_______________________ | ][annibal Lecter | """"""""""""""""""""""" More responses. Respond, Pass or ENTER to continue> #2/3 from: Havok to : Hannibal Lecter (Poopiescmoo of FuKU) on : Sun 8-Nov-1992 5:24p Well Shit I don't have any Idea what the system was I was able to hack out the account I used a defualt accound off CAS*INQ to get into the system That was when i first got into the system I am gettin the hang off it I connected thought (01!)CS/100> just like an GS/1 Pad but for GTE I had mantaged to look up some numbers including some Sprint Dial Up and they had the Codez and everything for them when the phone lines were installed and everything but u need the phone number to look up who owns it and everything yes I had know idea what i was doing but I learn quik... More responses. Respond, Pass or ENTER to continue> A item: 20 of subboard (2) System Hacking subj: GTE CAP from: Havok on : Sun 8-Nov-1992 6:13p ACTION? FRAME (JumperC Prep) Action. , E (Express), BStop)? TRANSTAL FILES EMPTY ION? TERMINADDRESS REPORT BY154 11/08/07:34EST Entinput filename, VALID ACTIONS CLK# 0197 ARE: TTY CTM NE KEN TCF UPSU PUN ACT NQ SCH IND FRA CPL F TAV LAV JESEC CTR EAS AAR REM TDE FDR AVA T BLK ASN D WOR OPM EQBXR TMQ STC I ADQ MEQ R DEN FL2 RCP DPS RKSRR TAR TAT ER RPT SLK WCC CRD MTUTO OBTAIN DESCRI USE '??') AON? MARK END154 CLK# 0197 MARK 07:35ES11/08/92 HK771 CLK# 0197 TENAL 493434118130 ACTION? EN uuu? ACTIONYSTEM SE YOUR OPTION ------------ STOP - STOP LILABLE OPTIONS INITIALIZE MARK/ATABASE UT - ESTABLISH TDNREP - MARK/CAS ORT MODULE DELE - REMOVEs FROM SERVICES CAS FEATURE DATA MAINTENANCE F - FEATURE GROUP SELECT (US'LIST' FOR HELP)ABASE INITIALIZA HK77154 07:37ES ENTER SITE-Inns, nnn=U# + s=SELECT (USE 'LIOR HELP) : CASDB (v7.0) C DATABASE MAINTENCE HK77154 11/2 07:37EST r CAS Site ID: sing user numberAS Site ID: << INTERRUPT >> CENTRANET FEATU SELECT (USE '' FOR HELP) : RATION COMPLETE ALID ACTIONS FORSTO HEL BYEY CTM NEW TXR KEN T UPD SSU PUN ACT INQ SCH FL3 RCL AL SEC CTR E AAR REM TDE DET FDR AVA LNK BLK ASN D WOR OPM SXR TMQ STC MSI ADQ MEQBR DEN FL2 RCP DPS R SRR TAR TAT R RPT SLK WCC CRD MT(TO OBTAIN DESCIONS, USE '??') TION? TERMINMRP.04) ON WC 15 Enter funion? 0 Serving Range Rdress Report = Address by Thort 4 = Teral Flag/SS Reporrminal Inquiry R 6 = Termietail Display ReService Section mulator ter function? PORT TERMPLAY (MDI.22) ONEnter input fileor TTY? Enteterminal (TER=) REQ? Tterminal[; then ) DIS = DAT (Di activity date) lay flags) DIS all detail) DISy all detail by BL (Display all s) DIS = COR (Day XBOX correspoDD (Display all dresses) DIS = (Display detail C-P = ALL or e-pair[/range] ding post[/rangeR = terminal[; tDIS=, BP=, or C- DIS = HD (Dplay header) DIctivity date) Dflags) DIS = DEtail) DIS = RNGtail by range) ay all cables) ay XBOX correspoDD (Display all esses) DIS = ALsplay detail & a-P = ALL or cablr[/range] BP =LL or binding poREQ? TERMINAORT MENU ON W 0 = St 1 = Servininal Address Rep 3 = Addresby Thoroughfare ort 4 = Tenal Flag/SS Repoinal Inquiry Rep 6 = TerminDetail Display Rrt 7 = Ser Section Accumuler function? ERMINAL INQUIRY /92 07:42EST ter input filenaEnter terminal (, type (TYP=), oaddress (ADD=) EQ? TER = te 1, term 2, term5, term 6 TER =L TYP = typetype 2 TYP = ALREQ? TERMCAP T E R M FC 6 63EMORIAL HWY (TWN, FL), FRT TERM Terminal is ld Service secti # 2 92220 2. R=TM# 3 9284 3. 