MindVox [HOME] Directory -=/[ File Manipulation Commands ]/=- Copy - Create a Duplicate of a File Move - Copy from Home to Archives Cd - Change to a Sub-Directory Receive - Upload to Home with Protocol Cdup - Return to Previous Directory Rename - Change the Name of a File Dir - List Files in Home Directory Send - Download a file from Home Delete - Remove a File form Directory Tail - View the END of a Text File Edit - Edit (Filename) Using Editor View - Display the Contents of File Mkdir - Create a New Subdirectory -=/[ User Configuration Files ]/=- .aliases - Mailing Lists Database .mailsig - Your MAIL Signature .forward - Mail Forwarding File .plan - Information for Finger .login - Macro Executed @ Login .sig - Your Forums Signature -=/[ Archiving / Compressing / Encoding ]/=- Arc Compress gzip Uuencode Tar Zip Zipnote Lha Uncompress gunzip Uudecode Untar Unzip Zipsplit [ Help - Detailed Help with Home Quit - Run Away from Home ] [Home]: