MindVox [~^INTERNET~^] Services -=/[ Network Travel ]/=- -=/[ File Transfer ]/=- Telnet - Telnet TCP/IP Protocol FTP - File Transfer Protocol TN3270 - Telnet W/IBM-3270 Support FSP - File Systems Protocol Hytelnet - HyperText Telnet Selector -=/[ Diagnostic Utilities ]/=- Finger - Obtain Local or Network Information on an Account NSlookUp - Query Internet Domain Name Servers for Site Information Ping - Use ICMP Protocol to track Network Activity / Response -=/[ Information Navigation Utilities ]/=- Archie - Internet File Location Tool WWW - The World Wide Web Network Gopher - TCP/IP Navigation/Retrival WAIS - WhAt IS Information Servers Whois - Information about Domains, Networks, and Registered Individuals