American BBS Association Ethical Standards 1. I will not use or allow my BBS to be used for illegal activity. 2. I will not allow my BBS to be used to distribute Pirated or Copyrighted software (except where software Copyright and\or License agreements specifically allow electronic distribution) and if such software is uploaded to my board without my knowledge I will remove it when I am made aware of it. 3. I will restrict access to adult material by minors and I will make ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS to verify that a caller is 21 years of age before allowing that caller access to adult material. 4. If I run a Public BBS I will not refuse access to any individual on the basis of age, sex, religion, race, or ethnic origin except restrictions to specific conferences that are necessary to provide Private Conferences for particular age, sex, religious, racial or ethnic groups. 5. I will support and promote the Right of Freedom of Speech and the free exchange of ideas among individuals.