailmen . . . they are carriers! Avoid fighting with the ugly, they have nothing to lose. Avoid polysyllabification! Avoid reality at all costs! Avoid the 5 o'clock rush - always leave work at noon. Aw Honey... just one more message, honest... Aw, Come On...Don't Steal My LAST Tagline!!! Awwww its just a Harmless little Bunny! B.S. is protective armor for an insecure mind BAD command or file name. Go stand in the corner! BANG!............Freeze. BASIC sux! BBSing is a Maalox Moment BBSing: One of the B's is extraneous. BBSing: a mind is a terrible thing to waste. BEERWARE: If it works, buy yourself a beer. BILINGUAL..SURE - C, BASIC, FORTRAN, COBAL BLAM! BLAM! Avon calling! BREAKFAST.COM Halted...Cereal Port Not Responding. BYTE my UARTS! Babies - natures way of saying you've been oversleeping. Bachelor: One who's footloose and fiance free Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch! Back from vacation, and now paying for it ...... Back in the days when the galaxy was young... Back to Gilwell, Happy Land! I'm gonna work my ticket.. Back to the Crib.. Life Stinks Backup not found -limb sawed off. Kill everyone? Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic Backup not found:(a)bort (r)etry (s)hoot monitor Bad FAT? My hard disk has high cholesterol? Bad Spellers of the world untie. Bad times - Mafia lays off 10 judges! Bank error in your favor. Collect $200. Bankers do it with interest. Baptism: A kind of damp bar mitzvah. Barfignewton-When nasty fig cookies go down the wrong way Barfingnewgen: A German Car Sickness... Barnum is out of date - it's one every 10 seconds now.. Basic Airline Flying-Keep the pointy end forward Bathing beauty: a girl worth wading for. Baud Horizon's ... Your Windows 3.0 Source Bbbbzzzzzzzzz! ** Ding ** Thanks For Playing! Be A Patriot, Not A SCUD! Be Alert! - the world needs more Lerts. Be Careful of your thoughts, They may become WORDS! Be Humble Or Else You'll Stumble! Be a good consumer; ask, complain, choose! Be careful Yogi! Mr. Ranger won't like that! Be careful to never split infinitives ... Be gentle- its my first time on a BBS. Be good to your SysOp - Computing is a terminal disease! Be kind to animals - Hug a SysOp today ! Be part of the solution not part of the polution Be reasonable, see it my way Be tactful; overlook not your own opportunity. Be useful where thou livest. Or move closer to me..... Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits. Be vewy, vewy quiet, we're hunting Elmers. hehehehe Be vewy, vewy quiet...I'm hunting tagwines! Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent software on planet. Beauty Is Only Skin Deep. Ugly Goes To The Bone Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.... Beauty is only a light switch away. Beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume. Become a programmer and never see the world!! Been a long time since I rock an' rolled Been through Hell?? and what did you bring me?? Beep! Invalid Input. I take only cash.... Beer, it's not just for breakfast anymore! Beheading: The ultimate loss of face. Behind every good BBS is a good woman. Behind every great man is his butt. Bestiality: A poke in a pig. Beta Testers! On The Bleeding Edge Of Technology Betcha Bo don't know SALT! Betcha Ya Won't Steal THIS Tagline!!! Better To Be Judged By 12 Than Carried By 6! Better a bottle in front of me than a Frontal Lobotomy. Better look over your shoulder shortstuff! Better to ask twice than to lose your way once. Better to have open eyes than an open mind. Better, a war in the midEAST than in the midWEST! Between cheap and expen$ive is the truth. Between the modem tax and the atheists... Beulah, peel me a grape. Beware of CroMagnons Wearing Chewing Gum. Beware of alcohol: it makes you shoot at tax collectors and miss! Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception. Beware of chronic typorrhea... Beware of friends who are false and deceitful. Beware of geeks bearing .GIFs! Beware of little expenses. A small leak can sink a ship. Beware of men who won't be bothered with details Beware the person who has nothing to lose. He always wins Bicycles have the right of way. Bigamist: A man who can have his Kate and Edith too. Bigamy: one wife too many; monogamy; same thing. Bigfoot Makes the Valhalla Scene Bigfoot Puts on the Dog Biology grows on you. Birth = Pain = Knowledge = Pleasure = Death. Birth, school, work, death. About sums it up, I think. Bits make bites, but nibbles turn me on! Black Holes were created when God divided by zero! Blessed are the young for they inherit the national debt Blessed be, y'all. Blind faith is ignorance in drag. Blonde's prefer Hard Disks over floppy ones! Blood Is Thicker Than Water, And Much Tastier! Blood is the lubricant of ignorance. Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier Blow me a little kiss, will ya, huh? Blue Wave - What Smurfs do at a football game... Bluff means never having to sway your story. Bo knows your sister. Bombs Away...... Bookkeepers are well balanced. Bored of Education Borgs have more fun. Borland rules! Born Free....TAXED TO DEATH! Born to be cuddled. Borrow from Peter to Pay Paul. Paul will love you forever Both my money & my daughter go to college. Bow down to your mouse and Ye Shall be Saved! {:) Boy: A noise with dirt on it Boycott SHAM-poo! Demand the REAL poo! Brain Damage ? - No Thanks -- I already have some. Brain Disengaged; Call Back Tomorrow. Brain fried -- Core dumped Braindead homosexual: A vegetable that was once a fruit. Brains by Gordon's Gin, body by the table on the floor. Break open your piggy bank & attend a Trek convention! Brevity is the soul of lingerie. Bring dignity to tag lines. Bring out your dead.....(bong)..Bring out your dead Bring the compass? I thought you said "cookies"! Brought to U by 100% recycled electrons. Brought to you as a Public Service Announcement!!! Brylcreem - A little dab'll do ya! Bug-free programs - rare as Rocking Horse manure. Bugs Are Just Undocumented Features! Bugs are sons of glitches. Buleah, peel me a grape! Bumper sticker seen: Necrophilia LIVES! Bureaucrats cut red tape - lengthwise. Bush & Quayle: Isn't this a pair of strippers? But Honey, you NEED VGA for Dbase management! But I thought YOU did the backups... But Ma, Johnny has all of his doors registerd! But Officer! Im So Sorry I won't Do It Again!!! But Sir, my mother made me bring my umbrella !!! But do you have a high school diploma??? But honey,I wouldn't be up so late on a faster machine! But soft, what light through yonder tagline breaks? But that trick NEVER works! But then, nobody's perfect. But what's the speed of DARK? But, ossifer, I was only going one way. *hic* Buy Canadian, American and Japanese motherboards Buy a Lance Corporal Sequoia Befriending Kit! Buy collectibles.Even if only you love em - it's worth it Buy one, get one flea." By all means, let's not confuse ourselves by the facts. By establishing real money, men rule out its debasement. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Bye kids, have fun storming the castle! Byte my Baud Bytebrothers - the electronic sewer. C A U T I O N ! I Drive The Same Way You Do! C WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CALLED "A" BUT IT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH C code run. Run code run! C code. C code run. Run code, run. C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit. C programmers do it with the large model! C'mon over, baby, whole lotta bakin' goin' on .. C:CAR\GM\CHEVY\REARDRIV\V8\4BBL\race /win C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN C:\DOS\CRASH C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN C:\RUN\DOS\RUN CA bumper sticker: Cover me, I'm changing lanes. CAUTION! Objects in mirror are closer than they appear CAUTION--The Users Bite CAUTION: Dangerous and off Medication CAUTION: Do not install prior to installation. CC: Dr. Ruth CCITT- Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today COBOL Programmers have HIGH-VALUES COBOL.....(C)ompiles (O)nly (B)ecause (O)f (L)uck COBOL: Crude Outdated Boring Obsolete Language COFFEE.COM not found. (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze COFFEE.POT Not Found. Sysop Not Awake. COLDBEER.CAN found. Programmer probably loaded. CONFUSION ALERT! CONFUSION ALERT! CONgress is the opposite of PROgress. CONgress: the opposite of PROgress!!! COPY *.BAT C:\BELFRY COULD I USE UPPER CASE ON THE TAG LINES...? CRIME CONTROL: Fire a warning shot into his HEART! Cache me if you can. Caesarean Section.. A district in Rome. Caffeine makes the world go round. Cajun breakfast: Blackened toast Calamity is an opportunity for virtue - Cicero. California does have its faults. California fall into the sea ! Who's gonna notice. California, so little snow, so many flakes. Californians are not without their faults. Call me anything. Don't call me late for supper!! Call on God, but row away from the rocks. Calm down. It's only ones and zeros. Can E-Mail be grounds for Divorce ??? Can I Use My AM Radio In The Afternoon? Can I call you Ms. Dos? Can I do it until I need glasses???? Can I yell "movie" in a crowded firehouse?? Can O' Worms. Open, Heat, & Eat. Ready in 15 mins. Can anyone help me find a legal profession? Can two taglines make a little tagline? Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Grand am? Can you say TAGLINE? I thought you could. Can you tell I'm excitied? Huh? Can you? Huh? Can't use Windows, have single tasking brain and fingers. Canadian DOS Prompt: EH>? Candy is dandy, but sex won't rot your teeth. Cannibals don't eat clowns. They taste funny. Cannons don't thunder, there's nothing to plunder Cap'n she's na gonna take any more!!! Capital punishment deters *one* criminal at a time. Capt'n she's a gonna blow. She can't take any mo Captain Condom says: "Wrap that Rascal". Captain please, not in front of the Klingons. Captain: Sensors detect the presence of a line eater! Careful what you wish for -- you may get it. Careful, your daughter might be dating a SAILOR! Carl Sagan as a child:"Gee,there must be hundreds of em!" Carpe that diem sucker! Carpenters are always on the level. Catch the SEVENTH Wave! Cats are easier to train than men - Cats are people with fur and fangs Cats sleep on shelves like motorized bookends. Cats: Proof that eating & sleeping isn't all bad. Cats: proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad Caution! Don't be so open-minded, your brains slide out. Caution: Automatic disconnect in 2 minutes. Caution: This stuff is addictive... Cautious observation should precede saltation. Celibacy is *>not<* HERIDITARY!! Celibacy is its own reward. Cereal port not responding--breakfast halted. Certified tag line thief. Chain tagline! Copy or bad luck will follow! Change is inevitable, growth is optional. Character is the sum total of all our everyday choices. Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul. Chastity is its own punishment. Chastity: The #1 Sexual Perversion! Check is in the mall .... Check the dilithium crystals, we got us a cross-echo! Check your local listings Chemical Engineers like packed beds. Chemists do it on the bench! Chemists have quick retorts. Chemists have the best reactions. Chewing gum doesn't BURN HOLES IN YOUR CLOTHES!!!! Chicken heads are the chief food of captive alligators. China has Gun Control ! Chinese Curse: May All Your Wishes Be Granted! Chinese for constipation: Hung Chow. Chipmunks roasting on an open fire... Chocolate: the other major food group. Choosey cats prefer Microsoft mice, 10 to 1 Choosy modemers choose GIF Chuckle, snort, gasp, wheeze. Classified tagline---Top Secret, NoForn--Do not read. Clean mind, clean body: take your pick. Clergymen do more than lay people Click ... click ... click ..damn, out of taglines. Click goes the shear, boy, click, click, click... Click..Click..Click..darn, out of taglines! Climate is what we expect; weather is what we get. Clinton Borg - Inhaling is irrelevant. Clinton for President? Sure, but what about her husband? Clones are people two. Cloning is the sincerest form of flattery. Close only counts in Horseshoes and Tactical Nukes. Close only counts,in horseshoes, and atomic attack Close your eyes and press escape three times. Closed eyes are not always sleeping. Coathangers, like bugs, breed in dark closets. Cockroaches rule the Earth. Pass it on. Code run. Run code run! C code run! Codebreakers Anonymous: We have no secrets! Coffee not found: (a)bort, (r)etry, (f)all asleep Coffee--the beans from Hell!! Coffee.Com not found (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)nooze? Cogito Ergo Spud (I think, therefore I yam). Coke, it's surreal thing. -- Salvador Dali ColdBeer.CAN not found ...B)ourbon S)cotch V)odka? Collector: Person few care to see but ask to call College isn't the place to go for ideas Columbus had 4 ships...1 went over the edge... Come Josephine, in my Flying Machine... Come back baby, rock and roll never forgets Come on babe, follow me, I'm the pied piper.... Come play with us Coming soon: Netware for Nintendo Coming to a TV soon, "Days of Our Modems" Committee: A life form with six or more legs and no brain Common Sense is fixed, but the population is rising! Communication.. without it, everyone's a mushroom. Communication: The Universal Solvent. Communism is like one big phone company. Complex problems have simple, wrong answers. Computer (com-pyoo-ter) n. Incredibly fast idiot. Computer movie: Raiders of the lost .ARC Computer users take more strokes. Computer: A late 20th century torture device Computers Make Very Fast, Very Accurate, Mistake Computers also eliminate spare time. Computers byte and run. Computers can never replace human stupidity. Computing is a terminal disease. Conclusion: The point at which you got tired of thinking. Concrete Blonde Confirmation of the past is often the greatest surprise. Conformity.... I hate comformity ! Confucius say:Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. Conscience is God's presence in man. - E. Swedenborg Consequences: We pay them or we suffer them Consequenses long as I'm rich Consociate sesquipedalianism anonymous Consomme! - Frenchman's victory cry on wedding night Constant change is here to stay. Constants aren't; variables don't. Contents may have settled during shipping. Continued on next tagline... Contractions aren't necessary. Contrary to popular opinion, God's last name isn't Damn Cookie! Cookie! Lend me your crumb! ... Core Dump ....... Operator Head Space Error Correct grammer aint bad ... Correct in Thought, Statement, or Action....TRUE!! Correct me if I'm wrong. Everyone else does... Cosmetology: What the Universe is really all about. Could you hold off a vampire with a sunlamp? Counselor Troi, report to my room. Clothes optional. Cows are made of mooving parts. Crack salesman: a pimp. Cranial Input Error: Line Status Register 02 Cranial Rectalitis - the disease of being a butthead! Crash Course In Brain Surgery Crime does not pay as well as politics. Crime, like virtue, has its degrees. Criminal Justice is just that. Justice for criminals! Criminal Lawyer is an oxymoron. Criminal Lawyer?....Isn't that redundant? Criminal's Justice - Victim's Justice = Justice for All? Criminal: One who gets caught. Critics Go Places And Boo Things! Crowded elevators smell different to midgets! Cthulu saves. He might get hungry later... Cunnilingus is a real tongue twister. Curious ideas wait for stranger times. Cursor: What you become when your system crashes. Cursor: What Ya Become When Your System Crashes! Cynics eat a lot of wry bread. Czech: Yes, it now has a spell-czecker! DAM: Mothers Against Dyslexia DANGER DANGER Computer store ahead...hide wallet. DATA COMPRESSION: What You Get When You Squish An Android DDE? You mean you wanted it to work?... -Mickeysoft DISK CRASH:Abort,Retry,Kill innocent bystanders? DISREGARD LAST MESSAGE DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - the fault is with reality DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF LAW. DOC's??? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with? DOS is just an operating system that runs Windows 3.0 DOS=HIGH I knew it was on something!!!!! Da Da Da Daaaa.... (Beethoven's Fifth) Dachshund: Half a dog high by a dog and a half long. Dad, what does "Low level formatting..." mean? Daddy! What does UNREGISTERED mean?? Daddy, what does this little red butt&|@<.~`: NO CARRIER Daddy, what's that weird-looking man doing over there? Daddy? What's this red button do NO CARRIER Daffynitions #46 - Fog: The air apparent. Dafynition #287: TSR = Trash System Randomly. Dain bramaged. Dalek hunting is a terminal sport. Damien Day is my kind of reporter... Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a beta tester! Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a doctor! ? Oh ya! Damn the documentation! Full speed ahead!! Dance with the one that brung ya. Danger. Serious confusion has arisen. Dangerous exercise: jumping to conclusions. Darkness is here... Darkstar crashes, pouring its light into ashs Darth Vader sleeps with a teddywookie. Darwin never drove in rush hour... Data is a gas - it expands to fill the available space... Day++; Dollar++ Day:=Day+1; Dollar:=Dollar+1; Dazed and confused . . . and all shook up Dazzle 'em with brilliance, confuse 'em with speed! De agony of delete. De mo' dem you gots, de mo' mail you gets! Death - nature's way of saying "Slow down" Death By Stereo!!! Death is just Nature's way of killing you. Death is nature's way of saying, "Your table is ready." Death is nature's way of recycling human beings. Debetne multum aquae subter esse? Decadence: n. ten years of ignorance. Decriminalize Freedom. Deep in December it's nice to remember..... Default Tagline. Define Disaster: Life without mail. Delete 'em all. . Let NORTON sort 'em out! Delivered by Electronic Sleddogs.....Woof! Democracy > Socialism > Communism > (War) > Democracy Democracy is not a spectator sport... Democracy: The worship of jackals by jackasses. Democrat: Let's tax this sh*t happening. Demonstration: riot by people you agree with Depart in pieces.... i.e., Split. Department Of Defense Tagline. Yours For $82,876.14 Design flaws travel in groups. Deskview/X... But what could it do better than Windows NT Desperate diseases require desperate remedies Desqview!?! I can't even see the floor! Deviation: Unnatural love of the sea. Diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Dialogues are often several simultaneous monologues. Diamonds are forever, Money is not. Diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in your jeans! Did I Really want to read this? Did I just step on someones toes again?? Did You Know That Fish Swim In Their Toilets??? Did somebody say GERBIL?!? Join us in UPLINK!! Did you know 4 out of 5 people hate trivia? Did you take your 8:00 valium? Difference between success and failure: One more time. Different lanes for different brains. Ding, dong, the witch is dead! Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy"... until you find a rock. Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggie" until you can pick up a rock. Diplomacy: The art of letting someone else get your way. Dirty old men need love, too. Disagree, if you must, but don't be disagreeable ... Discoveries are made by not following instructions. Disneyland: A people trap operated by a mouse. Dit Dit Dit Dittos! Do I have to put something here? Do I hit [Enter] now? Do I look like a Swami? Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball! Do Not Attempt to Traverse a Chasm in Two Leaps Do RADIO-ACTIVE cats have 18 half-lives? Do Sexy Electrons have Current Affairs???? Do That To Me One More Time! Do What I Mean! Do You Know WHERE Your Software IS Today? Do artificial plants need artificial water? Do be do be do - Sinatra Do environmentalists smoke? Do expect me to talk? No, Mr. Bond,I expect you to die! Do files get embarassed when they're unZIPped? Do molecular biologists wear designer genes? ~ Do not applaud until you have heard the music. Do not believe in miracles rely on them. Do not disturb. Already disturbed. Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life. Do not fold, spindle, or mutate... Do not mindle, spold, or futilate. Do not remove this tag line. Do students of Zen Buddhism do Omm-work? Do the name Ruby Begonia ring a bell? Do unto others and cut out. Do unto others... then leave. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? Do wineries issue press releases? Do witches with computers use "spell" checkers? Do you hear or fear or do I smash the mirror? Do you know of a chapter of tagline stealers anonymous? Do you know the best contraceptive? ...No... You're right Do you like me for my brain, or my baud? Do-do-do-do, you have entered the twilight tagline....... Do_what(I_mean); !(what_I_said); Doctor told me to stop drinking,I use a straw Does Fuzzy Logic Tickle Your Mind? Does beta testing require masochistic tendencies? Does the Name Pavlov ring a bell?? Does the name PAVLOV ring a bell? Does this signature remind you of Agatha Christie? Doesn't matter how fast you get the wrong answer Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines. Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows! Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under OS/2! Doin' my part to preserve order in the universe... Don wants to marry everybody, it's his job! Don't Ask Me...I'm Making This Up As I go! Don't Start Any Trouble, And There Won't Be Any! Don't Worry! I'm Going To Backup Tod$y#@1! Don't argue w/someone who buys ink in barrels Don't ask why, just do it. Don't be happy. Worry! Don't be humble. You're not that great Don't be sexist. Broads hate that. Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out Don't care, don't have to, we're the government. Don't confuse Growing Up with Blending In! Don't do it today, if you can do it tomorrow! Don't dread tomorrow. It isn't here yet. Don't drink and park; accidents cause people. Don't eat meadow muffins. Don't even pretend to be interested in this tagline. Don't feed or tease the straight people Don't forget Grandfather's Day Sept 9th. Don't forget Tienanmen square Don't forget the Quid Pro Quo !!!!! Don't get mad, get even. Don't get me wrong...but I'm right!!! Don't give me that kinkier-than-thou attitude Don't hate me because I'm beautiful Don't hate yourself in the morning--sleep till noon. Don't have a cow, man! Try a moose instead! Don't just stand there, say something. Don't let school interfere with your education Don't like my driving? Stay off the sidewalk. Don't look back. You might see reason. Don't look down here for help...try 911! Don't mock the insecure..... Don't open the darkroom door, you let out the dark. Don't overtax yourself; thats the Government's job. Don't have your towel, right? Don't pick up that phon#9## NO CARRIER Don't play STUPID with me...I'm BETTER at it !!! Don't pollute; we all live downwind! Don't question surreality. Don't read this! Don't shoot me - I'm just the comic relief! Don't steal - the government hates competition. Don't take life seriously; it's only temporary. Don't take taglines so *seriously* ... Don't talk to me while I'm interrupting. Don't tell me you want the leftovers?????? Don't touch that tagline! You don't know where its been! Don't wait for people to be friendly, show em how. Don't worry, I'm fluent in weirdo Don't worry, I'm go#ng t# b#ckup t#d###!&%#~% Don't worry, here, have a french fry. Don't wrestle a pig; both get muddy, but the pig likes it Don't you dare touch that "ignore" button!! Don't you just hate FILExxxx.CHK files??? Dont ask me---I just lurk here. Dont follow leaders;watch the parking meters Dont have a good time-this is educational! Dontcha Bet on it.......!!!!!!!!! Dooooo-weeee! Dooooo-weee! Double your drive space! Delete Windows! Doubt is nothing more than an invitation to think.... Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel. Download method: orse code, emaphore, elepathy Dragonmen must fly, when thread is in the sky Drawing on my fine command of language I said nothing Dream.....when reality is too good to be true! Drilling for oil is boring Drink your big black cow and get outta here! Drinking weeds out weak neurons. Drive A: not ready. Formatting C: while waiting. Drive defensively. Buy a tank. Drive no faster than your guardian angel can fly. Drive while loaded; no left turn unstoned. Drivin' down your freeway...midnight alleys roam. Drop your carrier...we have you surrounded! Duck who fly upside down have quack up. Duck, Magnum! Duck! Dull goddesses have immaculate conceptions. Dunno what's going on, so tell me!!!! Dutch treat: Hollandaise Sauce. Dying can be done as easily lying down. Dyslexia+Insomnia+Agnostic: Awake wondering if doG exists Dyslexics have more fnu Dyslexics should be persona au gratin. E-Mail is never junk mail. You can't even throw it away. EAGLES may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jets. EAT: Grab A Byte EMTs do it in front-Paramedics do it in the rear ERROR 301 Keyboard can't be found - Press F1 to continue. ERROR: LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER ERROR: Replace motherboard immediately. ESTO error: Equipment Smarter Than Operator. EX-LAX and FORMAT.COM have the same functions. EZ-Reader is EZ, but Silly Little Mail Reader is EZ'r!! Eagles soar, but weasels don't hit airplanes. Eagles soar.....but weasles are sucked into jets! Earl? Are you SURE you killed that Martian? Earth: Mostly harmless. Easy Credit Plan: 100% down - No Monthly Payments Easy Does It..... But Do It!!!!!! Easy as 3.14159265358979323846... Eat right, exercise...die anyway. Eat yogurt and get cultured Eat, drink ... be fat and drunk ... Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may go offline Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow... Egotist: One who's always me-deep in conversation. Egotists go to "I" doctors. Electrician's breakfast--ohmlettes. Elvis and you in '92 ! Elvis is not dead, he's suffering from a function deficit Endocannibalism: The result of a really hungry cannibal. Enemies strengthen you. Allies weaken. Enemy lock on! I'm hit! Flame out! Eject-i-n-g-! Energize... Hey! Where'd that bunny come from? Energy and persistence alter all things. - Franklin Engine 3- "On the Scene, Fire Showing!" Engineers do it better! English has no written rules. Enough is as good as a feast., (John Heywood). Enquiring minds already think they know! Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue. Entropy isn't what it used to be. Entropy requires no maintenance! Equal Opportunity Annoyer... Error 216: Tagline out of paper. Error finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded YET or is he? Error finding REALITY.SYS. Universe halted. Error reading FAT table. Try SKINNY one? (Y/N) Error reading Sector 53 in Cluster 26. Error relocating file DV.EXE - Exiting... Error stealing tagline! Eunics, the non-gender specific OS Even a blind pig stumbles across an acorn now and again. Even a broken clock is right twice a day Even a noseless dog can stink. Even if you understood women - you'd never believe it! Even when you're running the world, you can't get off. Ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight? Ever feel like cheese in the rat race? Ever stop to think and forget to start again? Ever wonder why the Easter Bunny hides his eggs... EverReady Bunny placed in dry-cell. Every absurdity has a champion to defend it. Every bicycle needs a fish. Every day is the dawn of a new error! Every hard-boiled egg is yellow inside. Every mighty oak was once a nut that stood its ground Every morning is the dawn of a new error. Every silver lining has a cloud around it. Every silver lining has a dark cloud. Every thread needs a needle Every time I lose weight, it finds me again! Every valuable idea offends someone. Everybody loves a moose; they just don't know it. Everyone is entitled to my own opinion Everyone is gifted-Some even open the package... Everyone is gifted. Some just open the package sooner. Everyone lies about sex - RAH Everything I say is true, and thats a lie Everything changes except change itself. Everything here is right, but it could go wrong. Everything starts as somebody's daydream. Everything that is not mandatory is forbidden. Everything you know is wrong. Everything you know is wrong! Everytime I lose weight, it finds me again Evil Lurks in very Mysterious Places Evolution: Life's a niche, and then you die Exactly how long is "a moment"? Excuse Me While I Recharge My Flamethrower! Excuse Me,Could You Spare A Little Social Change Excuse me while I whip this out! Excuse me, can you spare a tagline? Excuse me- What does god need with a Starship? Expecting 50 lashes from U-NO-HOO Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Experience never taught *me* anything! Experience varies directly with equipment ruined. Experiment With A Chemist! Explain counter-clockwise to someone with a digital watch Expressions of exasperation are not arguments. Eye of gnat, tail of rat, where's the bug at? F.A.R.T....Fathers Against Radical Teenagers FORD : Fix or Repair Daily. Facts Are Created When They Are Altered! Facts Persist When They Are Altered! Fahrvergngen: Ger. n. See LEMON, also CLUNKER. Failure is never fatal and success is never final. Faith without knowledge is blind.... Farflungnoodle: mouthful of spaghetti after sneeze... Fartvergngen...the pleasure of breaking wind... Fatal Error #25 : TAGLINE.MR file not found Fatal Error Using Mouse. Please bury/replace. Fathers are important people, too! Faux pas (fo paz); pl. 1. OOPS 2. Four paws, See CAT, n. Feel Lucky?? Upgrade Your Software! Feel free to interrupt me, at any time... Feel free to share this tag line with others. Feel good? Don't worry; you'll get over it! Feel lucky???? Update your software! Feel safe tonight. Stay with a cop! Feet Smell? Nose Run? Hey, you're upside down! Feminism! Allowing ugly women access to society. Feminist: A woman out of line. Fiddle: Friction of a horse's tail on a cat's entrails. Fight air pollution - Gag a politician! File not found. Fake it? (Y/N) Finality is not the language of politics Find Out The Advice They Want, & Give It To Them Fire! Fire! Your computer's on FIRE! Firefighters still make housecalls !! First Church of Binary Science (The Digitarians) First rule of holes: If you're in one, STOP DIGGING. First the memory goes...I forgot the rest! Flattery will get you...uhh...pancakes! Floggings will continue until morale improves Floppy drive not responding. Formatting HARD DRIVE ... Floppy not responding. Format hard drive instead? (Y/N)_ Flying = 2nd Greatest Experience Landing = 1st Fond Memories,Fine Wine-Both grow better in time Food is God's way of saying "Eat Me!" Food! Glorious food! Hot Sausage with mustard.. Foolproof - but not DamnFoolProof! Fools are at the bottom of the food chain. Fools rush in where wise men fear to trade For Dessert? I'll take a piece of cherry 3.14159265358979 For a Free America -- Eliminate the ACLU For best results, squeeze from bottom of tube. For best results: DEL *.* !!! For recreational use only. For some employed woman, mothering is a hobby For success today, look first to yourself. For the LAST time, NO!...........Oh, okay. Forecast for tonight: Dark Forest fires prevent bears. Forget GUIs! Give me a C:\> and a keyboard. Forgive your enemies - but not until after they are hanged. Formatting Harddisk, press any key to continue Frankly, I'd rather be at the baseball game Free Backrubs both Given and Accepted !! Fresh water fishing in Amarillo, Texas? Gullible too! Friction is a drag. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate. Friends don't let friends drive Fords. Friends: the rubber duckies in the bathtub of life! Friendship is a rainbow between two people. Frogs are smart! They eat what bugs them!! From Washington DC....the nation's last colony. From my teepee to your modem--The smoke signal express. From the Department of Redundancy Department. From the land of hot sun and talking mice... Fruititarians eat tree fetuses Fruity as a nutcake Fun is *NOT* allowed in here! Go to the FUN conference! Funny the chart said plenty of depth! G-d's coming, and boy is she pissed! G=Guns, PG=Plenty of Guns, PG-13=More than 12 guns... GENERIC CLEVER SAYING GOD MADE WHISKEY TO KEEP THE IRISH FROM RULING THE WORLD! GOVT. WARNING: The Surgeon General Started Smoking! GUI:[G]enerally [U]seless [I]nterface Galactic Intelligence Test #1. Avoid contact with humans. Gargoyles are taking over my neighborhood! Garlic: The poor man's truffle. Gee Toto, I don't think we're in 1:3603/2003 anymore! Gene Zeak writes taglines that are too lon General OS/2 failure; Abort, Retry, Ignore, Use Windows General stupidity error reading drive C: Genitalia is not an Italian airline... Genius has its limits, but not stupidity. Genius is the talent of a person who is dead. Gentlemen: Start your debuggers... Geochronologists will date any old thing. George Bush would run on his record but it skips. Geraldo Rivera: A genetic experiment gone bad? German for constipation ... Farfrompoopin! German waiter re delay: "The wurst is yet to come." Get Your Modem Running, Head Out On The Highway! Get high - kiss a pilot! Get high on a reef Get it? -- Got it. -- Good! Get naked and see how many ways you can honk the car horn Get off your ASCII Get outta the line of fire! Get stoned. Drink liquid cement. Getting a second chance is never a certainty. Getting old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Give me patience, and I want it right NOW! Give me that old time religion. Hail, Zeus. Give that man a silver dollar Give up C:\> for silly ICONS? Given a conflict, Murphy's Law supersedes Newton's Gladys: so ugly she had 11-foot pole marks all over Gnothi seauton. Go Away!!!! Or I shall taunt you a second time! Go ahead and laugh...Yours wasn't any better! Go and ask...the birds of the air to inform you.... Go for Baroque--if you can get a Handel on it. Go hit the pace car, you hit everything else! Go insane all the way. A shred of sanity is of no value. Go places ... travel by Transit Go wash those hands. When the hurlyburly's done. God created women because sheep can't cook. God bless the child who's got his own.... God created people. Samuel Colt made them all equal. God gave burdens. Shoulders also. God is REAL -unless you declare Him an INTEGER. God is dead - Nietzche / Nietzche is dead - God God made the first garden, Cain the first city. God made whisky to keep the Irish from ruling the world. God'daw du! Hvad glor du p? | What are you staring at? God's last name is not damn. God, if I have to be a computer nerd let me have a 486-33 Gods love heros. They also love a good laugh. Going tagless has been a freeing experience! Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. Good Intentions Randomize Behavior! Good friends are your CHOSEN family. Good taglines must ask permission to be posted. Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share! Goodbye boys, have fun storming the castle. Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are. Got it straight now? Good. Gotta go: My aardvark's on fire! Gotta run, the cat's caught in the printer. Government expands to absorb revenue and then some Governments never do anything by accident Graffiti has changed deface of the nation. Grandma Was Slow, But SHE was 98!!! Grandma, what big teeth you have! >^^^^^< Grant me the strength to ignore ignorance Grass growing from sidewalk cracks never turns brown. Gravity Sucks! Gravity brings me down. Gravity doesn't exist -- the earth sucks. Gravity isn't easy, but it's the law. Gravity: it's not just a good idea, it's the law! Gray skies are foreboding, not for boating! Great Gobs o' goose grease! A computer Greetings from Hell....wish you were here. Ground water? Do you mean crushed ice? Grow up? Naw, I'm gonna be a Sysop. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Grub first, then ethics. Guess who wrote this message? Guided by the beauty of our weapons.. Guido's Cement shoes: One size fits all Guitar lessons? What else do you do? I fret a lot. Gun Control is a tight pattern ( ( (::) ) ) Gun Control is hitting your target with the first shot... Gun control: Sharp eye, Steady hand and squeeze. Gun the man down, I say gun the man down... Guns don't kill people, off-line readers do. Guns don't kill people..., I KILL PEOPLE! Guns don't kill people, Mail readers kill people! Guns don't kill people -- people with guns kill people. Guns don't kill...bullets do. HAVE AN AFFAIR. IT WILL HELP BREAK UP THE MONOGAMY. HELP! My hard drive is being usurped by .QWK's! HELP! My hard drive crashed & I can't boot up HELP!! My mail reader's been eaten by a comm program. HEY MA....I'M TELECOMPUTING!! HEY! Next time you wave, use ALL your fingers!! Had Ships Gotten Too Big for Captain Smith? Halloween is NOT Christmas, even though 31 oct = 25 dec. Ham on rye: Drunk radio operator. Hams do it with more frequencies Hand over the chocolate, and no one gets hurt! Hands across the water. Hands across the sky! Hang in there...I'll be at work...someday... Hang on a minute mate!!! Hangover -- the wrath of grapes Hannibal ad portas Happiness is a loud belch. Happiness is a school of hungry fish! Happiness is a warm modem. Happiness is owning your own library card! Happiness is your favorite program moving to Windows Happiness: a combination of good health and a bad memory. Happy couple: A deaf husband and a blind wife. Hard DISK? Gee lady I misunderstood you. Hard Work never killed anyone, but why chance it? Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now. Hardware buffs do it in nanoseconds. Harley Davidson - if you have to ask, I can't explain. Harley Krishna. Can you picture the airports? Have Laptop. Will Travel. Have You Hugged Your Child Today? [For Adults Only] Have a nice day, elsewhere. Have a tagline? Leave a tagline. Need a tagline? take a t Have you hugged a Klingon lately (and lived)? Have you hugged your kids today? Have you hugged your fire lizard today? Have you hugged your motherboard today? Have you made someone laugh today? (C)L.Belasco Have you punched a racist today? Have you said "I love you" to your father lately Have you seen this Tagline? Call 1-800-TAG-THIS! Have you spoken to a Turing machine today? Haven't you seen a woman before? Brenna Hawaiian pensioners are on the Dole He Has More Crust Than A Pie Factory. He That Laughs Last Didn't Get The Joke. He blonde, handsome but has a Z80 brain! He cannot rule the great who cannot rule the small. He died to take away your sins, not your mind. He does the work of 3 men: Moe, Larry & Curly He is a Fun Guy -- plural of fungus ... He is a good politician -- he STAYS bought! He knew the tavernes well in every toun. He meant well, or at least he meant SOMETHING. He slimed me! Ghostbusters He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. He was as tough as a two dollar steak He who dies with the most toys is still DEAD! He who dies with the most software WINS! He who join nudist club pay no cover charge. He who laughs last didn't get the joke. He who laughs last is probably your boss. He who laughs last probably doesn't understand the joke. He who laughs, lasts. He who lives by the sword laughs last. He's Dead Jim. Get His Phaser, I Got His Wallet. He's dead Jim You grab the Tricorder I'll take his wallet He's dead, Jim - grab his wallet! He's dead? I thought he was British. Health food makes me sick. Health is the slowest rate at which one can die. Hear me now and believe me later... Heart's in the right place. Lord knows where his mind is Heaven doesn't want me, Hell's afraid I'll take over. Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off To Work We Go! Hell Hath No Pizza Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned. Hell hath no fury like the attorney of a woman scorned. Hell hath no pizza...probably no Thai restaurants,either! Hell is kept warm with profane burners! Hell no I don't know! Hell with World. I can make my own people! Hello ello ello is anyone there ere ere? Hello officer, licence and registration, sure Hello, I am part number ޺۳ݳݳ Hello? Yes? No, Tarzan's Out Vining And Dining! Help me, Bell is pulling my plu ####### NO CARRIER Help stamp out and abolish redundancy! Help stamp out taglines! Help the "little guy" -- Vote Straight Republican Help! I think I'm going SANE! Help! Help! I'm being held captive in a mail thread! Help! I'm being held in a ZIP file Help! I'm caught in a time loop... time loop... Help! I've fallen off line and can't hang-up! Help! My tagline's fallen and can't get up! Help! Stop me before I steal taglines again! Help!!!Trolls are stealing tagline files, none are safe!! Help,,,my (S)ex drive just crashed!!! Hematologists paint the town red... Hey Rocky - Watch me pull a sysop outta my hat! Hey! Who you callin' a TAG????!! Hey! Your Trakball is upside down! Hey! These cookies don't taste like girl scouts! Hey! You can't hit a man with glasses! Use a bat! Hey, McKensy! This Spudd's for you! Hey, that's MY tagline! Hey, you've got a nice baud Hi! I'll be your tagline for the evening! Hi, I'm Chip. Micro Chip. Eight-o-three-eighty-six! Hi, Y'all! High insurance rates are what killed dinosaurs. Hindsight is an exact science. History is largely FANTASY History is philosophy drawn from examples Hitler was a !C Hmmm... Sorry, just checking. Hmmmm, I had a tagline when I came in here.... Hold a hard drive to your ear. Listen to the C: Holodeck: The next best thing to being there! Holy smoke, Batman! Home is where the cat is. Home is where the computer is plugged in. Homicidal female after capture: "But he MADE me do it..." Homo hominus lupus ... Homosexuality is a mental illness... Honest honey, my HST will save me money. Honey lovers stick together! Honey, is that GTE in the yard? Where is my .357 Honk if you hate noise pollution. Honk if you love peace and quiet. Honk if you read this Honk if you're illiterate Horn busted! Watch for finger.... Horse sense is stable thinking. Horse sense naturally dwells in a STABLE mind. Horse's can't fly! Horse feathers... Hot Fudge Sundae falls on a Tuesday this year. Hot Line is mediocre. You should try Operator. Hot water heaters? Hot water needs heating? Hotlips is waiting out in the hall. Housework won't kill me, but I'm not taking any chances. Housework, if done right, can kill you. How can I wash my Windows 3.0? How can you spot lying politicians? Their lips move... How charged with punishments the scroll. How come rednecks always wear blue collars? How did the wicked witch of the west take a bath? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... How do I set my Laserprinter to "Stun"? How do I set my laser printer to "stun"? How do spell relief? B.A.B.Y.S.I.T.T.E.R.!!! How do they get teflon to stick to the pans? How do you spell relief? W-I-N-D-O-W-S N-T How long must my genius go unrecognized? How many babies can a motherboard have? How to make a long story short: Forget the punch line. How you look depends on where you go. How'bout some stuffed mushrooms? Hugh today, Borg tomorrow... Humans: Creatures subservient to cats. Hunger is the best sauce in the world. Hungry? Out of work? Eat your foreign car! I  . I  QEdit! I  Tejas. I  my cat. I  my cockroaches. I  echomail. I AM NOT schizophrenic. Me neither. I Am A Spiritual, Having A Human Experience! I Am Always Exact And Precise! (More Or Less!) I Don't do windows. ...I don't have the time! I Forgot To Add A Tagline I Hate Virus's, They Make Me Sick I Know I'm nuts. I'm a Co-Sysop! I LIVED ! Now what do I do??? I LOVE NEW YORK! And MEASLES and MUMPS, cuz I'm NUTS! I Like Men With A Future, And Women With A Past! I NEED TO HIT THE LOTTERY SO THAT I CAN RETIRE I READ the Docs... Just didn't understand them I Work With Computers! I Make OUT OF ORDER Signs I [] My Dog. I [] My Cat. I admit to being INEPT, INCOMPETENT and INDEBT. I ain't much but I'm all I got. I am HERE... Wish you were FINE. (Stolen) I am NOT an elitist! *ALL* computers are too slow! I am a bird, waiting to fly! I am a figment of a computers imagination I am a mental tourist, My mind wanders! I am a true ZX-81 user! I am firm. You're stubborn. He's pigheaded. I am functioning within established parameters... I am here. Wish you were fine! I am in total control, but don't tell my wife. I am not a number. I am a variable. I am not arguing with you; I am telling you. I am not young enough to know everything. I am perfectly sane, and so am I. I am powerless and I can live with that. I am the Terror that stays up late at night.. I am the girl next door's imaginary boyfriend... I am the root of some evil... send some money. I am, therefore I think -- I think. I think? I think. I believe in The Divine Right of SysOps. I believe in moderate Moderation. I brake for State Police !! I called a BBS once, but I didn't download. I came. I saw. I stole your tagline! I came; I saw; I left... I can be convinced of ANYthing. With logic. I can resist everything except temptation I can see more on my knees than on my tiptoes I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks I can't believe I read the whole thing! I can't decide between Edlin and WordPerfect 5.1. I can't get the #!$% White-Out off my screen! I can't remember if I used to know that. I can't use Windows. My cat ate my mouse. I can't use Windows. My cat killed my mouse. I come from the shallow end of the gene pool. I confess! I've been peeing in the sink! I coulda been a contenda! I couldn't change if I wanted to, I'm soldered in. I couldn't think of one. I deserve my fat - I worked hard for it! I deserve respect, but a pay raise will do! I didn't do it; nobody saw me do it; you can't prove it. I didn't know it HAD a 666th floor! I didn't know it was impossible when I did it I didn't wake up "Grouchy", I let her sleep. I do because I have to. I do not think it means what you think it means. I don't believe in a no-win situation. I don't care if does multitask, I don't do Windows I don't care what anyone says. Epilady HURTS! I don't eat snails - I only eat fast food I don't exist -- my computer creates all this! I don't give a damn about apathy. I don't have a life...My BBS stole it! I don't have a solution,but I admire the problem I don't have any taglines to give you. Go away. I don't know & Not me --- 2 very busy people! I don't know about ignorance and apathy. Who cares? I don't know.. and what's more, I don't care! I don't like your negative attitude, you Loudmouth I don't make mistakes,I make miscalculations. I don't need directions. I need HELP! I don't recall running for this office... I don't register shareware, I rewrite it! I don't sleep. Get away from me little monkey boy. I don't steal taglines ! I'm just making sure they work ! I don't want MORE -- I want it ALL! I want it NOW! I don't want it now, I want it RIGHT now! I don't want the world, I just want YOUR half! I dont mind reality, if I dont have to live there. I dont nead no speling cheker! I em a wuunderfull spelur. I tipe vari gud two. I eschew all religions religiously! I even tried to reformat it, but still can't read my file I faxed you the check... I finally found the ANY key! I forget so easy..., hm ?, what did I say ? I forget the dream but I'm missing a pajama button. I fought the lawn and the lawn won... I gave her the ring - she gave me the finger.... I get blamed for *everything*! I get paid weekly, very weakly! I'm a Volunteer! I glue all my bills together. Why? Mail bonding ritual. I got lost in thought, it was unfamiliar territory. I had an APPLE, but I ate it... I hate BBSing. I hate it when that happens! I have a disk ache! I have a firm grip on reality. Now I can strangle it. I have a mind like a steel sieve! I have a watch cat! Just break in and she'll watch. I have an attitude and I know how to use it I have dynamic memory, it needs refreshing... I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I have no humble opinions. I have not lost my mind - it's backed up on tape I have seen the bring me some I can agree with I have seen the enemy. He is us. I have seen the truth and it makes no sense. I have to stop now, my fingers are getting hoarse. I have turned off my taglines. I haven't lost my mind. It's backed up somewhere I idiot-proof my programs,but along comes a bigger idiot. I just planted an algebra tree . . . it has square roots! I just steal 'em, I don't explain 'em. I know ! We could call in a police sketch artist ! I know a good tag line when I steal one I know it all. I just can't remember it all at once. I know it's not in your district! I know nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooothing. I know some whose mothers should have been lesbian I know there's a RIME, is there a RESON? I know where MY towel is! I know who you are, and I saw what you did. I left my tart in Aunt Fran's Crisco... I lie to polltakers. I like -made . I like being single.I'm always there when I need me. I like to leave messages *before* the beep. I live so far in the country, my ZIP is EIEIO! I look at clouds from both sides now....... I looked it broke I lost everything, [Norris] said. I love children! They taste just like chicken. I love flying my computer. I love to! I love work--I can sit back and watch it all day I march to the beat of a different kettle of fish! I married you for your money -- where IS it? I may make you feel, but I can't make you think. I may rise.....but I refuse to shine! I met some of my *Best* friends over the modem. I moved 2 in. - and am now at my wits' end. I multitask... I read in the bathroom! I need a coff of cupee REAL bad! I need an altitude adjustment..... I need some new taglines. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. I never do anything to be sorry for anymore. I never! I never forget a face - but yours I might. I never met a chocolate I didn't like! I no wanna work...I wanna bang on keyboard... I object to sex on TV. I keep falling off. I owe..I owe..It's off to work I go..Da..Da..Da Da I parked my harddisk - and got a ticket! I poured spot remover on my dog now he's gone I remember when Saturns were rockets, not cars. I remembered too, the distance bells....... I saw 2 peanuts on the street. One was a salted! I saw that! And I'm telling your mother! I seam to have inaddvertintly deleeted the spel cheker. I should elope.... I spent all my money on Bytes, Boards, and Bauds I stay in marvelous shape! I worry it off. I stepped on a Tetanus needle today..... now what? I still use Z80's...... I think I think, therefore I might be. I think I think, therefore I think I am. I think my car was made in Detroit, by mess production. I think that I'll stand up-wind, if you don't mind I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think...Maybe! I think, so I am. Huh? I think, therefore I'm overqualified !!! I think, therefore I am (or am I?). I thought I was right once, but I was wrong. I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken. I thought about being Born Again, but my mother refused. I thought we were autonomous collective. I thought you did the backups. I tried APL, but it was all Greek to me! I tried OS/2 once, but I didn't inhale. I tried the rest but bought the best!!!! I tried to drown my problems, but they can swim. I tried to drown my problems They swam, I didn't! I tried to get a life, but it was too expensive. I truly appreciate Ur gracious response. 10Q I unplug for storms. It's safer that way. I use Windows and I don't care who knows! I used to be a banker but I lost interest... I used to be sane, but now I'm better I used to have a good reason, but I forgot. I used to have a life... Now I have a RelayNet (tm) I used to have a life, then I got an BOCA HST ! I used to have a rock garden, but three of them died. I used to read books. Now I read .qwk files. I was fyered cawse my boss wuz jellus of my abillittys. I was going to procrastinate, but I put it off. I was insane once, now I'm here in Memphis. I was like this BEFORE watching Weather Channel non-stop. I was pleased to answer promptly. I said I didn't know. I wasn't there; I didn't do it; you can't prove it. I wear a size "All" in smiles. I will defend to the death everyone's right to my opinion I will fight for your right to your wrong opinion. I will make my day! I wish COBOL and VHS would hurry up and DIE! I wish someone of authority would give us a direction. I work like I am paid, Very Little & Once a month I would live to study and not study to live. I wouldn't be paranoid if everyone didn't pick on me. I'd Give My Right Arm To Be Ambidextrous! I'd be an atheist, but they don't have any holidays. I'd be unstoppable, if I could only get started I'd buy THAT for a dollar! I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I need it more. I'd hate to be a Q-tip. I'd like the same repayment plan as Brazil. I'd quit my job, but I need the sleep! I'd rather be in Cancun. I'll mix metaphors until the cows come home to roost! I'll never make two mistakes at the same time I'll register Shareware -- Not my gun!!! I'll take the *large* "half" ... I'll tell you the truth whether I know it or not. I'll try anything once too often. I'm A Simple Man! I Love The Best Of Everything! I'm Flying! I'm FLYING! >>THUD<< I'm Joining A Procrastinators Club, Soon! I'm a Killer Tomato! I'm a doctor, not a tagline.... I'm a natural blonde. Please speak slowly. I'm a pilot. I pick it up here and pile it there. I'm a programmer and I'm OK I'm a sucker for octopus I'm allergic to nuclear radiation. I'm as confused as a baby at a topless bar! I'm aware of the risks ensign. Picard I'm building a pig from a kit. I'm carryin' only, a pocket full of dreams...... I'm efficient. I finished my 2-week diet in three days. I'm glad you're reached my conclusion. I'm going! I'm going to see the cow beneath the sea I'm grinning from 'ere to 'ere I'm growing older, but not up..... I'm hangin I'm happiest when someone else is doing the cooking. I'm having an out of money experience! I'm here to question all your answers. I'm hopelessly addicted to my modem! I'm in big trouble I'm in search of myself.Have you seen me anywhere? I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it? I'm in shape ... round is a shape, isn't it? I'm just a computer freak, but you never guessed! I'm just a peripheral visionary. I'm just a soul whose intentions are good I'm just here for moral support... ignore the gun... I'm kept in the dark and fed B.S. Me? Mushroom? I'm my own boss! Everyday is Payday!! I'm neither for nor against apathy I'm not a stranger...only a friend you haven't met. I'm not afraid of flying, I'm afraid of crashing. I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. I'm not born again-my goddess got it right. I'm not conceited; I just can't stand mortals I'm not crazy! I'm just "disturbed"... I'm not deaf. I'm ignoring you. I'm not nearly as think as you confused I am. I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this? I'm not schizophrenic, just ask my other personality. I'm not tense, just terribly alert. I'm number 3, I don't try at all. I'm on the rotation diet. I eat every time I turn around. I'm only visiting this planet. I'm part Scotch; my other part's water. I'm schizophrenic, but I'm good people... I'm schizophrenic...and I outnumber you! I'm so broke, I can't even afford to pay attention. I'm so excited I'm gonna ask the doc to step up sedation. I'm so horny even the crack of Dawn isn't safe! I'm sorry, Dave; I'm afraid I can't do that" I'm sorry, we don't have any officers to take this call.. I'm spending a year dead for tax purposes. I'm sure it's clearly explained in the Zmodem DOC's ... I'm surrounded by idiots. I'm trying to think, but nothing's happening. I'm user friendly, I don't byte -- I nybble. I'm very religious -- Orthodox Cynic. I'm weird, but around here its barely noticeable. I've a wonderful tagline, but this isn't it! I've been around the Fatal AbEnd! I've been rich & I've been poor. Rich is better. I've fallen, and I can't get up. I've finally got this ficts, fics, fixd ... I've got 256K of RAM, so why can't I run Windows 3.0? I've got a 2 bit computer! I've got a life! It's just the wrong one! I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called? I've got a new game, mumbled Peg. I've got it together, but I can't remember where. I've got morals.I just don't know where they are I've got to get back to work..... I've got two of these tag lines. Wanna swap? I've had BETA days ... and nights!!! I've had just about all I can take of myself. I've just upped my standards, so up yours! I've never been deed before... I've told you a MILLION times not to exaggerate! I-M-4-U, S-I-M, S-I-M, G-I-1-2-B-4-U-4-F-R, N-F-R I-M-I-N-U, U-R-I-N-2, S-E-Z-2-C-B-B, U-N-I-C-I-2-I I/O, I/O, it's off the board we go! IBM = Character'val(Character'pos(HAL)+1); IBM: Inferior But Marketable IBM: Inherently Bogus Machines IF IsStolen(Tagline) THEN Insult(Thief); IF STONE(ROTATION) > 1 THEN MOSS(PROPAGATION) = 0 ILLEGAL ALIENS CUT IN HALF BY NEW LAW IM A VOTER. ARENT YOU SUPPOSED TO LIE AND KISS MY BUTT? INDONESIA, GO HOME! ITOFTENSHOWSANEXCELLENTCOMMANDOFLANGUAGETOSAYNOTHING Icons....blech, ptoowie! Ideas may be whole- left- right- or no-brained. Idiot (id-ee-it) n.