AO> you can call me Sam. My dog likes cheese, too. What a concept! AO> My uncle Ned is dead, fell on his head. Nowhereman said VCL 2.0 will be out in a couple of months. As for 40HEX #9, haven't heard anything yet, but am looking forward to it. AO> Sorry, folks. Had to make sure I wasn't the only one still in AO> here... ;-) We are still here in VA. Aristotle nuked himself and was down for a while. I was busy with school work, trying to get my projects done for my thesis. -Ken --- GEcho 1.00/beta * Origin: 2181EBE700727B8CC1F913CBB44ACD21 - (40:1/1) [VX NET: 40 Hex #10] [106] Read (1-106,,?=help) :