BULLETIN Msg # 2 Date: Tue 8-18-92, 5:34 pm From: DR. RIPCO Read: 555 times To: All Subject: TRW Masterfile Info This is beginning to turn into a real mess so those who seek the truth, you've come to the right spot. I was informed a couple weeks ago that an article appeared in a newsletter called "Privacy Times" where this system was mentioned within it. The articles focus appears to be on a "how-to" manual written for penetrating TRW's database. The second paragraph of it reads as follows: Entitled "TRW Masterfile," the manual was published recently on the "Ripco" bulletin board by two authors who identify themselves as "Citizen-One" and "Evil Priest." One author claimed to have worked in TRW customer service for two months, and bragged that his manual was the best hackers' guide ever produced to a system that "tells you practically every bit of information you could possibly need to know about a member in society." This matter is an error. The file discussed within the article was never published here, although I'm not sure how one would consider making a file available for the general public to download as "publishing". Reguardless of the use of words, the file was never available here in any shape or form. The system has been checked throughly including the possibility that the file itself became part of another one and was given a different name. It was NEVER placed anywhere on the system either in public or private. My records show one user by the name of "Evile Priest" who called once in January of 1992 and another by the name of "Citizen-0ne" who called five times in April of 1992. It would appear both are probably the same as the authors mentioned although there is no solid proof of this. In late April the user known as Citizen-0ne did upload a file called "TRW_MAST.TXT" which appears to be the same file mentioned in the Privacy Times story. This file was deleted from the system based on the self-imposed guidelines I operate under since the Operation Sundevil episode. I am not making a commentary of the contents of the file itself, just that it's overall worth would not be in the best interest of the system. My logs of the activity on here also show this file was never downloaded. Besides the upload no further records of the file being here exist. This article has now appeared to spread a bit more, I was informed today that another publication called "Computer World" (8/17/92) has nearly the same paragraph in it also mentioning this system as "recently publishing" the file in question. I want to go on record now before this snowballs into something I'd rather not deal with that: 1) Ripco has never had the TRW Masterfile available in any shape or form. 2) The authors although mentioning this system as a place to contact them were never what I would consider "regular users" of the system. 3) I or the system have never condoned, sanctioned or authorized anyone to use the system's name in the writing of the file or gave permission for anyone to use the system as a contact point for and about the file. In my opinion the authors of both articles failed to check the facts. Dr. Ripco