- One who disagrees with you. If Hillary dies,does Bill get to become Pres? If I Die, I Forgive You! If I Live, We'll See! If I am to argue, I must take up a contrary position! If I buy the steel wool, can you knit me a Porsche If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see. If I invested in GM, it would be busted to Corporal. If I only knew when a piece of junk became an antique... If I owned a candy factory, I'd make a mint! If I save the whales, where do I keep them? If Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right - Try Three! If We Took The Bones Out, It Wouldn't Be Crunchy If Wishes Were Horses I'd Be Slipsliding All Day! If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free... If You Want A Guarantee, Buy A Toaster! If a circuit cannot fail, it will. If all else fails, curse the computer. If all fails, READ THE DOCS! " If an experiment works, something has gone wrong If anything can go wrong, it will. If at first you don't menage, trois, trois again. If at first you don't fricassee, fry, fry a hen. If at first you don't succeed, deny you ever tried. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. If at first you don't succeed, delegate! If at first you don't succeed, forget skydiving. If at first you don't succeed, redefine success. If at first you don't succeed, you don't. If at first you don't succeed, RTFM If at first you don't succeed, call it Ver. 1 If at first you don't succeed, call it a beta version. If eights bits is a byte, what's four bits? A Nibble? If guns are outlawed, can we use swords? If it ain't broke fix it till it is. If it ain't broke, fix it until it is. If it ain't broke, hit it harder. If it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it. If it comes to a battle of wits I only come half prepared If it has CHIPS or TIRES, you gonna have trouble with it. If it has TITS or TIRES, You're gonna have trouble If it isn't borken, don't fix it. If it was easy everybody would be doing it! If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all If it won't fit - get a bigger hammer! If it works, tear it apart and find out why! If it's fixed, break it! If it's fixed, don't break it! If it's not broke, it must be the beta copy. If it's not on fire, it's a software problem. If it's r/o, it had better be routed! If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well If life's a stage, I want better lighting. If love is blind, lingerie makes great braille. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet! If no winter,Spring wouldn't be so pleasant. If only AT&T knew what I was do2O:b NO CARRIER If only I didn't know now what I didn't know then. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door! If shooting from the lip, it's best not to use buckshot If speeding gets you noplace fast - you're LOST! If the smoke comes out, it won't work anymore. If there is anything better than being loved,it is loving If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. If thine enemy offend thee, giveth his kid a drum. If this is August, most of the snow is gone in Michigan If this tagline were funny, it would be stolen. If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny. If thunder don't get ya then lightnin' will! If tomorrow ever comes...I wanna be there. If version 1.0 worked, SOMEBODY GOOFED! If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities... If we don't harpoon whales, then where will we get oil? If work is a virtue, I'm living in sin! If you EXPECT sense you obviously lack it. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it. If you are responsible, you don't need liberals! If you are smoking after sex, SLOW DOWN. If you borrow a bottle of wine, are you drinking a loan? If you can do it, it ain't bragging! If you can read this tagline, you're 2 close! If you can't fix it, screw it up so no one can. If you can't keep up, DRAG 'em down to your level. If you can't make it good, sell it to stupid people. If you can't make it good, make it big. If you can't say something nice, sit by me! If you can't see this tagline, let me know. If you can't stand the heat, turn down the volume. If you can't write 'em, steal 'em. If you don't believe me, look it up. If you don't like my opinion of you, improve yourself! If you don't think women are explosive, drop one!! If you dont pay the exorcist are you repossessed? If you drink, don't drive. Play par-3 courses. If you growl all day, you will feel dog tired... If you have nothing to do, don't do it here. If you have one, pick one, if you have two, turn one in. If you hear an Onion ring, please answer it! If you knew it, when did you know you knew? If you like fast food, don't eat snails. If you live long enough it will kill you! If you never paint a house, you never have to repaint it. If you never start at all, you'll never hate to stop. If you shoot a mime, do you use a silencer? If you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast. If you think talk is cheap, talk to a lawyer. If you try to be too sharp, you will cut yourself. If you want anything said, ask a man..... If you want her to show emotion, cut up her credit cards. If you want peace, work for justice If your cow doesn't give milk, sell him. If your mind goes blank, be sure to turn off the sound. If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it! Ignorance is bliss, but it will never replace sex. Ignorance is curable; stupidity is forever. Ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever. Ignorance or apathy? I don't know, and I don't care! Ignorance starts a lot of good conversations. Illegitimati non carborundum Illiterate? Write for free information! Illiterate? Write for free help! Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is the highest kite one can fly! Imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Impeach the President and her husband too. Impossible: A seafood ad WITHOUT the word "succulent" Imprisoned in .QWK file! Send the ZIP army! In 1492, Columbus Invented America! In Canada there is another word for Sushi.......BAIT! In Case of Fire, Log Off Promptly In December mailmen have heavy bags to carry In a VERY weak moment, I started a BBS. In a funny way, it's anonymous, the satellite looks down In a hundred years, who's gonna care? In an Atomic War, All men will be cremated equal In art the best is good enough In case of emergency, administer chocolate! In case of fire, yell "FIRE!" In front of every silver lining there's a cloud. In just two days tomorrow will be yesterday... In the dark, all cats are gray. In the end, gravity wins -- Dolly Parton In the ranks of death you will find him.. In the tidal destruction of the moral malaise.. Inaccuracy can save a lot of explanation. Indecision Is The Key To Flexibility! Indeed I am not envious, rather I am amazed. Individualists of the world: UNITE! Inflation is when the buck doesn't stop anywhere Inflation: A Dollar Saved Is A Penny Earned! Infrared turn signals seem to be catching on! Injun not lost. Tepee lost. Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your kids. Insanity is hereditary! You get it from your children! Intel does it one segment at a time. Interchangeable devices won't. Invertebrate punster - so slug me! Invertebrates make no bones about it. Invest in negotiable blondes. Iran to the poolhall and Iraq the balls. Iraqi Bingo: B-52... F-16... M-1... F-18... F-117... Iraqi kid: "Aww mom... Oil for lunch again?" Iraqi rifle for sale. Never fired. Dropped once. Is Fiction Actually Fantasy, Or Is That Reversed Is Taco Bell really the Mexican phone company? Is There Intelligent Life in the Universe? Is a Jamaican terminal a raster-farian? Is an idiotic sergeant a noncompoop? Is computer science? Is feeling good about Glasnost a Gorbasm? Is fire supposed to shoot out of it like that? Is he strong? Listen, bud, he's got radioactive blood. Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork? Is it surreal? Or is it Memorex? Is sex in a cornfield, PORN on the cob? Is that seat saved? No, but we're praying for it. Is that your tagline or did your mailreader throw up? Is there gas in the car? Yes there's gas in the car! Is this chair saved? No, you'd better pray for it. Is this the fun part? Is this the right room for an argument? Is this where the Tagline goes? Is this yours? Your dog left it on my lawn ... Is your disk running on ALL cylinders? Isn't there a Humane Society for people? It Is Easier To Get Older Than To Get Wiser. It Works For Me! It ain't lengthy, it's my tagline. It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings!! It already has enough SALT...Add some PEPPER. It can do SOMETHING right. It can`t be that hard to do It has been discovered: research causes cancer in rats. It helps if you plug it in. It is ILLEGAL to remove this tagline It is always easier to destroy than to create. It is better to wear out than to rust out. It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience It is difference of opinion that makes horse races. It is much safer to obey than to rule. It must be Deja Vu all over again! It never goes back into the box. It only works when you're not looking. It takes a long time to grow an old friend. It takes a long time to understand nothing It takes courage to innovate, not imitate. It works better if you plug it in *AND THEN* turn it on. It works better iph you phlug it in. It works if you work it... One day at a time... It's 3.45am... and where is your brain? - Jolt Cola Co. It's Captain October. He's red Jim. It's Chekov... He's RED, Jim! It's IMO, as any opinion I have is NOT humble It's Nothing A Warm-Boot Can't Fix! It's a Fair Wind that Blows against the Empire It's a control freak thing-I won't let you understand It's a happy helmet Ren, now you'll always be happy It's a sky blue sky. Satellites are out tonight It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it. It's all part of life's rich pattern. It's as bad as you think and they are out to get you. It's astounding, time is fleeting It's bad luck to be superstitious. It's better to be looked over than overlooked. It's easier to curse the candle than light the darkness. It's great to do nothing and rest afterwards. It's my life and I like it, don't tell me my mind! It's never too late to have a happy childhood. It's not a BUG, it's an undocumented feature! It's not a question of where he grips it! It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere. It's not in the manual !!!!! It's not over 'til the FAT table sings. It's not over until Milli Vanilli sings! It's not what you say, it's what I think you said. It's only a flesh wound... It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a #$#$#%#! It's only rock and roll but I like it It's the end of the world as we know it ... It's the same story the crow told me... It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim. Italian pacifist slogan: GIVE PIZZA CHANCE. Its hard being BLUE. Its nice to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Its not that I don't trust you...or is it? Its what I do. It's what I *live* for! Itsdifficulttobeverycreativewithonlyfiftysevencharacters Ivo Andric - Yugoslavia's First Nobel Laureate Jack & Jill, pail of water,...Riiiiight... Jane Goodall was a chimp off the old block. Jello again! Jet Engine Theory: Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow! Jim Bakker & Jimmy Swaggert's new magazine - Repenthouse Jobba the Hut was a slug! Johnny Cash = the $ you save for the pay toilet Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ۰. Junior, Quit Playing With Your Floppy!!!! Junk bonds--why do you think they call 'em junk? Junk will accumulate to overflow space provided for it. Junk: Stuff we throw away. Stuff: Junk we keep. Just 'cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean I'm wrong. Just Scouting !!!! Just a sinner save by the Grace of God Just another dull moment in TAGLINES.MR Just another innocent bystander... Just another one of Derek's lab rats. :-) Just another useless, unnecessary tagline! Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand Just daydreaming about my inability to fantasize Just kiss the ring and get up... Just my 2 worth (you get what you pay for) Just pour gravy on it. Just shoot, I'll do my best. Just trying to keep up..... Just waiting for a new version...... Just what *DO* ya do with a drunkin sailor??? Just when I make ends meet, someone moves one! Just wish I had a tag line. Justice: A decision in your favor. KEYBOARD:Instrument used to enter ERRORS into a Computer. KILL IT..before it sucks the chrome off! Keep It Happening Keep It Simple.... Keep a weather eye on the telltale of Life. Keep calling back it works Keepin up with the Joneses!!!!! Kenpo Karate, way of the Fist,-Always hide your treasure. Keyboard Disconnected: Hit Any Key To Continue. Keyboard not attached.Press F10 to continue... Keyboard not found. Think F1 to Continue. Keyboard not functioning. Press F1 to continue. Kids always make you worry when they are quiet. Kids will prove "You ain't seen it all" Kindness will always be a valuable investment Kirk to Enterprise - beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack Kiss my Bits Klingons evolved from seals. Want proof? "Worf! Worf!" Klingons have Ridges. Klingons need love, too. Messy, but true! Know your rights!! Knowing Murphy's Law won't help. Knowledge IS Power Kuwait: Between Iraq and a hard place... LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT!!! LIFE: No one has ever survived it. LOOKOUT, DAMMIT!...I'm eta Testing!! LOTUS - Let Only The Users Suffer Lady, I don't think I can take another 67 of those ! Lady, control yourself. I'm online here... Laissez les bon temps rouler, cher... Language known best by programmers -profanity Language makes my vowels move... Laptop: Lighter than the avg. secretary Larrydumb, Curlydumb, Modem. Last guys don't finish nice. Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. Laura Palmer is alive and with John Denver! Law where prohibited by void. Laws are for the conformists. Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself. Leakproof seals aren't Leakproof seals, will. Quiet toilets, aren't. Learn a new Mating Position - Play Chess! Learn to create, not compete !! Learning makes people fit company for themselves. Leave thy vain bibble-babble. Will S. Let he who is stoned cast the first sin. Let me know if you didn't receive this message! Let me take you down, cause I'm going to.... Let not the sands of time get in your lunch. Let's Hold On To Each Other and Extend our hands Let's all sail the Seven Seas! Let's be careful out there. Esterhouse Let's round-up the usual suspects! Lets get mystical Liar: One who tells an unpleasant truth. Liberal: A power worshipper without power. Lie #001: The check is in the mail. Lie #002: This program is bug free. Lie: The program is bug free. Lieutenant Commander Data is programmed in C+++++++++++. Life Facts..Death, Taxes, and "THEY" will Tax us to Death Life Is A Placebo, Masquerading As A Smile! Life ain't easy for a Borg named Hugh. Life is a banquet & most suckers are starving! Life is a bowl of cherries and I got all the pits Life is a game. Money is how we keep score. Life is a placebo masquerading as a smile Life is anything that dies when you stomp it! Life is one continuous unnecessary roughness penalty Life is sexually transmitted and terminal. Life is short, eat dessert first!! Life is still in Beta test. Life is too short to drink cheap wine ... Life is uncertain, so eat dessert first. Life would be easier with the "Source Code". Life! Too Many Questions! Damn Few Answers! Life's A Bitch! But The Puppies ARE Sure cute! Life's a Beach and then you Dive . . Life's a batch and then your hard drive dies! Life's a bitch, but the puppies are cute. Life...don't talk to me about life. Life: A fatal, sexually transmitted disease... Life: Anything that dies when you stomp it! Lighten up and laugh at yourself. Everyone else is! Lights out tonight, trouble in the heartland... Limit Congress to 2 terms: 1 in office, 1 in jail Line Noise!? Ha! I don't get li####%@# Linear programmers don't need flowcharts...or SDL Liquor in the front. Poker in the rear. Listen To The Rhythm Of The Crashing Hard Drives Literature plagiarists call it "Research" Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse. Live simply - that others may simply live Live within your income even if you have to borrow Logic is a way of going wrong with confidence. Logic is the organized way to go insane. Look elsewhere for humour! Look, Ma! I gotta MACRO! Look, this isn't an arguement, it's just contradiction! Look. A flying porpoise. Lookout World! The Modem is Ringing! Looniness is alive and well in my house! Losing sight of our goals is our biggest mistake! Lost - One Tagline - old, but very cuddly. Love is blind, so I read lingerie in Braille.. Love the gays, but NOT their ways. Love thy neighbor, but not in public. Love your neighbor : Just don't get caught! Love, American Style!!! Love: A game for two, and both can win. Love: knowing all the buttons---and NOT pushing them... Loving Pit Bull ... needs home ... Master has died ... Luck: Preparation meeting Opportunity. Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest ASCII. MAN.ZIP - User may invoke program MAKEBABY.ZIP MODEMS.....reach out & BYTE someone... MODEMing: Do it til you go blind MONEY TALKS ...but all mine ever says is GOODBYE! MS DOS 5.0 is OUT (and DR DOS 5.0 is IN!) MS Word: From the folks who brought you EDLIN MULTITASKING: Taking a shower while you mail downloads. MUMBLE MUMBLE MUMBLE POOF! MaBell should love me, I pay their salary every month... Machine wash, warm, tumble dry. Machines should work. People should think. Machinists do it with greater precision Mad at your neighbors? Buy their kid a drum! Madness takes its toll; please have exact change. Magicians are a vanishing species. Maids never die - they just return to dust. Mail is there to read.......if u have time Mail not found: (a)bort (r)etry (p)anic (b)lame sysop Mail your ideas on the back of a $100 bill to . . . . Mail your ideas written on the back of a $20 bill to... Majorettes do it with a twirl!!! Make friends with sysops; page at 3 a.m. Make my day: Kill a GUI today! Make my sushi medium rare Make the best of bad situations. Make the world a better place, communicate. Makes life easier, mail all over the world. Male chauvinism is the arrogance of the duped. Man and wife make one fool. Man is a dog's idea of what God should be. Man was not intended to be celibate but my wife thinks so Man, The Animal That Thinks He Isn't An Animal! Many are cold but few are frozen. Many men smoke, but fu man chu. Marcel Marsewing: Running out of bobbin thread 6" back! March mebee, I don't believe April... Marriage - Female going from lipstick to broomstick. Marriage makes a life of deception a necessity. Marriage? Sorry, I can't mate in captivity. Marriages are based on believing you won the arguments. Martyrdom - become famous without ability Mary had potatoes, wine, salad, and a little lamb. Mason-Dixon: Line that separates y'all from youse-guys. Math: SQRT of Evil. Calculus: the derivative. Mathematicians take it to the limit. May all the drug dealers rest in PIECES. May all your tribbles be little ones.... May the fleas of 1000 camels invade your armpits May the wind behind you always be your own. May you get all you wish for - Chinese curse May you live in interesting times - Chinese curse May your kayak only have one hole in it! May your next 10 generations have hairy noses. Maybe I think too much... McBorg: Over 50 Billion assimilated! Me hav'em heap trouble. - Tonto the programmer Me sexist? Some of my best friends are bimbos. Me! Indecisive? I'm not so sure about that. Me'n Guido u'd like youse to try MarkMail... Me, indecisive? Errrrmmm, well, I dunno. Am I? Me, indecisive? I'm not so sure about that. Me? FAT? No, just horizontally challenged.... Measure w/micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an axe! Meester, do you vant to buy a duck? Meis's lore: Less is more (more or less). Men are like programs. A smart woman keeps a backup. Men prefer blondes, but take what they can get. Men willingly believe what they wish. --Caesar Mens sana in corpore sano Mental floss prevents Dumb disease. Merry Christmas every body - may there be peace all over. Message re-edited while stoned. MetaPhysics is the Anatomy of the Soul !! Miami Beach is where neon goes to die. Mice are handy accessories, but I prefer gerbils Mickey Mouse wears a Brian Mulroney watch. Midas was into golden showers. Mie spel czecher iz awn the phritz. Military Intelligence is an oxymoron !! Millihelen: Amount of beauty required to launch one ship. Mind Bend:The result of many sleepless nights Mind you, moose bites can be very nasty. Minds, like parachutes, work only when open. Misery INSISTS on company. Missing: wife and dog. Reward for dog. Misspelled? Impossible. My modem is error correcting. Misspelled? No Way! My Modem Is Error Correcting Mistress - something between a mister and a mattress. Mobility is Nobility. Modem owners do it online. Modem owners do it online! Modem: A great deterrent to phone solicitors Modeming...a writers escape! Moderation in warfare is imbecility. Mon crayon est longe et grand. Mondays are a rotten way to spend a 7th of your life. Mondays can be hell if you let them! Money Talks! Yep, Mine Sez "Bye-Bye"! Money has its own set of rules... Money is a good servant but a bad master. Money is the root of all wealth Money is the root of all evil! (Send $15 for more info) Money is the root of all evil. For more info send $20. Money is the ultimate labor saving device. Money or Modem, they dont' mix but they do absorb. Money talks - mine says "Goodbye" Money's all broke, and food's going hungry Monotheism is a gift from the gods! MooGooGaiPan: ChewyChineseBeefFry. Morality is the weakness of the mind. Most advice is worth what it cost, nothing! Most of our future lies ahead. Mostly harmless. Mothers are the necessity of invention. Move your vowels daily or you'll get consonated. Mr Spock wears Vulcanized rubbers. Multitasking --- screwing up several things at once! Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once! Murphy was an optimist! Murphy was an optimist... Murphy's 9th camping law - leakproof seals...will Murphy's Law Doesn't Apply To Me! Murphy's Law only fails when demonstrated. Musicians duet better Must Go - Unexpected Visit from the Spanish Inquisition My 386 does an infinite loop in 4.68 sec. My AT needs everything, If I could afford it My Bajoran clock just struck thirteen. My Cyclic Redundacy Check just bounced. My Dad's a quantum mechanic.....what's yours..? My Daddy can out-litigate your Daddy! My EZ-READER just got SLIMED My FAT? Oh yeah I'm going to get rid of that... My Mercedes Benz in the wrong direction! My Taglines got trashed. My Twit Filter just put me on its Twit List! My XT's not slow, it just takes it's time! My baby done erased me from the hard disk of her heart My best view from OS/2 was through Windows NT. My computer NEVER loc My computer is a 386-My sweetheart is 38-26-36 My computer runs at 25 but he still stands here. My computer's sick -- I think my modem is a carrier. My cow died so I don't need your bull anymore. My cow died, so I don't need your bull anymore. My decision is MAYBE ... and that's FINAL My favourite philosopher is Garfield My favourite question: Why not ??? My how time flies when you are "tapping the keys" My husband married a porno movie. My incoming messages have the right of way. My kingdom for a tagline. My lawyer can beat up your lawyer! My lecherometer is bigger than YOUR lecherometer! My life is based on a true story. My life is organized around high probability events. My life may be strange, but at least it's not boring! My mama done tol' me... My math skills: 3 + 3 = 5. Close, only missed by 2! My mind is a real scheme engine. My mind is fine but my forgetter is better. My mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts. My modem has premature bauding... My morale is fine! You can stop flogging now! My mother was a saint. She was also a virgin! My name's not Honey, and I'm nobody's "girl"! My other brain is in the shop. My other car is a fire engine ... My other computer is a CRAY! (It's in the shop, tho) My other computer is a Z80... My other computer is a piece of s*** too. My other computer is an IMSAI........ My other computer is an Apple! My other computer is a Timex-Sinclair 1000 My problem is an 8088 brain in a 80486 world. My reality check just bounced. My reality check just bounced - Insufficient substance My sincere thanks for any input that helps! My stair stepper goes down stairs only. My tagline is in the shop. This is a loaner. My train of thought derails frequently. My universe! I hate party bashers! My very earnest mother just served us nine pickles. My views on ignorance and apathy: I don't know and I don't care. My wife calls my boat "Mother's Mink!" Mbius strippers have no end and no backside either NAAAAA: N. American Assoc. Against Acronym Abuse NAK NAK Who's there? #E) NO CARRIER NEW YORK CITY! get a rope NO! Not "DEL," "DIR!" NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! NOBODY inquisites the Spanish Expectation! NOMR Paint baboon bottoms; leave no stern untoned NR] A bill the size of a small defense budget NR] Earth: Mostly harmless. NR] How did the wicked witch of the west take a bath? NR] My computer NEVER loc NR] Programmers do it after reading the specification NR] Systems analysts do it with computer aided tools Nanosecond - Measure of time on mork's planet ork. National Security My !! National Security: inevitable excuse of the oppressors. Natural Selection: The Dumb Die Off First! Natural laws have no pity" - RAH Natural selection process:The dumb die off first Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed Necessity Is The Mother Of Taking Chances! Necessity is a mutha. Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows. Need a hat and thigh-high BOOTS for that one! Need to laugh? Teach a dog to fetch a Boomerang! Negative slack tends to increase. Neither accept nor reject without proof. Nepotism: Kinfluence. Nero fakes it-- can't read music! Network XXIII where 2's company and 3's an audience. Never Moon A Lycanthrope! Never break your bread or roll in your soup. Never carry ice cream in your pocket. Never eat more than you can lift. Never eat yellow snow. Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fist! Never invest in anything that eats. Never judge a man by his taglines. Never lean forward to push an invisible object. Never lend money. It causes amnesia. Never let an inanimate object defeat you. Never lick a gift horse in the mouth. Never mind the facts - I know what I know Never mind the star - get those damn camels off the lawn! Never mind the star - get those camels off my lawn! Never moon a werewolf. Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely Never sail where seagulls walk! Never say "oops" in the operating room. Never say Never.. it may be happening now!! Never sleep with someone crazier than yourself. Never tempt a devil with his own sins. Never test for an error you don't know how to handle. Never to return Never to the end. Never trust a Piltdown Man with a calculator. Never trust a person who says, "Trust Me".... Never trust a smiling dog Never try to outstubborn a cat. Never underestimate the speed of prune juice. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. New Baghdad Golf Course - 18,000 Holes New Mail not found. Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N) New product? No, just a high priced upgrade! New strain of system-trashing virus: WINDOWS Next Message Mr. Crusher.. Aye Sir ! Next on Geraldo: Masturbation - fact or friction. Next technology challenge: send coffee over modem lines! Next time you wave, use ALL your fingers! Nice computers don't go down. Nice things about egotists: they never talk about you. Nice to see I'm not alone in my disgruntlement. No $$$ and stuck in the state of 8088... No Condo, No MBA, No BMW, No Clever Tagline No Glove.....No Love! No Radio. Already stolen No Tagline available at this time. No comb, no toothbrush, got nothin' at all.... No condo, no MBA, no BMW, no 486, no clever tagline. No dammit! Don't pick up the pho*&^&#%$#$#$%^*%^$* No doubt about it, I gotta get another tag line! No funny tag line found. Abort, Ignore, Retry? No great scoundrel is ever uninteresting. No longer sitting on the merry-go-round... No more lawyers? No more freedom!!! No more toilet paper or paper towles, wipe your... No news is good news.No Journalists is even better.Bently No one ever listened himself out of a job. No one has ever bet enough on a winning horse. No one has gone broke underestimating the public No one really knows enough to be a pessimist. No technique works if it isn't used. No thnaks, I had bugs for lunch! No, I am not being hostile, you twit! No, I'm NOT an Extended Character. No, Sam-I-am, I do not want green eggs and ham! No, no, NOT "born again." I said I was into PORN again! No<-->strings<-->attached...No<-->strings<-->attached... Noah saved animals from the flood by arcing them Noah saved animals from the Great Flood by arcing them. Nobody Else Knows What To Do Either! Nobody listens, then everybody disagrees. Nobody notices when things go right. Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. Not a tagline, but an incredible simulation! Not enough memory to run VIRUS.COM . REBOOTING.. Not feeling witty today. Not just me not just you all around the world Not now, I have a headache! Not ready error reading tagline - Abort, Retry, Fail? Not the Mama! Not to worry!...this is a TRANSCENDENTAL solution. Not tonight dear.....I have a modem Not tonight, hon. I have a headcrash... Notary Sojac. Note - My parents made me act like this. Notebook computers make great lap warmers! Nothing anybody tells you about marriage helps.. Nothing can be made foolproof, as fools are so ingenious. Nothing can go wrong(clik)go wrong(clik)go wro.. Nothing endures but personal qualities Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget. Nothing goes right for me. I have a canary who hums! Nothing herein should be taken as legal advise Nothing important happens on Monday. Nothing is 100% certain, bug free or IBM compatible. Nothing is fool proof, fools are ingenious. Nothing is interesting if you're not interested. Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up. Nothing lasts as long as an ugly necktie. Nothing man can do will save the earth. Nothing spoils a confession like repentance. Nothing's so weird that no one's done it. Notice: All incoming fire has the right of way. Nouvelle cuisine shows more on the bill than on the plate Now entering second childhood ... Now how much would you pay? But wait! There's more! Now on CD ROM, classic taglines of the computer era. Now that I am dead, I'm finally making a living. Now that I have your ear, Mr. Van Gogh... Now that I've fallen, the stupid button doesn't WORK! Now where did I park my hard drive? Now where did you say my disk drove? Now, where did I put that sling shot.....? Nowhere man can you see me - at all?? Nuclear Walrus Popper off the port bow, sir! Nuclear plants are built better than Jane Fonda Nudists are people who wear one-button shirts. Nuke 'em till they glow & shoot 'em in the dark! Nuke pwr plants are built better than Jane Fonda Nuke the Whales - US Fission Wildlife Service OH NO, my wife burned the Rice Crispies, AGAIN!! OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to be eccentric. ON ERROR GOTO TheBar ON ERROR GOTO blamesomeoneelse; ONLINE ? Good! Hit to take the I.Q. Test OOOPS! THE HEAD HONCHO IS GETTING ANGRY!!! OS/2 - Bringing it all together in '9? (NOT!!!) OS/2 : "Why, I Never Dreamed Windows NT Was so Superb!" OS/2 : an Unrecoverable Acquisition Error OS/2...UNIX for the mentally handicapped. OS/2: Half an operating system OS/2: Upgrades are free. Who would PAY for it anyway? Oatbran can cause cereal output errors. Ob-la-dee Ob-la-da Oboe: An ill woodwind that no-one blows good. Oderint, dum metuant. Of course I'm telling the truth! Would I Shih Tzu? Of course, I *could* be wrong. Naaah! Of course, burgers ARE the devil's scouring pads. Of freedom, graven on a heavier chain. Offline E-mailers do it all night. Often the masses are plundered and do not know it. Oh No! He's getting WORSE! Oh bother", said Pooh. Oh no!!! Look! It is a Brainstorm! Oh no, not another learning experience! Oh say, can you C? Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole Oh very good, Worf. Eat any good books lately? Oh, bother. Pooh Oh, look--here's Godot. Oh, no! Not ANOTHER learning experience! Oh, sure. I can C fine! Okay, I admit it. I inhaled. Old MacDonald had a computer, with EIA I/O... Old McGinness was a wolf....E I E .Can Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. Old age is not for sissies... Old enough to know better, young enough not to care. Old folks ain't what they usta be Old maid: A girl whose father didn't own a shotgun. Old men declare wars, but youth must fight them Old musicians never die, they just de-compose. Old soldiers never die. Young ones do. On a clear disk you can seek forever On election day vote early and often On the other hand, you have different fingers. On the other hand, you also have five fingers. On the raw edges of reality I stood . . . On the scale of 3-5%, I'm 5%. Once a night, always a Knight, all nite long!! Once upon a time... (To be continued next month) Once, you had to know how to solder to be a computerist. OnceAKingAlwaysAKingButOnceAKnightIsNeverEnough One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many. One good turn gets all the blankets One good turn gets all the blankets. One good turn is usually enough to get lost. One man's bait is another man's sushi. One man's bug is another man's feature One man's cram is another man's lembas. One night I came home very late. It was the next night. One person's is another's . One person's kink is another person's erotica. One size does not fit all. One taco short of a combination plate. One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him. Online? Good, hit Alt-H for FREE Unlimited Access! Online? GOOD! : To take the online IQ test hit Alt-H now. Only a FOOL will write a tagline ... Only cosmetologists give make-up exams Only death is fatal - life is not! Only female mosquitoes bite. Only irritated oysters produce pearls. Only justice ends war Only left-handers think right. Only lemmings jump to conclusions. Only the Shadow knows . . . and he's not telling. Only the insane take themselves seriously Only the mediocre are at their best all the time. Only the mediocre are always at their best. Only the shallow know themselves., (Oscar Wilde). Only you can prevent Echo Fires Onward through the fog ... Ooooo it makes me wonder! Open Mouth - Insert Tagline Open a hailing frequency... Open mouth. Insert foot. Press ENTER when ready. Operator, trace this call and tell me where I am. Opinions "R" Us Opportunity knocks but once, GRAB that sucker... Optical mice have no balls! Orientation is no occident Our House Is Clean, But I Have A Mouse In It! Outlaw junk mail, and save the trees! Outta my way!!!! I spy CHOCOLATE!!!! Overweight just sorta of snacks up on you. Oxymoron #001: Military Intelligence Oxymoron #002: Kosher bacon Oxymoron #004: Reputable member of the press. Oxymoron #005: Reasonable lawyers' fees. Oxymoron #006: Army Intelligence Oxymoron #007: Honest politician Oxymoron #008: Jumbo shrimp. Oxymoron: one who has used too much acne goo? Oysters?..... Hummmmmm? What about clams? P Revere: "One if by LAN, two if by C" PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! BE PATIENT DARNIT PAWNCH - A chess player's stomach. POSTUM.COM not found. (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze PROGRAM (n.) - used to turn input into error messages PUT THE COMPUTER DOWN, HONEY..I'm quitting NOW! Paint a baboon's butt; leave no stern untoned. Palindrome #001: Madam, I'm Adam. Palindrome #002: Able was I ere I saw Elba. Palindrome #003: Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas Paper clips are the larval stage of coat hangers Paralyze a woman from the waist down: Marry her Paranoia runs deep..into our lives it does Pardon me, but your shoe is ringing... Pardon my driving... I'm trying to reload... Pardon you while I interrupt! Parental Authority is wishful thinking. