RIME FTSC Area Tags - 11/01/96 ------------------------------ TAG Area Name --- --------- R_BuySell 4$Sale R_4DOS 4Dos R_Abortion Abortion R_ACOA Adult Children Of Alcoholics R_Agriculture Agriculture R_Alarm-Secur Alarm/Security R_Alpha Alpha R_ALTQuick ALTQuick R_Amiga Amiga R_Ami-Pro AmiPro R_AnimalRight Animal Rights R_Anime Anime R_ANSI Ansi Codes R_Phobias Anxiety Disorders/Phobias R_Apogee Apogee R_Apple Apple II GS R_Aquariums Aquaria R_ArchivePrgm Archiving Programs R_ARJ ARJ R_Artisoft Artisoft R_Asia Asia R_ASP-Support ASP Support R_AOP Association of Online Profes R_Astrology Astrology R_Astronomy Astronomy R_Audio Audio R_Aviation Aviation R_Babylon-5 Babylon 5 R_BbShopHarm Barbershop Harmony R_Batch-Lang Batch R_BBS-Ads BBS Ads R_BBS-Doors BBS Doors R_BBS-Issues BBS Issues R_BBSsoftware BBS Software R_Beers Beer R_Bible-Study Bible Studies R_Biking Bicycles R_Big-Brother Big Brothers/Big Sisters R_Biology Biology R_Birds Birds Conference R_Birth Birth R_BlackExp Black Experience R_Boating Boating and Fishing R_Boyan Boyan R_BrdcastProf Broadcast Professionals R_Broadcast Broadcast Technology R_Broadway Broadway R_C_Language C/C++ Programming R_C64_C128 C64/C128 R_CAD CAD R_CamSoft CamSoft R_Canada Canadian R_CancerRecov Cancer Recovery R_Caving Caving R_CD-ROM CD ROM R_Cellular Cellular R_CNE Certified Netware Engineer R_Chess Chess R_ChildHeart Childheart R_Chinese Chinese R_Pain Chronic Pain R_Clarion Clarion R_Clipper Clipper R_CmpQwk CMPQWK R_CoCo CoCo R_Comic-Books Comic Books R_COMMO Commo R_Common Common R_Condos Common Ownership R_Communicate Communications R_Compucom CompuComm R_CompuNotes CompuNotes R_ComptrAddic Computer Addicts R_CUD Computer Underground Digest R_Conf-Hosts Conference Hosts R_Consprcy Conspiracies R_Constitutio Constitutional Rights R_CorelDraw CorelDraw Graphics R_Cusine Cuisine R_Dataprotect Data Protection R_Dbase Database R_Dead-Heads Deadhead R_Debate Debate R_Dental Dental R_DeskTopPub Desktop Publishing R_DESQview DesqView R_Diabetes_Su Diabetes Support R_Diet-Weight Diet and Weight Loss R_DirectSales Direct Sales & Business Oppo R_Disabled Disabled R_DstrRcvy Disaster Recovery R_DiskComp Disk Compression Utilities R_Disney Disney R_DOS DOS R_DrWho Dr Who R_EmailExchan E-Mail Exchange R_BriefEditor Editors R_Education Education R_EFF Electronic Frontiers R_EmgcyCommu Emergency Communications R_EmgcyMgmt Emergency Managemnt R_ESRD End Stage Renal Disease R_Engineering Engineering R_Entertain Entertainment R_Enviorment Environmental Issues R_Europe-USSR Europe/USSR R_Evangelical Evangelical R_ExecHost Executive Host BBS R_Reunite Family & Friends Reuniting R_FFIncar Family/Friends of the Incarc R_Feds Feds R_FileSearch File Search R_Finances Financial R_Fine-Arts Fine Arts R_EMS-Fire Fire/EMS R_ArmIssues Firearm Issue/Gun Control R_FireArms Firearms R_FlightSimul Flight Simulators R_Florida Florida R_Forensic Forensics R_ForestProd Forest