4004NHOWER BLVD (SUBP, FL) 4. 63TOWN N CTRY, FL) REQ? TERM TYP CAP T FC 46 5519 IDLEWILD AV(INVALID, TWNCY,), SUB=TI SPAN B Terminal nked Service se 9 IDLEWILD AV W ASSIG 3. R=T SPAN ONLY THISMINAL HAS NO SER REQ? TERMINAL # TYP FC 6 6 MEMORIAL HWY (Y, FL), FRT TERM Terminal isnked Service se 1. R 2. R=TM# 3 92 3. 4004 EISENHOWER BLVD (SUB 4. 6 MEMORIAL HWY (T N CTRY, FL) ? VALID TYPEXB RT MENU ON WC Enter nction? nge Report 3 = Address by ort 4 = Tel Flag/SS Reportinal Inquiry Rep 6 = TermiDetail Display RService Section mulator r function? 8406406118012102 SYS-F77 STAT- ACTION? MORTGAGE UTILITYT REQ> AABLE COMMANDS: NM - UnMortgage IFI - Set Device STOP - Termine Execution AVAILABLE KE FAC - Facilitop) CKCircuit Pairs (I ORD - Ordember TER ternal Terminal VER - Verifansaction Flag REQ> <-- Mortgage HGTD5 STARTED - 8/92 TERMINAL: 34341181302 EST= INVALLID COMMANDS AREO HEL BYE CK OIP BUB HGRTDN; LNI02001013 SW1=SW0100 STYP=1 DN=888-7232*SL RD=COLMAN DAT/29/91 (1) 5-1016 3012-94 N; LNI=LER1 CLS=001-2041*SL ACC=28L ORD=TANNER TE=05/22/91 FAC=20-1851 TER=90743 INQUIR BRND5ESS ENDED ACTION? OUT MODE IS PUNCH D-WW 0 T-R 0 T-EX 0 D 0 D-MD URRENT B/U GENER 101 471 PBOM 921030 SESSIOPBU2 FROM 921101SION 1001 19U3 FROM 921102 S2 PBU4 FROM 9211 SESSION 101 0 PBU5 FROM 9211 177 PBU6 FRO1105 SESSION 10 228 PBU7 FROM21106 SESSION 1 115 PBU8 FROM 101 4 PBUOM 921108 SESSIOH TYPE? H54 CLK#0197 92 ***** SESSTARTED HK77154 07:51EST * SESSION ENDEDION? TERMINADDRESS REPORT BYWC 154 11/ 07:51EST E input filename,hno or low-hno>hhno) street? ON? REPORT T SOELNK PQUE: 00HRS ON 921115 VALID ACTIONS F: STO HEL B TTY CTM NEWKEN TCF UPD SSU PUN ACT Q SCH IND C FRA CPL FL3AV LAV JEO CTR EAS A REM TDE DEFDR AVA TCP BLK ASN DPD OPM EQB STMQ STC MSI ADQ MEQ LIJ L1 XBR DEN DPS RKY SRRR TAT TER SLK CAS TR CLX WCC CRIN DESCRIPTIONS,'??') ACTIONTERMINAL MAINTE54 11/08/907:53EST er function? Standard Terminainal Detail Display Termina4 = Add XBOX Ter Detail 5 Equip/Non-Equip/l 6 = Chanrminal Type -Equip XBOX C-P ter function? TERMINAL TYPE E CHANGE (MTP.2211/08/92 07:53E Enter input name or TTY? (TER= [;type]), Enter keyword? TER = terminalerminal type st[/range]; RA & PT to= cable-pair[/ra BIN=bindolor[/range] & HD to RA & PT er keyword? CE MENU ON WCon? ACTION? ARK END 07:55ESTNAL 493434118130F AT 07:55EST 118/92 session 1disconnected fro000200e0a6!030 )o response (!1)S/100> ? ess>[,
] DO macro name> Pause SET = .. OK There has been 1 response. More responses. Respond, Pass or ENTER to continue> #1/1 from: Hannibal Lecter (Poopiescmoo of FuKU) to : Havok on : Sun 8-Nov-1992 11:37p Hey is that St. Pete or Tampa...I think I know where I found it b4... _______________________ | ][annibal Lecter | """"""""""""""""""""""" End of item. Respond or Pass> item: 21 of subboard (2) System Hacking subj: NUI'sx from: Dr. Delam on : Mon 25-Jan-1993 10:06p COMNET COLNET CONNET those are the only existing NUI's for COxNET (haven't tried numbers, just letters) All 3 are passworded.. no idea what the passwords are. I'm guessing that when they make up an NUI it's not a computer generated randomization. They all seem to have memorable word-like structures. Plus they have to make sure they aren't giving out some NUI called CUMNET or something that will piss off the subscriber. They probably can assign blocks, and in which case they'd use numbers.. like More[Y,n,c]