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. Pascal programmers do it from the top down Pass the garlic powder, please... Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Pay Attention! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Peace is indivisible. Peace love and grilled cheese Pecunia non olet. People Who Kill People Give Guns A Bad Name! People live the longest who have the most birthdays. People might know what they think, but seldom why. People say I'm apathetic, but I don't care. People say I'm apathetic. I don't care... People say I'm indecisive, but I'm not so sure. People who don't tip become very thirsty. People who live in glass houses shouldn't. People with narrow minds often have broad tongues. Perhaps one day this too will be pleasant to remember. Permafrost: Where arctic farmers grow frozen vegetables. Petty laws breed great crimes. Petty laws breed great crimes-Big laws breed petty crime? Photographers are great in dark rooms Pi R Square. No, Pi R Round, Cornbread R Square. Pi R squared. Nooo! Pie R round, Cornbread R square! Pi r not . Pi r ROUND. Cornbread r . Pig wrestling: Don't. Pigs like mud. You don't. Pile drivers use pier pressure... Pinch me I think I'm awake.. Pithy one liners are better than thitty one liners. Place written complaint and proof here====>[] Place your comments here [ ] Plan on doing it. Mother's Rule #12 Plant a tree! Garbage doesn't grow well. Platonic love is love from the neck up. Playing solitaire 'til dawn, with a deck of 51... Please Captain not in front of the Klingons Please Mr. Custard, I don' wanna gel ... Please don't read this line. Please enter a tag line of our own choice: Please let me know if you did not receive this. Please logout immediately Please park your Sacred Bull outside. Please phrase your questions in the form of an answer... Please report all lost or stolen taglines to your Sysop. Please return stewardess to upright position! Please speak slowly, I'm naturally blonde. Please wait... Sysop has exited to DOS... Please, not in front of the Klingons Please, stop thinking so hard. I hate noise. Please... Don't try this tagline at home. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Podiatrists hear many a wail of toe. Poker Face: The face that launched a thousand chips. Police are people too. Political correctness isn't. Politically incorrect and DAMNED proud of it! Politics: Poly (many) + Ticks (blood-sucking parasites) Politics: The glad hand and the marble heart. Polygamy's OK, as long as it's kept in the family. Poseable and easy to dress.... Potato Salad Special - $1.59 Today only! Poured spot remover on my dog, now he's gone Poverty is inconvenient, try to avoid it. Practice safe computing: Write-Protect tabs. Practice safe eating. Use condiments! Predestination was doomed from the start. Present company excepted.... President Quayle . . . Just a heartbeat away. Press "+" to see another tagline. Press -- to continue ... Press to continue. Press eply instead of ext for once. Press any key to continue or ............. Press any key to continue or any other key to quit Press any key to continue? Where's the "any" key? Press any key to destroy this disk Press any key to launch creme pie or any other to abort. Press here ###### for next Message Press to "TEST", [click], Release to "DETONATE". Priests Do It Faithfully With Masses Printer paper is strongest at the perforation Procrasinators Anonymous Meeting - Tomorrow Procrastinators don't die, they keep putn' it off! Profanity, the language computerists know. Profanity-the literary crutch of the inarticulate! Professional Frog Boiler Progeny are proven forms of immortality. Programmed by experts.....used by an idiot... Programmers do it in modules Programmers do it in modules, then upgrade later Programmers do it until EOF! Programmers don't repeat themselves, they LOOP. Programmers must wash hands after flushing buffer Programming Dept.: Mistakes made while you wait. Progress results from unpopular positions. Promote Responsible Firearms Ownership! Promote green computing: recycle OS/2 in Windows NT Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. Prostitutes never have a free night! Protect the environment ... recycle tags Protect your bagels -- put lox on them! Protect your bagels, put lox on them. Protected mode is unreal! Prunes give you a run for your money. Prunes. The funny Fruit Pssssst! Wanna buy a used fjord? Psychiatric ward? I'd like a room, please. Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots. Pudding uber alles Puns are bad, but poetry is verse. Pure drivel tends to drive away ordinary drivel. Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum. Purify the air: Grow a tree Purranoia: fear that your cats are plotting against you. Push ENTER to FORMAT your harddisk! Put it on a plate, dear. You'll enjoy it more. Put the cat out?? I didn't know it was on fire!! Put your money where your modem is! QUICK! Call a witch-doctor: My witch is sick! Queen termites live for 50 years. Question Authority - ask me anything! Question Authority, and the Authorities will question you Question anything that starts "Obviously..." Quick! Close your mind!! Something might get in. Quick, get the vanilla ice cream. I smell brownies Quiet is what home would be without kids !!1!! Quod necessitas cogit, defendit R-e-a-d m-y l-i-p-s "No more lip-reading" RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure! RAraRumbleseats&RunningBoardsTheyWereTheGoodOldDay REAL PROGRAMMERS CAN PROGRAM PASCAL IN ANY LANGUAGE REAL programmers use COPY CON: PROGRAM.EXE REAL programmers' method: COPY CON: PROGRAM.EXE REALITY IS THE LEADING CAUSE OF STRESS RES IPSA LOQUITUR, but not clearly. RESTORE A: C:\VIRGINITY\*.* /S RIME ALERT| Don't pollute, use just ten lines! RIME policy; 10 line limit in COMMON ROBONAP 1.0: Sleeps for you while you're online. RTFM - Revert To Former Method! RUNAWAY ERROR 0C6: PROGRAM C:\NUKE\MISSILE.MX Ragweed, by any other name, would still be an abomination Rainbows apologize for angry skies. Rainy Days And Torture Devices Get Me Down! Rainy days and automatic weapons get me down Raising kids is like trying to herd cats! Rats 3, Humans 0 Read WHAT docs????????? Read all you like...we'll write more! Read my lips,'NO NEW TAGLINES!'... Read my lips. No more stolen taglines. Read the docs. Wow, what a radical concept! Reader not found..., please notify tagline. Real computer users do it on the command line. Real love stories never have endings Real men programme in hex... Real programmers don't write specs... they wear them! Real programmers innovate, others LITIGATE!!! Real programmers save their backups on punched cards! Reality Meter: [\.......] Hmmff, thought so! Reality is a constant intrusion on my dreams. Reality is a figment of your imagination. Reality is a poor excuse for existence. Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction. Reality is not for me and it makes me laugh. Reality is the opiate of those who can't handle SF Reality is what you BELIEVE it to be... Reality? Yeah... I sorta remember that... Reasons are not like garments, the worse for wearing. E Recursive DejeVu (think about it for a min) Recursive, adj.; see Recursive Redundancy is next to godliness..... Redundancy: An airbag in a politician's car! Regardless of what you may think, this is NOT a tagline. Remember Terry Anderson, HE hasn't come home yet Remember: You're unique,just like everybody else Remove tongue from cheek before chewing. Resistance Is Useless! (If < 1 ohm) Resourcefulness is a virtue... the only one I have! Reunite GONDWANALAND! Revenge is a dish best served cold. Ringwraiths are fly-by-nights Rink..adinka..dink..adinka..dink..adink..du Road hogs are not kosher. Roberto Durian: "No mas! No mas!" Rod withdrawal can make your partner supercritical! Rolls-Royce taste and a water pocketbook Roses are red and violets are too expensive Roses red; violets blue; I'm schizophrenic, and so am I. Rudeness is the weak man's pretense of strength. Rules after you're dead...Don't move or talk... Rules? What Rules? Run,run,run if you can't catch me! Runtime error X29C.... operator terminated. Rust never sleeps! SCUD : Sure Could Use Directions SEIZE THE DAY'S MAIL! SERVICE AND CLAIMS: Midnight to 2 AM. SLEEP:that fleeting moment just before the alarm goes off SLEEP? I'm a programmer! SLMR - It doesn't use much space, but WHAT a READER! SMASH a key! Any key! SMOOTH ESCAPE DISGUISED AS DRAMATIC EXIT ST:TNG--To BALDLY go, where no one has gone before. . . STICK \'stik\ n. 1: A boomerang than doesn't work. SUTURE SELF magazine, the home guide to personal surgery. SWIM SLOWLY,....YOU'LL SEE MORE SYSTEM ERROR. Press F13 To Continue... Sadaam Hussein eats pork....with his left hand. Sahara Club: Living proof of the First Amendment! Sailors Do it on (ahem) the waves! Sailors leave memories in every port! Sale:Braille dictionary, like new. Must see 2 appreciate. Salvador Dali for Coca Cola: "It's surreal thing." Sanitized for your protection. Sauron - The name has a Ring to it. Save Face - Keep the lower half shut. Save a flag - Burn a protester! Save a a vegetarian. Save a tree. Eat a beaver. Save changes? (Y)es, (N)o, (W)hat changes?!? Save it for another day Save laboratory animals - use lawyers. Save mundanes - we need them for breeding stock Save the Humans. Nahh! Forget the Humans! Save the Earth. Save the whales; collect an entire set! Save this message ! You may need it ! Say 'no' to EVERYTHING!! Frisky Coco 816 436-290 Scared of speed? Try Micro$oft Windows! Scary thought: I've lived longer than Mozart did. Schizophrenia beats being alone. Scott me up Beamie... Scotty! Pllleeeeeaaassseee beam me up! Scotty!, Hurry, beam me uragg^* NO CARRIER Scotty, hurry, beam me... uragg^*.%# NO CARRIER. Searching for the meaning of liquid soap. See... I CAN do it in ten lines! Seek error reading drive Z:, reboot system! Self-Serve Tagline:______________________________ Semi-conductor - one who directs 18 wheelers. Semiconductor: A part-time orchestra leader Semper ubi, sub ubi. Send all replies to NULL.BIN Sent off of a Brain Damaged Mailer Sex Is Better Than Golf! (You Don't need Shoes!) Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Crime! I Just Love Congress Share your happiness with others today. Share your life and life becomes more fulfilling! Shared pain is lessened; shared joy is increased. Shareware Author Killed!.... .GIF at Eleven Shareware tagline - Send $1.00 to Leonard Adolph. She turned me into a newt!... I got better. She was just a moonshiners daughter but I love her still She was right there with it and She Was She won't last forever, so why buy her a diamond? She's dead, Jim, but still warm... Flip for it? Sheesh, some people's kids .... Shell out, dude! Shell to DOS....come in DOS. Shh! Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wuntime ewwors! Shh! I have to use my incomplete, divided attention here. Shift that rocker into second! Shin - Device for finding furniture in the dark. Shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies.. Short Cut = Longest Distance Between 2 Points! Should be read umop apisdn for best results Should old acquaintance be forgot - Count of Monte Cristo Show a little faith! There's magic in the night. Show respect for age: Dring Good Scotch for a change! Shun those who peddle hatred. Shut up, or I'll nail your other foot to the floor. Silk -- so that women could go naked in clothes! Silly Little Mail Reader 2.0 is not silly anymore Silly wabbit, QWKs are for kids. Simon says, "Reboot!" Sir Lancelot, you have chain mail in Knight's Conference. Sit down, you're rocking the boat! Six megs, two monitors, and an attitude Skating away on the thin ice of a new day Slaying foul maidens and rescuing fair dragons! SleazeGate and Disk Mangler...what a pair!!!!! Sledge hammer!! World's greatest computer repair tool. Sleep with a Photographer and see what develops..... Sleep; noun, short time between BBS and work. Slit your wrists-it will lower youre blood pressure. Smash Forehead On Keyboard To Continue... Smile for me ... I'll smile for you. Smile! It confuses people!... Smile! It makes others wonder what you're up to. Smile, things could get worse. And they will. Smile, those ever lasting smiles........ Smokey the Bear says: Strip mining prevents forest fires. Smoking Stinks. Smoking is a leading cause of statistics. So Many Messages!.............So Little Time! So little time, so little to do. So long, and thanks for all the fish! So many bytes, so few cps. So many jerks, so few bullets. So simple a child could do it... go find me a child! So this is a Tagline. Big deal. Socialism is STILL the enemy of the People ... Softly, softly, catchee monkey. Software Independent: Won't work with ANY software. Some customers make me pro-nuclear. Some days it take effort to just keep up with the losers. Some days you feel like a bug - other days like a windshield. Some days you get bear; some days bear get you Some find fault like there was a reward for it. Some folks think gun control = holding it with both hands Some men are discovered; others are found out Some people Simoniz their cars. I use lemon wax. Some secretaries get a raise by lying down on the job... Some spam a day keeps the calories high Some takes delight in a'fishing and a'bowling... Some things have to be believed to be seen! Some times I wonder why it took Mom so long to snap... Somebody smokeded my lucky number! Somebody stop me before I post again Sometimes I get the elevator, sometimes the shaft. Sometimes I just want to compute... Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits. Sometimes I wake up GRUMPY... & sometimes I let her sleep Sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears Sometimes the Dragon Wins. (BURP) Sometimes you just have to say 'What the heck' Sometimes you're a bug..sometimes a windshield Sometimes, the only solution is to find a new problem. Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place. Soon To Be A Major Motion Picture. Sorry about the mess, I thought it was a fart! Sorry, don't have time. Too busy on RIME... Sorry, out of taglines but more coming on the next barge. Space is the final frontier. Now where did I put my map? Speak Your Mind! I Enjoy The Silence! Speak softly and carry a big shtick Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go? Speed limit 300 baud; tagline construction area! Speeding! But officer, my radar detector didn't go off! Spilling your drink is alcohol abuse! Sports fans? .... Athletic supporters? Spring has sprung,fall has fell, now it's summer Spring little cobra with all your might.......... Staccato signals of constant information... Standard orbit, Dr. McCoy to the transporter room Starship captains do it with enterprise. Start your day out right - Hug a Texan! Stationary mice have bigger balls. Status symbol: foam-rubber wind chimes. Steal this tagline and you're dead meat! Still remember Hollerith codes? Nah, probably too young.. Still using WordStar-- BY CHOICE!! Stock up on stocks. Invest in a jail term. Stolen taglines are the sincerest form of flattery. Stop and smell the roses! Stop tagline theft! Copyright your tagline (c) Stop the world! I want to get off! Stopping troffing reduces the risk of serious phone bills Storms are caused by cold fronts and weekends Straining at the edge of the envelope. Strike ALT H for beneficial new user information. Strip mining prevents forests. Stupid: Refills are free, and you pay for a large drink. Stupidity got me into this mess; why can't it get me out? Stupidity is no excuse for not thinking Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere! Success comes in a can. Failure comes in a can not. Success is Chutzpa & Innocence Such a bloody experience - never again! Sugar, Spice, Everything Nice, a pinch of Venom... Suicide is the most sincere form of self criticism. Sum quod eris. (I am what you will be.) Sum, ergo cogito. Super-sado-masochistic-expialidocious! Superfluous; adj. 1.anything over ten lines. Support Democracy! Defend Our Rights to be Wrong!! Support a lawyer-- become a doctor. Support wild life...Throw a party! Support your rights to keep and arm bears. Sure I know how to copy disks, where's the Xerox? Surge into Modeming but unplug for storms! Surge into electronic mail but Unplug for thunderstorms! Survival - a dying art... Sweet Chariot portfolio: I buy stocks; they swing low! Swimming in the gene pool. Synonym: A word you use when you can't spell the other. SysOps Do It All Night... I wish it was sex... Sysopping: not just an adventure, it's a job! System error. Strike any user to continue... TAG ....YOU'RE IT !!! TAGTEAM: A bunch of people thinking up taglines! TEST one, two, this thing on? TTAGGG : What's at the end of the chromosome... Tact is rubbing out mistakes instead of rubbing them in Tag - you're it! Tag Line version 0.00001. Please report any bug Tag me with a spoon. Tag, tag, tag... All you ever do is tag. Tagline 982 in a series of 1,644. Collect 'em all! Tagline Thieves Local #46 Tagline dispenser temporarily out of order. Tagline donations welcome. Enter it here... Tagline in for repair! This one is a loaner. Tagline not found -- Please notify SysOp Tagline shortage. Please help recycle taglines. Tagline so large it was necessary to compress. Tagline unsuitable for sensitive viewers. Tagline..(This only looks like a tagline.) Taglineless Taglines are the bumper stickers of the '90s. Taglines that make you go "Hmmm..." Taglines were all messed up so this is IT! line freedom of speech! Taglines: Betcha can't steal just one! Taglines?? What is our purpose anyway? Take my mother-in-law...Please!!!!! Takes a week to cure a cold; cures itself in seven days. Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer... Talk is cheap, because supply exceeds demand... Talk is cheap... till you hire a lawyer. Talk to a PLANT, it's rewarding.... Teamwork is essential it allows you to blame someone else Tear off tagline and send to me with $20... Technology ... Ain't it amazing? Teenagers: Your punishment for enjoying sex Television is democracy at its ugliest. Tell 'em I'll be late to work-1 more message Tell your loved ones how much you DO love them.. Terminal program : a dying program. Terror is Dan Quayle with A red phone. Testing taglines on the fly. Do not be impressed. Th..Th..Th..That's all F-F-Folks. Thank God for TV Dinners... Thank you for NOT NOT using tag lines! That damned elusive Pimpernel.... That was ZEN -- this is TAO That was definitely the LAST bug, take my word for it. That was no lady, that was my sysop! That which is essential is invisible to the eye. That will be twelve dollars please That's a real badge, I'm a real cop, and this is a real *#$%*#$ gun! That's it! What do you guys think? That's it? But you only made 23 moves. Pulaski That's no rumor - it's an unconfirmed fact! That's not line noise--my modem's speaking in tongues! That's the sound of the men  workin on the tag line. That's what you *think* I said ... That's why GOD made your eyes; to plagiarize. The 3 stages of marriage, lust, rust and dust The 5 day forecast: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... The Art of Winning Games without actually Cheating. The Best way to make your dreams come true to is wake up! The CLOCK$ stops here. The COBOL Crisis: "But it worked in test". The COBOL Crisis: Subtotals? 300 man hours! The Czech's in the mail. Sending Frenchman by FAX! The Declaration Of Indepence Was Written On Hemp The Devil falls on account of his gravity. The Earth Is A Beautiful Place! Let's Save It! The Earth is now 100% full. Deleting will now begi...... The Earth's like a grain of sand, but bigger. The Federal Government is not a life support system The Flag - Not Earned to Burn !!!! The Golden Age will come only when men forget gold. The Golden Rule: He who's got the gold makes the rules. The Hardest walk you can ever take, Is the walk you take from day to day. The High Plains... you can see farther and see less... The Human Race Is Still In Beta Testing! The Last Great Act of Defiance CTRL Alt Del The M25 is not all it's cracked up to be. The Opposite Of PROgress Is CONgress. The Oracle has spoken.... again! The Poor? The Poor? I love the Poor. Pull! The Russian Express Card-- don't leave home! The Savior of AMERICA=Ronald Reagan The South has had sushi for years- we call it bait. The Stones are great. Especially Wilma and Fred The UARTs won't take this speed, Captain! The United Fund: Putting all your begs in one ask-it.. The Wingless Eagle Climbs The Tree.. I Repeat.. The World: A comedy for thinkers; a tragedy for feelers. The above opinions are those of my computer! The answer is SEX, now, what was the question? The basis for optimism is sheer terror. The beginning of evil is goodness in excess. The best doctor is the one you hunt for and can't find. The best tranquilizer is a clear conscience. The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8 m/s The best way to save face is to keep the lower part shut. The best writing never appears. The bills are in the mail; the check does not exist. The buck doesn't even slow down here! The choice: Roll over or stand up to the challenge. The church that has the answers doesn't allow questions. The client who pays the least complains the most. The computer made me do it; HONEST!!!! The cost of feathers has risen, now even down is up. The difference between love and rape is salesmanship... The difference between man & boy is the price of his toys The dirt is in the mind of the beholder. The doc cures another case of craniorectal insertion The dog ate my .REP packet. The earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone you can. The earth is not MY mother. The eventual supremacy of reason should be accepted. The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion. The fewer the words, the better the prayer. The first myth of management: it exists The future is not what it used to be ... The future is now. This is a recording. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades! The graveyards are full of "indispensable" men The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it. - The hell with messages, just read the Taglines! The highest bidder catches the most politicians. The hologram is your assurance that this is a tagline. The ink from The New York Times smudged his bottom. The keyboard is mightier than the AK-47 The last sound that it made was "Zap"! The last tagline is the Morgue. The less I seek my source for some definitive The long habit of living indisposeth us to dying. The man smiles when things go wrong has someone to blame it on. The meek may inherit earth. Those who dare, the stars. The meek shall inherit the earth, but will it be there? The mind is a terrible thing when wasted. The mind is intended as a storehouse, not a garbage pit. The minstrel boy to the war has gone.. The mistake you make is trying to figure it out. The more I know women, the more I love mny truck! The more I see of man, the better I like dogs. The more we share.....the more we have. The more you run over a skunk the more stupid you are. The more you run over a cat, the flatter it gets The more you run over a dog, the flatter it gets The more you run over a skunk, the dumber you are. The most efficient form of government is a dictatorship.- The number you have reached is not in service ! The older I get, the better I used to be. The one who snores will fall asleep first. The only good gun control is hitting your target. The only place you can have it your way is Burger King! The only problem with Spitting Mail . . . is drooling tag lines! The only stupid question is the one unasked... The only way to have a friend is be one. The other line always move faster. The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4 A.M. The power of Thought - the magic of the Mind. The procrastinators anonymous meeting was delayed...... The results of your IQ test are back. They're negative. The right to bear arms-the right to be free The road to success is paved with grovel... The road to success is often under construction... The road to success is always under construction The roar of the greasepaint-the smell of the crowd The rules for today's engagement are as follows: The scenery only changes for the lead dog... The sensual and the dark rebel, in vain The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. The solution to the problem changes the problem. The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. The sound of many hands clapping. Ol. The spirit is something that no one destroys. The sweetest words I ever heard - I like you! The tagline bandit is in jail The time has come,The Walrus said,to talk of many things. The time is right to pursue your endeavors. The total depravity of inanimate things. The tree of Liberty is watered with the blood of Patriots The trouble with Angels is they are so illusive! The true secret of suspense is The truth lies somewhere outside of your statement ... The truth, however, is not pertinent to the issue. The unborn live in condominiums The universe is laughing behind your back. The way to a man's heart is with a Broadsword! The weather is here. I wish you were beautiful! The work of righteousness shall be peace. The world is a complicated place, Hobbes The world is coming to an end. Please logoff. The worst prison would be a closed heart. The worst thing about censorship is The worst vice of a fanatic is his sincerity. The writing on the forehead can never be effaced. The wrong way to do something always seems so reasonable The young can only dream about what I have done. Theheckyousay! Then you'd better start swimming..... There I was, upside down at 10,000 feet There are TWO 'B's in BBS, not one.... There are more old drunkards than old doctors There are more planes in the ocean than ships in the sky. There are no answers, only cross-references. There are so many upgrades, I am bankrupt. There go my people. I must follow for I am their leader. There is a plot afoot to make me think I'm paranoid! There is another way of looking at the world. There is no accounting for class - or lack thereof! There is no education like adversity. There is no gravity. The earth sucks. There is no time like Pizza Time There is no time like the pleasant. There may be a correlation between humor and sex. Data There must be a better way than STEALING taglines... There must be an easier way to wire the world! There was a time when I wouldn't ask, I knew it all... There's PROgress and there's CONgress. There's always free cheese in a mousetrap. There's no elevator to success. There's no future in Alcohol. Ask any ice cube. There's no handgrenade like a Holy Handgrenade There's no influence so powerful as a mothers There's no such thing as a too-recent backup. There's nothin like steamed clams! There's one chance in 11.8 that this is January There, I said it.... Are you happy now? Thesaurus: ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary. These are the days of miracles and wonders... These are the thymes that fry men's soles. These cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts! They also surf, those who only stand on waves.... They are able because they think they are able.. They burst their manacles and wear the name They called me mello' yello'........... They never let you live it down. One little mistake. They sent my brain out for carbon dating. Things are more like they are now than ever were before Think like I did when I wrote it!... Think of it as evolution in action This ##gl#n# has a VIRUS in it - don't steal it... This IS a random tagline. This Tag Line For Rent! Price? Hmmmm... This Tag Line Will Self Destruct in 30 Sec.. 29. This Tag-line Wants You! This Tagline Causes Cancer... Steal It! Please! This Tagline Void Except Where Prohibited By Law This Tagline is equipped with a homing device. This Tagline is shareware, send $5 each time you share it This does not compute....Ctl+Alt+Del This generic tagline was brought to you by NoName, INC. This is NOT a habit. I can quit anytime I want. :-} This is a DIRTY tagline. Do NOT read it. This is a positive thinking area. This is a registered tag line. This is a tagline! This is abuse. Arguments are down the hall. This is an egg... this is an egg on a 486DX-50 cpu... This is an ex-tagline. This is blank until I think of something good, This is my Tagline--"Do Not Steal" This is the mother of all taglines This is the spawning of the cage and aquarium. This is your brain. Postscript on brain your is This. This is your sysop. Ǵ$ s s dg$. This isn't real life, this is a SOAP OPERA! This letter leaves 500 miles away from home already?! This line shows the power of TAGLINE advertising This message is $hareWare! To register, please send $20 This message was written on the .^T/ This mind intentionally left blank. This mind left intentionally blank . . . This phone is baroque; please call Bach later. This processor includes the ACPE instruction. This space available soon This space for rent. This tag does not count. Please do not read it. This tag is new, witty, and stolen <8> times. This tag line intentionally left blank. This tagline baked fresh daily in our own ovens! This tagline cancelled due to lack of interest This tagline contains a virus - DO NOT READ! This tagline contains 100% nnw bs. This tagline does not exist This tagline intentionally left blank. This tagline is SHAREWARE! To Register, send me $10 This tagline is a collector's item ... This tagline is a treasure from my collection This tagline is an unregistered evaluation copy! This tagline is erroneous - and WRONG too! This tagline is old, worn out and been stolen 321 times! This tagline is only finished. The rest of it is This tagline is pure fiction... This tagline is true, but cannot be proven. This tagline is umop apisdn This tagline is unregistred... please send 100$ to ... This tagline makes no mention of anything. This tagline may be unsuitable for human consumption. This tagline self-destructs when U This tagline stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader! This tagline tastes good.......... This tagline temporarily out of service. This tagline was created in the laboratories of Starfleet This tagline was made with my very own hands! This tagline wasn't worth stealing, I did anyway This time around, the revolution will not be televised. This would be a tagline, but I got 'em turned off... Thisain'tnodisco;thisain'tnofoolin'around. missing. Operator arrested. Those responsible have been sacked. Those were the days, my friend....... Those were the good old days? Those who do not understand history shall repeat it. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. Thoughtlessness:not a disability. Please park elsewhere Three can keep a secret, if two are dead. Throwing the cigarette butt is littering. Tied a string on my finger, but forgot why! Till there were you.......... Time flies like wind. Fruit flies like pears. Time flies when you're confused... Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. Time is an illusion....especially while modeming! Time is so everything doesn't happen at once Time on your hands? . . . get Windows. Time wounds all heels... Time: A descending scale of intelligence. To Err is human, to really mess up is bad! To Windows lovers: "Get a MAC!" To a friend's house the road is never long... To be a human without passion is to be dead. To be great is to be misunderstood. To be or not to be...Ok, To be! To eat is digest is divine To err is Human. To blame someone else is politics. To err is human; to forgive is against company policy. To err is human. To moo, bovine. To error is human, to (a)bort is devine. To fly: Throw yourself at the ground and miss To get along well, dig it deep. To live now, first come to terms with your past. To live, the jaguar must kill every day. To much thinking only leads to delay! To start from scratch, you must first create the Universe To steal entire message press ALT X To the British, George Washington was a terrorist. To whom should I go to for some self-help? Today is a whole new day to screw up! Today's 486 is tomorrow's 586. Enjoy. Tomorrow is two days late for yesterday's job. Too Much Month At The End Of The Money! Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.--Mae West Trash your "To Do" list - you won't do it anyway! Treat women like thoroughbreds and they'll never be nags. Tremble your way to Fitness... Trespassers will be shot; Survivors will be shot again! Tribble math: * + * = ********************************** Trombonists do it in seven positions... and in betweeen. Trombonists do it with better positions. True Love is a unification of two souls into a better one True democracy - fact or fiction? Trumpet players are horny people! Try bungee sex to put bounce back into your love life! Trying to catch hold of an ecstasy... Tune for Maximum Smoke! Turbo Pascal for WINDOWS? Borland's betrayed me. Twisted mind? No...just bent in several strategic places. Two Lhasas, A Shi-tzu Mix, and an attitude... Two bee's or not two bee's....Oops! Bumbled that one! Two cannot fall out if one does not choose Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. U can't soar w/dragons if U work w/gargoyles UNIX, the non-gender specific OS UPLINK- Users Party; Loonie Inmates; No Kids? USRobotics Dual Std - the best A LOT of money can buy! Uh, oh...Your ZIP file is open Uh-Oh! Look who's on her broomstick tonight! Ultimate office automation: networked coffee machines. Ultimate oxymoron: "Cash Surplus" Ultimately, nothing is man-made. UnZip, Expand, Explode... What pervert came up with this? Unable to locate COFFEE.COM - Operator Halted Unable to locate Coffee -- Mind still in scrambles Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! Unable to locate Pepsi -- Operator Halted! Unable to locate Tea<---- Operator on Holding Pattern!!! Unbreakable toys are good for breaking other toys. Undocumented Features will rule the Earth! Unit 301- 10-8, 10-98 report! Unix hackers have pipe dreams. Unrest of spirit---is a mark of L I F E ! Up Up and Away! Ooops!!...... Damned plastic zippers!!!! Up from the Ghetto with the help of my Stiletto. Upgrade: Take out old bugs, put new ones in. Urinalysis: The Study Of Pissed Off People! Use The Past As A Springboard, Not A Hammock! Use contraceptives at every conceivable occasion. Use subdirectories; keep your FAT thin! Use your enemy's hand to catch a snake. User - a technical term used by computer pros. See idiot. User Error, Abort User, Retry User, Fail User? User aborted by program... Vacation, Six days of travel for a one day visit Vacuum Cleaners? Who cleans vacuums? Veni, Vidi, VCR -- I came, I saw, I taped. Veni, vidi, Gucci. Very good, Einstein, but next time show your work. Via con queso. Viel Spass! Violators will be prostituted Viral Tag-line: I'm deleting your files... Virgins 'R' Us...closed due to personnel shortage. Virtue has never been as respectable as money. Virtue is its own reward, but then so is sin! Viruses are god way of punishing program pirates. Visualize whirled peas. Vocational Teachers= WORK. Void where prohibited by law. Vote "None of the above"! Vote Anarchist! Vuja De - The feeling you've never been here before! Vultures fly with carrion luggage. W. K. Smith: "Wait, my uncle Ted can drive you home." WANTED: TagLine author. Hours var. - pay negot. WARNING - imminent opperator CRASH - WARNING WARNING! No user serviceable characters in this tagline. WARNING! This computer protected by an ATTACK CAT! WARNING! This message is contagious! WARNING! This user steals taglines! WARNING! May contain information. WARNING: Do not attempt this at home. WARNING:TAGLINE PROTECTION SVC. IN PROGRESS WHAT IS UP IN THE SKY??? YIPES A COW!!!!! WHAT MOTHER NEVER TOLD ME I LEARN IN UPLINK WIN3.0 Attractive and easy, SLUT of the computer WOMAN.ZIP--GREAT PROGRAM. Won't do Windows. WOMAN.ZIP.....Good utility, with proper configuration. WOMAN.ZIP....Great program, no documentation! WWhhaatt DDooeess HHaallff DDuupplleexx DDoo? Wake up Mom, it's time to drop the Bomb... Wake up, little Sushi, wake up! ... Walk softly and carry a megawatt laser. Wanna come up and see my etchings? Want to confuse people? Quote from the wrong message! Want to see a quieter way of life? Visit Forest Lawn. Wanted: 1 original tagline. Forty characters or less. Wanted: Cute witty tagline to accompany message. Wanted: One new, impressive tagline. Wanted: Programmers. Some assembly required. War is good business - invest your sons. Warning : Tagline to explode in 10 minutes. Warning, this may be too intense for some Warning, this message may cause drowsiness. Warning: SAFESEX.ZIP is a Trojan Warning: All prosecutors will be violated. Warning: I have PMS and I have a gun! Was Roy Rogers a Trigger Happy Cowboy? Was St. Francis really Assisi? Wasting time is an important part of living. Watch this space [ ] Watch where you go...remember where you've been... We Came, We Saw, We Kicked Fanny, It's Miller Time We Don't Have Sarcasm On Our Planet! We all have our opinions, but mine is correct. We all live in a yellow subroutine. We all lives in a yellow submarine......... We all see the same sky but different horizons. We are surrounded by insurmountable opportunity. We are the people our parents warned us about. We are what we do, not what we say We can get too big for God, but never to small. We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you. We couldn't agree on a format for the standards manual. We do not teach history; we recreate the experience -BG We don't need no steenking .DOC files! We got rid of the kids. The cat is allergic! We have met the enemy, and he's all yours. We have the best congress money can buy! We need strong men like Muhammed Ali We now return to our regularly scheduled flame-throwing. We now return you to your regular programming... We now return you to your regularly scheduled boredom We replaced the Dilithium with new Folger's Crystals. We support Shareware.. Register Yours. We take no note of time but from its loss. We're all bozos on this bus. We're off to see the Wizard... We're small, but we're good! Weathermen have Warm Fronts! Weathermen really do it with Crystal Balls! Wedding Ring: The world's smallest halo! Wedding rings: The world's smallest handcuffs. Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down Weekends come just in time! Well begun is half done. Well done! is better than well said.............. Well waddaya know. Learn sumfin new evry day! Well, I don't care what momma don't allow...... Wench: What you use to turn the head of a dolt. Wendy let me in, I wanna be your friend... Western civilization: a very good idea. Whadaya mean I can't pay you with Club Z points?!?!? What CAN you get a nudist for Christmas? What I am is What I am You what you are or what? What If We Were Our Reflection's Reflection? What a long strange trip it's been! What a place! I'm gonna enjoy this! What are you doing?!? The message is over,GO AWAY! What can you do at 3 AM? Psssttt - got a modem?? What color are two chameleons on each other? What color is a chameleon on a mirror? What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch? What do doctors recommend? The ingredients in What do we call mailmen? Personpersons? What do women want? Shoes. What do you add to dehydrated water? What do you despise? By this you are known. What do you get when you fall in love? BILLS!!! What doesn't kill you makes you wish like hell it did! What if there were no hypothetical situations? What is meant to be will always find a way. What is that in the road - ahead? What is the capital of Assyria? What is this life, if full of cares...... What is this? Is this dirt on here? What me worry? What money won't buy, it will rent. What one person calls a "bug" ... the vendor calls a feature! What part of "10 line limit" don't you understand? What piece of work is man, how infinite in ... What the HELL is going on here??!! What the heck happened here??!! What we've got here is failure to communicate What were vices are now fashion. What would a picnic *be* without ants and flies? What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body? What's another word for Thesaurus? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's past is prologue. What's shorter then a weekend? A Vacation What's this RED button for? Wait! Oh Sh..! What's this turbo button do? What, us .BATs? V^^^\_o^o_/^^^V What? I'm supposed to know what I'm doing, too? What? Held under the dorsal guiding feathers? What? Me opinionated? What? You expected a funny tagline maybe??? Whatever you bring to a campsite, Take it away. Whatever you do, DON'T read this! Whats a Matta, U no wanna have fun? hummmmm? Whats this big red ke........................ Wheel is turning and it won't slow down... When I Smile, You Never Know What Im Up To! When I lay an egg, I stand back and admire it. When I play in the Sandbox the Cat keep covering me up When I started, a monitor was a ROM-based program. When I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails. When IN Doubt Ctrl H. When a mouse laughs at a cat there's a hole nearby... When all else fails read the %&$#&@ manual When all else fails, I STILL refuse to read the docs! When all else fails, use the defaults! When all else fails, read the docs. When all else fails, take a nap! When all else fails, read the directions. When all else fails, try Tequila... When all else fails-"Format C:"! When all think alike, then no one is thinking. When an Agnostic dies, does he go to the Great Perhaps? When an old person dies, a library burns down... When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults. When choosing between two evils, select the newer one. When dangling, watch your participles. When did my wild oats turn to shredded wheat? When do I get my vacation? never. When everything looks darkest, it will rain. When in Rome, do as the French do... When in doubt, duck... When in doubt, mumble. When in doubt, order chaos ... When in doubt, press Ctrl-Alt-Del. When in doubt, truncat When life deals you lemons, make lemonade ... When near, appear as if far away - Sun Tsu When news breaks... We fix it. When puns are outlawed only outlaws will have puns. When the bad combine, the good must associate. When the chips are down, the buffalo's empty. When the going gets tough... the tough get more RAM! When the going gets tough... The tough go drinking. When the going gets weird the weird turns Pro When the moon is in the summer sky........... When we can't dream the time for death has arrived. When will cats give animal rights to mice? When will we ever learn? When writing taglines, it's good to plan ahea When ya get old ya lose yer hard drive! When you BARELY have time to call the very best! When you don't enforce laws, write more! When you learn the answers, they change the questions. When you love in your heart, magic happens!! When you make plans, remember to include God When you wish upon a star... it turns into a plane. Where am I . . . and why am I in this handbasket? Where am I? And why am I in this handbasket?? Where are huge tracts of land when you need them? Where are those flashbacks they promised me? Where did that watermelon come from? Where does the fire go when the fire goes out? Where ever Yugo, I go. Where have all the flowers gone?...male dog. Where is my bedroom, thieves? Where the hell is the key? Where there's a will, I want to be part of it! Where there's a witch, there's a way. Where there's smoke, there's a Rastafarian... Where'd that pesky tagline go? Which gets you to NY faster : The 16 bit bus or the 8 bit Which is the non-smoking lifeboat? Which part of "no" don't you understand? Which way is dn? While (!cat) play (mouse); While the lunatic dreams the Earth changes. While the world turns the screws tighten. Whip me, beat me, make me write bad software. Who Needs Fantasy, When You Have Physics? Who digs deeper a Genealogist or Geologist ??? Who here has ever been overlayed? Who hided my 'puter in that stable of magazines??? Who is on 1st. What is on 2nd. I Don't Know is on 3rd. Who is to guard the guards themselves? Who lives by the sword gets shot by who doesn't. Who needs Liberals? Those who are up for parole Who patented patent leather? Who said I can't take a break? Who says I don't mean my taglines? Who sleeps with dogs, shall rise with fleas! Who watches the Watchmen? Who'd like to see a cat-fight between Troi and Crusher? Whoever dies with the most toys still dies. Whoever named it "necking" was a poor judge of anatomy. Whohasstolenmyspacebar???? Whom the gods would destroy,they first teach MS-DOS Whose plays did Shakespeare watch? Why Are Narrow Minded People So Thick Headed? Why Doesn't Ice Cream Have Any Bones??? Why I otta...! Why Is An Orange Orange??? Why Window when there's DV Why are my taglines umop apisdn Why are you reading this? Message is above. Why are you wasting time reading taglines? Why ask why? Why buy shampoo when real poo is still free? Why can't women remember to put the toilet seat back up? Why did the Baby cross the road? ... It was strapped to the Chicken! Why do I run a BBS ? because I'm a IDIOT Why do middlemen always seem to grab either end? Why do people read tag lines??? Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways? Why does my wife use my diskettes as coasters? Why don't chickens have lips? Why don't we do it on the road? Why is "abbreviated" such a long word? Why is "easy listening" so hard to listen to? Why is a hand when it's clapping? Why is abbreviated such a long word? Why is it good to be rational? Why is it that the best taglines are always much too lon Why isn't phonetically spelled that way? Why isn't there a Humane Society for people? Why me? Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is. Why, no. Have YOU snorted laser toner? Will electronic flea collars work on software? Will members of the Standing Committee please sit down. Will you hear when the lion within you roars? Windows - OS/2 the way it SHOULD have been!! Windows 3.0 is for wannabe computer gurus. Windows 3.1 coming to the rescue! Wait for FedEx!!!!!!! Windows IS NOT a virus...viruses do something. Windows NT is the Future... So that why the future is so Windows ala' Pasta (spaghetti) Windows isn't a virus; a virus at least does something. Windows tip : Don't use Windows! Windows, the EDSEL of operating systems! Windows: Just another pane in the glass. Winning isn't everything, but then losing is nothing. Winter is Natures way of saying, "Up Yours!" Wisdom is knowing which bridge to cross and which to burn Wisdom is only found in truth -Goethe- Wise men still seek him. Wish I could give you a BIG hug!!!! Witches use brooms 'cause nature abhors a vacuum With a modem, I can take on the world! With fronds like you, who needs anemones? With nothing to do but feed all the kangaroos... With software like OS/2, who needs a Virus Without chemicals, he points. Without work all life goes rotten., (Albert Camus). Woe to the vanquished. Woit a revoltin situation Woman's liberation is man's emancipation. - great program, readme.1st file is missing. program, but no document Women and Men are equal, but NOT the same. Fer shurr! Women should be 'obscene' and not heard. WordPerfect - 8.3 million users could be wrong! WordPerfect isn't, Pagemaker doesn't, etc., etc., etc.... Words Are Never Equal To The Reality! Work hard. Millions on Welfare depend on you! World ends at 3pm; details at 5.... Wotz these little wires fo**#ׯ NO CARRIER Would someone please lend me a tag line? Would you believe?....... Would you continue the petty bickering? Data Would you rather read a newspaper or hug a tree? Would you want your MOTHER reading your last reply? Wow.. This computer thing is intense... Wrap both arms around yourself & call it a HUG from me Wrappers are futile. Chocolate will be assimilated. Write All Complaints Legibly In The Box -> [ ] Write all complaints legibly -> [] Write to 0CF2:481A for our free brochure! Writer's blessing: Metaphors be with you. Writing is busy idleness - Johann W. Goethe W׊ W ᭞D$ G!V M( G$ ŕ WM$? Y're growing old when your knees buckle & your belt won't Ya! I know what causes it and I like it... Yeah, I got your tag line right here . . . Yeah, but who analyzes psychiatrists? Yee Haw! Frosty mug! Yegads!.....DON'T Look up!........ Yellow-matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye Yer a better man than I am, Gunga Din! Yer motherboard wears combat reboots Yer such a wild thang! Yes, I know ... but I'm only trying to help! Yes, I know I'm off topic. Thank you for your concern. Yes, but have you even thought about reading the DOC? Yethth Mathter....Anything you thay, Mathter. Yield to may be your only chance! YipYipYipYipYipYipYipYipShaNaNaNaNaNaGetaJob! You Bettum Red Ryder, I'm One good Indian... You Hit The Nail Right Between The Eyes! You Will Need The Manuals To Use This Tagline! You always Breastfeed Artichokes.. You are in a maze of twisty little passages. You are invited to a group therapy session for nymphos You are known by the taglines you keep You are not free to shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater You are only coming through in waves You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. You are special in the nicest sort of way! You be careful with that thing. Geordi You bust 'em & cuff 'em and we stuff 'em and keep 'em!! You can buy friendship only with friendship. You can do anything but stay away from my tagline! You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal.. You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil has to be lead. You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think You can love whomever you please. You can name your own salary here. I call mine Fred. You can never get rid of a bad temper by losing it. You can never plan the future by the past You can't fall off the floor. You can't go home again, unless you set $HOME You can't have it all.Where would you put it? You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. You can't steal this tagline. I give it to you. You can't win. You can't break even. You can't even quit. You do know what a leading question is, don't you? You don't need to be a cannibal to be fed up with people You ever notice how boogers don't smell? You go Uruguay, I'll go mine You gotta walk it like you talk it! You have a kind face;the kind that you wanna hide You have been selected to receive a secret tagline... You have lurched uncontrollably into the truth. You have the right to speak - I have the right to ignore. You kids get your lips off that thang!!!! You look good with nothing but the radio on. You may grow older, but you'll never grow up. You mean I have to do a TAGLINE, too? I quit! You mean.. I was ALIVE for all those years?? You must be from the shallow end of the gene pool. You must cherish the moments with your love. You must have me confused with someone who gives a .... You must have the wrong number; I spell my name DANGER! You only get 6 fouls per game. Make the Count You really didn't mean that, did you ? You said a hard DISK? Oh, I must have misunderstood. You say WWWHHHAAAAAATTTTTTT?????? You send `em to school ... they eat the books. You should presently be able to deal from a full deck. You smash it - and I'll build around it You tell 'em, Cemetery, You are so grave. You tell 'em, Cucumber, I've been pickled. You tell 'em, Hunter, I'm game. You were never right! But this time you're wrong! You were told not to feed me after midnite! You will feel hungry again in one hour. You will never know hunger. You'll come a waltzin' matilda with me.... You'll do well, pilgrim.. You'll get what's coming to you. Unless it's mailed. You'll love it Dad! It's fully assembled! You're Not Getting Older, Just Better. You're a big shot? Just be careful how you spell it! You're never a loser until you quit trying. You're never alone with schizophrenia! You're never too old to learn something stupid. You're only young once. You're immature forever. You're the result of years of evolution? You'renotdrunkifyoudon't steponyourhandwalkingtoyourdoor You've got a good head on my shoulders. Young programmers are the best! And the cockiest Your E-Mail has been returned due to insufficient voltage Your bedside manner needs work. Pulaski Your dirty just BOOTed me! Your empty file directory has been deleted. Your foot. Your mouth. Go arrange a meeting. Your mileage may vary. Your money or your Tagline! Your nose runs, your feet smell. Hey, your upside down! Your silliness has been noted. Youth culture killed my dog Youth is not a time of life, but a state of mind. Youth isn't a time of life, but a state of mind. ZMODEM has bigger bits, softer blocks, and tighter ASCII Zippers can be very painful at times...! [!] Beware of Leopard! [!] [Generic Tagline] ____________this space intentionally left blank. `:-| "Fascinating, Captain!" - Spock aaaoooggghhh......aaoogghhh......DIVE! DIVE! always might be mate. behind the glass stands a real blade of grass char (*(*x())[])() computer 32bit prossesor; 2bit operator dONCHA hATE iT wHEN tHIS hAPPENS??!! eta Mail Remedy for a FAT file: Take fewer bytes etaoin shrdlu evolved again secular humanist fputs("Turn any key to continue ", stdout); grep..grep..grep... (Frog w/UNIX stuck in throat) hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? ha on - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i'd rather be in reykjavik i++ or was it ++i ich wnschen Ihren einen schnen Tag. if(confused) read(manual); if(crash) {grab_ankles();kiss_xxx_goodbye()}; if(crash){grab_ankles();kiss_***_goodbye); is OS/2 only half an operating system? it's time to heal and live again kjhf7u2sfgywh... HEY, get the cat off my computer! land of the flea, home of the plague. lung cancer cures smoking mayu live aslongas u want 2 and want 2 aslongas u live nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more paranoia: believing this tagline is about you. pencils & pens are for people who can't type. remove this security tag before leaving the store sEe! I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!! taglines cause ulcers the first thing to go is... ah, nevermind. the gentleman with the melon switches on the battery and this tagline contains subliminals time lords say,"Go ahead, make my yesterday." yes, scrabbled eggs please. {COMMO} {COMMO} COM doobie do down down {|} ww ! ..just discovered s!! Knys.... .~}ɽ~...Just kidding, your modem's OK. yas eh d'tahW. mih raeh uoy diD (K Q( D G / $Wч. Old mufflers never die, they get exhausted. <-- Scratch here to reveal & win! ' (V $D ׏! This tag line is nailed down to prevent theft ( multiple taglines) ͵ An Aardvark is not just for Xmas ػؼTAGLINEؼFROMػHELLؼػؼ h$ g m m 䇝 $ h⠛$ Cats and Dogs are wonderful people too