APPLICATION SHEET FOR THE ABBSA-Net NETWORK =========================================== ABBSA-Net is a newly established network for ABBSA members using front-end mailers, to send messages or for echoing the ABBSA National Support Echo. This information sheet will be used to help coordinate ABBSA-Net so that new links can be established easily, and without delay. Please cooperate in filling this out so that we may better serve you. Please pass this file on to whoever you are forwarding the application to, and that person will in turn forward it to the Region Coordinator for final action, or send it directly to John Kay at 117:117/0 [ABBSA-NET] or 1:110/750 [FIDO], or Mike Nelson at 117:1000/10 [ABBSA-NET] or any of the Net Adresses listed below. O O _____________\/______Snip_Snip_____________________\/_______Snip_Snip______ /\ /\ O O Full Name (No Fake name) ................... : Address .................................... : Postal code/Zip code ....................... : City ....................................... : State ...................................... : Country .................................... : Name BBS ................................... : Telephone number BBS ....................... : Telephone number WORK....................... : Telephone number HOME....................... : Type Of Modem used.......................... : Baudrates (Vxx and/or PEP MNP HST) ......... : Online times (Crash Mail/Mail Only)......... : Type Of BBS Software........................ : Type Of MAILER Software..................... : Node that is helping you out................ : Other Network(s) you are in, with fully qualified Z:NNN/nnn number(s) (Not AKA's)... : (if applicable)............................. : List your AKA addresses ................... : (if applicable)............................. : Remarks .................................... : O O ______________\/______Snip_Snip_____________________\/_______Snip_Snip______ /\ /\ O O Send this as netmail through the Node that is helping you out, or directly to: *NATIONAL American BBS Association National Office % Westlake Information Systems 2603 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio 45405 TEL. [Voice] (513) 225-3087; (513) 545-1093 [the Dayton BOARDWALK BBS] (513) 228-1020 ABBSA-Net 117:117/0 FIDO 1:110/750 *OHIO STATE American BBS Association - Ohio State % Type Too! P.O. Box 11210 Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 TEL. [Voice/FAX] (513) 451-7728 [TYPE TOO! BASEMENT BBS] (513) 451-8990 ABBSA-Net 117:1000/10 INFONET 27:513/208 SEARCHNET 114:513/101 CROSSNET tm 73:4300/3 GAMENET 46:200/8