Products R_ForthLng Forth Language R_Fox-Network FOX Network R_Fractals Fractals R_French French Language R_FTP-Packet FTP Packet Announce R_FunWords Funwords R_Gadgets Gadgets R_Gambling Gambling R_GameDesign Game Design R_Games Games R_GAP-BBS GAP R_Gardens Gardens R_Gay-Lesbian Gay Issues R_Genealogy Genealogy R_GeoPolRlate Geo-Political International R_Geoworks Geoworks R_German-Lang German Language R_GlobalUplnk Global R_Golf Golf R_Graphics Graphics R_Outdoors Great Outdoors R_Ham-Radio HAM R_HandyMan Handyman R_Happenings Happenings R_HardDrives Harddisk R_He-Says-She He Says/She Says R_HealthFit Health And Fitness R_HighDens-TV High Definition TeleVision R_History History R_AIDS-Info HIV/ARC/AIDS R_Hobbies Hobbies R_HomeAuto Home Automation R_HomeSchool Home Schooling R_HomeHints Homehints R_Homeopathy Homeopathy R_Horror Horror R_HTML_Progra HTML Programming R_Hunting-Tra Hunting/Trapping R_IBM IBM R_MidRangeIBM IBM Mid-Range Computers R_ID-Games ID Games R_INC-Forval IMC/Forval R_SuperHiway Information Super Highway R_InnerChild Inner-Child's Playground R_Intellicom Intellicomm R_InternetDis Internet Discussion R_Intuit-Soft Intuit Software Support R_Ireland Ireland R_ISDN ISDN R_Italy Italy R_Jobs Job Bank R_Jokes Jokes R_Judaic Judaica R_LapTops Laptop Computers R_LaserPrint Laser Printers R_LDS-Mormon LDS - Mormon Church R_Legal Legal R_Lans Local Area Network R_Lotus Lotus R_Macintosh Mac R_Magicians Magicians R_Magick Magick R_MailDoors Maildoors R_MainFrames Mainframe R_MajorBBS MajorBBS R_MSoft-Asm MASM R_Medical Medical R_Medieval Medieval R_Male-Issues Men's Roundtable R_MENSA Mensa R_MiDi MIDI R_Military Military R_Minority Minority Issues R_MissingChld Missing Children R_Modems Modems/Modem Support R_MontyPython Monty Python R_Motivation Motivation R_Motorcycles Motorcycles R_MotorSports Motorsports R_MSI-OLX-SLM MSI/OLX/SLMR R_MSI-QModem MSI/Qmodem R_MSI-WildCat MSI/Wildcat Support R_MSWord MSWord R_Music Music R_Musicians Musicians R_Mysterious Mystery R_Admin Network Admin R_Rime_Scouti Network Scouting R_NewAge New Age R_New-Users New Users R_NoSmokimg No-Smoking R_NortonUtils Norton Products R_Novell-Usrs Novell Users R_NWDOS NWDos R_OH-Safety Occupational Health & Safety R_OfflineMail Offline Mail R_Old-Cars Old Cars R_Omen-Tech Omen Technology R_Online On-Line R_OOP OOPS R_OS2 OS/2 R_OSDebate OSDebate R_Pagan Pagan R_Paradox Paradox Software R_Parenting Parents R_PCBHints PCBHints R_PPL PCBoard Programming Language R_PcbUtil PCBoard Utilities and Doors R_PCB_Support PCBSupport (PCBSuppt) R_PCRelay PCRelay Support R_PCTools PCTools R_Pets Pets R_Pharmacy Pharmacy R_Philosophy Philosophy R_Phones Phones R_Photography Photo R_PKWare PKWare R_PlntConn Planet Connect R_Poetry Poetry Corner R_Police Police R_Politically Politically Correct R_Politics Politics R_PostLink_Suppo PostLink Support (PostLink) R_PwrBdSup PowerBoard BBS R_PowerBuilde PowerBuilder R_RIME_PR PR