Received: by id AA05564 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Tue, 10 Dec 1991 18:33:39 -0500 Reply-To: pub-infra Precedence: bulk To: pub-infra Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1991 18:33:37 -0500 Message-Id: <> Subject: ADSL From: mkapor (Mitch Kapor) Sender: ckd (Harry Shapiro) writes: If we really want to have competition for the Cable and Telco companies we need a digital product that can let Telco deliver movies and entertainment at VCR quality and above... It is within the technical ability of cable companies to offer phone service, plus cable and other people offering PCN. ADSL can be used to offer VCR quality video, using compression techniques to most homes. ADSL, is a T1 speed (1.54 mbits) connection into the home with a 16 kbit up to 144 kbit bi-directional (base rate isdn) connection. Uncompressed CD audio, compressed NTSC, computer graphics, etc. All this can be offered within a T1 rate. (All most anything we (as consumers) want, t1 could do... Yes some of us want 45 mbits and some of us what even more.... ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) is still in field trials. It will be in trials in the 92/94 time frame... The sept. 16, 1991 -page 18- issue of computer world reports, "ADSL, developed by Bell Communications Research Inc., (Bellcore) delivers a bitstream of 1.5M bit/sec. to homes with two-way, Basic-Rate Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)" The August 26 th 1991 issue of FIBER OPTIC NEWS on page 8, reports, "VCR quality television, voice and data can be sent simultaneously over a single cooper telephone line... The achievement is possible because of ... ADSL which uses digital signal processing techniques and experimental very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuitry." The June 10th issue of Telephony on page 27 reports, "ADSL... has a design goal of 18,000 feet on just one copper pair.... The Technology The anticipated range of ADSL equipment using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is from 0 to 18,000 feet. About 75% of residential telephone customers are served today on non-loaded facilities less than 18,000 feet from the CO." [We agree. ADSL sure sounds like a good thing. We are finding out what Bellcore and RBOC deployment plans are, if any. As previously noted, we think video over ISDN is a valid medium. But faster is clearly better, especially if it still runs over copper. -MK] My point being lets not spend public money on things like ISDN, when something better and more useful is coming. [We're not advocating spending large amounts of additional public money on ISDN. Telco plant modernization for digital switches etc. is going to happen whether or not consumers get ubiquitous, affordable ISDN. We're paying for it anyway. -MK]