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QuIX Gopher: batteryn.ews

 *  Re: NiCad batteries again -- useful hintsplain
 *  Re: How to dispose of NiCads?plain
 *  Re: How to dispose of NiCads?plain
 *  Re: NiCad batteries againplain
 *  An easy fix for nicads that REALLY works!plain
 *  Re: T1000SE battery replacement (INSTRUCTIONS!)plain
 *  Very dead T1000SE battery revivedplain
 *  Re: Very dead T1000SE battery revivedplain
 *  Battert for Old T1000plain
 *  Another successful story of nursing dead batteryplain
 *  Ideas & Help needed: Running Laptop from Car Batteryplain
 *  Nickel metal hydride cells in standard form factorsplain
 *  Nickel Hydride Sourcesplain
 *  Re: T1000SE battery lifeplain
 *  HP95LX batteries ?plain
 *  Re: Getting rid of Nicad memory effectplain
 *  Re: Batteries for the Psion Series 3plain

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