Committee (Private) R_Pre-Teens Pre-Teens R_PrivEnc Privacy/Encryption R_ProWrestlig Pro Wrestling R_ProComm Procomm R_Programming Programming R_Psychology Psychology R_PVT_CH RIME CH Working Committee (Private) R_Quick-Basic QBasic Language R_QFront QFront R_Qmail Qmail Reader R_RadioContrl R/C Radio Control R_NJConnect R_New Jersey R_COUNCIL RAC Admin (Private) R_Raytrace Raytrace R_Rbase Rbase R_RBBS-BBS RBBS R_RBL-RHL RBL & RHL R_ReadRoom ReadRoom Support R_Recovery Recovery R_Relations Relationships R_RelayUsers Relay Users R_Religion Religion R_Remember Remember When? R_RemoteAcces Remote Access Software R_Reptiles Reptiles R_RFL-FBL RFL & RBL R_RIMENEWS RimeNews R_RIPGraph Rip Graphics R_Robocomm Robocomm/RoboMail R_RolePlayGms Role Playing Games R_Ron-Janokar Ron Janorkar Software Suppor R_Roomies Roomies R_RubyPrls Ruby's Pearls R_Running Running and Being R_RushLimbgh Rush Limbaugh R_SatelliteTV Satellite R_Scanners Scanners/SWL R_PenPals School Pen Pals R_SciFiction Sci-Fi R_Science Science R_Scouting Scouting R_Scuba Scuba R_Searchlite Searchlight BBS R_Semware SemWare R_Seniors Senior Citizens R_ServiceMen Servicemen In Action R_ShareWare Shareware Programs R_Shez SHEZ R_SilentPC Silent PC R_SilXpress Silver Xpress R_Skiing Skiing R_SmallBusins Small Business R_Soap-Operas Soap Operas R_SoftwareRev Software Reviews R_Soundblaste Sound Blaster Cards/Creative R_SoundCards Soundcards R_Space Space R_SpanishLang Spanish Language R_SpitfireBBS Spitfire BBS R_Spit-Sysops Spitfire Sysops R_Sports Sports R_Spreadsheet Spreadsheets R_SQL-Databas SQL R_StarTrek Star Trek R_Stitches Stitches R_StoryBoard StoryBoard R_Strange Strange & Unexplained R_StgicWarGms Strategic and Tactical Warga R_STTS Sunlight Through the Shadows R_SunriseSupp Sunrise Door Software R_SurvOfAbuse Survivors of Abuse R_SynChroNet Synchronet BBS Software R_Sysops Sysops R_Sys4Sale Sysops' For Sale (Sys4Sale) R_System-Anal System Analysis R_TagLines Taglines R_Tandy Tandy R_Tax&Account Taxes and Accounting R_TechTalk Technical R_Teens-Only Teens R_TeleMate Telemate R_Telix Telix R_TQM TQM R_TradeWars Tradewars R_TradeCards Trading Cards R_Trains Trains R_TriBBS TriBBS R_Truckers Truckers R_TrueCrime True Crime R_TurboPasc Turbo Pascal R_ULP ULP Support R_Ultimate Ultimate R_UBBS Ultra BBS BBS Software R_UNIX-Systms UNIX R_Uplink UPLINK R_UrbanLegend Urban Legends R_User-Groups Users Groups R_US-Robotics USRobotics R_Vacations Vacation R_VendInfo VendInfo Product Information R_Veterans Veterans R_VGA-Planets VGA Planets R_VideoExchge Video Exchange R_VideoGames VidGames R_VirtualReal Virtual Reality R_Weather Weather R_WGM WGM Support R_WldcatSysop Wildcat! Sysops R_Windows Windows R_WindowBasic Windows BASIC R_WireWrap Wirewrap R_WomensIssue Women R_WordPerf WordPerfect R_WordPlay Wordplay R_WordStar WordStar R_WorldTrade World Trade R_Writers Writers R_X-Files X-Files R_XYWrite XYWrite R_Yandell Yandell Comptr Serv