~* /\_-\ <((_))> \- \/ /\_-\(:::::::::)/\_-\ <((_)) MindVox ((_))> \- \/(:::::::::)\- \/ /\_-\ <((_))> \- \/ ___________________________________________________ | | | )[> [F]requently [A]sked [Q]uestions <]( | | | | Revision Level: 1.01 / Valid: 11/19/92 | |___________________________________________________| (c) Copyright 1992, Phantom Access Technologies, Inc. WHAT IS VOX? ============ MindVox was created out of our desire to bring an innovative and creative gathering-place to the online universe, or "Cyberspace" as it is being termed. While we are a full-featured service provider, our main goal is one of creating and constantly evolving a unique online community, which combines all the features you'd expect from any multi-national commercial network or large-scale public access Unix site; coupled with a diverse array of individuals and groups who have made their home on MindVox, weaving to- gether the threads of countless ideas and dreams, into the social fabric of a thriving community. To put it simply: we are a PLACE, not just a collection of services grouped together with a price list and termed "system." There is a great deal of text available on us in various periodicals, both hardcopy and elec- tronic, and a cross-section of this material is available online. People who are interested in what we are, and how MindVox began are encouraged to login as guests and read the EDITORIAL. FEATURES ======== MindVox is "live" on the Internet and easily accessible from over 100,000 machines all over the world, through the use of telnet; as well as 24 direct-dial lines located in NYC, NY. A sampling of the features we offer include: )> Local MindVox Forums covering topics that span the range from the evolu- tion of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality, Legal Issues, and Security and Virus updates and discussions, all the way to Health, Drugs, Beauty, Alternative Medicine, and Erotica. )> Over 1700 Usenet Newsgroups. We receive a full newsfeed with over 35 megabytes of news every 24 hours. )> Archives containing hundreds of megabytes of files and messages, from systems that were active from 1978-1991. These are the collected inception of what we now term as "Cyberspace." )> Security and Virus conferences and programs are available online for edification and easy downloading. )> Custom front-end user interface that allows Members easy access to the power of the underlying MindVox operating system, without the learning- curve. )> IRC Live REAL-TIME Conference system. An average of 500 people from all over the world are online 24 hours a day. )> A wide variety of single and multi-player games are online for your en- joyment. For complete information, prospective Members are encouraged to login and take a look around using the GUEST account. ACCESSING MINDVOX ================= MindVox is physically located in New York City, and a local call from the 212 or 718 area codes. We can be reached through telnet, by typing: telnet phantom.com -- we are also accessible via PC Pursuit, Sprintnet, and most other discounted data carriers within the United States and Canada. Our hunt group begins at 212/988-5030. Our dialups support speeds ranging from 1200 baud to 19.2Kbps. MINDVOX HARDWARE ================ MindVox usually runs on a NeXT Turbo equipped with 64 megabytes of RAM, and at present a little over 3 gigabytes of disk storage space are allocated to its use. At times Vox is moved to a SparcStation2, also fitted with 64 megabytes of RAM. This usually happens when we are working on something NeXT-specific and need to test things before putting the system back onto the central machine. Towards the end of 1992 MindVox will permanently move to a SparcServer based set-up, with 2-3 other machines on the network reserved for the exclusive use of various system features. MINDVOX SOFTWARE ================ MindVox runs on Voice -- Waffle ][+ the NeXTSTEP. In addition to being a silly name that we somehow still manage to find amusing, Voice is a continuously evolving environment that presents you with a tremendous amount of flexibility and power, while providing a comfortable layer over the native operating system that Vox runs on. This allows you to easily make use of various Unix functions, without needing to understand shell scripts, Unix syntax, or query formats for obscure programs. While Voice is very powerful and full-featured, it's main priority is to provide an easy-to-use and intuitive overlay, that allows you to make full use of it without reading any help files, or syntax guidelines. FEES ==== For a flat-rate $15 a month fee, you are provided unlimited access to all services available on the system. This includes the MindVox Forums, local Chat system, The Archives, Single and Multi-Player Games, Mail, the Usenet Newsgroups, IRC International Conferencing System, and all basic services. Internet Memberships are also $10 a month, and provide access to Usenet, Software, Mail, and other services that would fall under the auspices of "public access unix". New Members receive two weeks of free online use, which they can use to better orient themselves and become familiar with everything that is avail- able on MindVox. Thus, your first month of time, actually last for 6 WEEKS. Q & A's ======= [Q]: Are you a hacker board? [A]: MindVox is *NOT* a "hacker" board. Although our Members include many former members of various underground cliques such as Knights of Shadow and Legion of Doom, none of them are active in the "underground" at the present time. Conferences that deal with the topics of system security, operating system flaws and weaknesses & how to patch them, and various quirks of Unix, are available online, as are a collection of some of the world's foremost secu- rity experts, including frequent contributors to CERT, and former writers and editors of now defunct security mailing lists such as ZARDOZ, SPLINTER, and CORE. However, the exchange or solicitation of others, to perform or take part in, any illegal activity is strictly prohibited. Learning = Good, Crime = Bad. Screwing with computer systems that don't be- long to you, isn't very nice, it's also illegal -- if this is the reason you are logging into MindVox, don't bother calling. We believe wholeheartedly in the underlying principles of the hacker ethic, at the same time, the old excuse of "I just want to get into system X to learn . . ." no longer holds true in this day and age of VERY affordable hardware and FREE software. If it's not yours, and you haven't been invited; you have NO right to access it. [Q]: Do I have access to telnet, irc, internet games and mail and Unix type of things on MindVox? [A]: In a word, YES. Although we are not a "public access Unix" we offer all the services of one under our VOICES wrapper. [Q]: Is usage limited in any way? Are there additional charges for any- thing? [A]: No. flat-rate, is exactly what it states. You may login as often, and as long as you want with NO additional sur-charges. [Q]: How can I make voice contact with Phantom Access, if I am having prob- lems, or want to talk to someone voice about something? [A]: Dial +1 (212) 988-5987. There is someone available to help you during normal office hours, or you can leave a message and we'll get back to you the next business day. MISCELLANEOUS ============= For more information, prospective Members are encouraged to login to MindVox using the GUEST account and take a look around. Thank you for your interest! Phantom Access Technologies, Inc. 175 Fifth Avenue, Suite: 2614 New York, NY 10011 Voice: 212 989 2418 2400bps: 212-989-4141 14.4kbps: 212-989-1550 fax: 212-989-8648