Dear [Spamhead]: We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to MindVox and point out a few details that are applicable to the use of your account. )[> First and foremost, you should NEVER let anyone else know that you have a complimentary account on the system. This tends to make those who are paying for you to be here, feel bad, and results in an endless cycle of bickering and long tirades by mail about "hey, how come he gets one and I don't." WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, SO BE QUIET AND DON'T RUIN A GOOD THING. )[> In general: DO NOT ACT LIKE AN ASSHOLE. This is the part where you use common sense. Do not add work for us by being annoying to management, or paying members. Under NO circumstances are ElYtE DuDeZ to start El!tE wArZ with people who have no comprehension of the underground. They don't know any better, if they are pissing you off, then reply with witty verbal repartee. DO NOT turn off their phones or make any person's life turn into living hell! This makes things REALLY annoying for us and will result in a total loss of good will in your direction. While someone may indeed be an asshole, and have all their karma catching up to them RIGHT NOW. DO NOT hassle people who are members here, because then WE get to hear all about it and have to hold their hand and comfort them. And we have a lot of other things we'd rather be doing. Conversely if you help make things flow smoothly, post cool stuff, and generally act in accordance with system harmony -- then everything is cool, life is good, and you are made to feel at home here. Which is as it should be. )[> Finally, this is the part where I explain where *I* stand on the following point. I do not necessarily represent everybody in The Phantom Access Group when I say the following, but I DO represent system policy on this issue: Although I may be your friend -- perhaps even your good friend who has known you since what seems like forever -- do *NOT* expect me to hate your enemies. At this time I don't have problems with ANYBODY who was/is involved with the hacker underground. I intend to keep it that way. My basic outlook on where we stand, is one of unity, NOT endless wars about stupid bullshit over who said this about that because of . . . There are a lot of things to focus on -- selecting one that makes you contemplate how much you hate The Masked Turnip of 305, is not the most productive choice. Having said that, I direct your attention to "Cyberspace: The Phantom Zone" forum. This is basically "our" room in the VIP section of the club, where anyone is free to debate whatever they desire amidst a gathering of "peers." If you absolutely MUST air your problems with someone, then so be it. That is the place to do it. Nothing is censored, nothing is removed, do as thou wilt, but KEEP IT ON *THAT* forum. Don't drag it into every other section that exists, and DO NOT post addresses, phone numbers or credit cards, unless they're yours and you have this strange urge to share them with the world. There really aren't any rules, just try to be decent to each other. This entire missive has been written in anticipation of the combined elYtNeSZ of MindVox pushing the limits of peaceful coexistence by gathering together every elite dude on earth and allowing them to congregate in one place -- with the almost assured result of: "He called me a lame loser in 1984 and stole my drugZ at last year's SummerCon. I thought disconnecting his dog, infecting his toaster with a polymorphic virus and making the computer spontaneously decombust, was a reasonable response to that. I don't see your problem?" As a wise black man once said to me on a street corner: Peace out bro' Patrick/Lord Digital On behalf of System