The MindVox cyberspace is running on a network that is comprised of two NeXT machines -- a TurboSlab and a Cube -- with a combined total of 96mb RAM, 3.6 gigabytes of hard disk storage, and an 8 gigabyte DAT drive (portions of which occasionally serve as temporary MindVox swapspace). It is cruising along at a combined total of 36 MIPS, made possible by the wonder of distributed processing, multiple threads, and a lot of magic. The remaining system components consist of: [> 32 port Terminal server, of which 24 ports are publicly accessible, 6 are reserved for local terminals, and 2 are left open for religious reasons. [> 10 2400 bps CompuCom Speedmodems [Support MNP5 & CSP] [> 04 14,400 CompuCom Starmodems [Support v32.bis & CSP] [> 06 USR Dual Standard modems [v32.bis & HST] [> 04 Telebit Trailblazer modems [Various flavors] [> Two SLIP feeds, running on a Telebit & a Neuron1414 In addition to all of the above, there are machines ranging from an Apple ][+ (with an AppleCat AND a WORKING 212 card and CP/M Card!), to an Amiga, i386, Mac //ci, and a helluva lot of junk that is on occasion plugged into one of the NeXT's to see if anything absolutely WONDERFUL will happen. In the very near future -- hold your breath -- we plan to fill up at least 2 additional gigabytes with thousands of public domain programs that will sit there until the end of time, as users continue to download the same 35 programs over and over again. Soon after this event, we will make a sojurn down to 42nd street and purchase MANY magazines with catchy titles along the lines of "Anal Nurses in Heat with Rabid Animals" and proceed to digitize page after page out of them, so that our users might sample the very best in quality GIF images.