cat /etc/passwd root::0:0:Super user:/:/bin/sh sysadm::0:0:System Administration:/usr/sysadm:/bin/sh backup::11:10:Backup User:/usr/backup:/bin/sh cron:NOLOGIN:1:1:Cron daemon for periodic tasks:/: bin:NOLOGIN:3:3:System file administration:/: asg:NOLOGIN:6:6:Assignable device administration:/: sysinfo:NOLOGIN:10:10:Access to system information:/: network:NOLOGIN:12:12:Mail and Network administration:/usr/spool/micnet: lp:NOLOGIN:14:3:Print spooler administration:/usr/spool/lp: dos:NOLOGIN:16:10:Access to Dos devices:/: flex::205:50::/usr/flex:/bin/sh rooter::0:0:Super user:/:/bin/sh uuharmon:VPXXSVne51/Ys:203:4::/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucico admin::206:60:Admin of file transfer:/usr/admin:/bin/sh uucp::4:4:Uucp administration:/usr/lib/uucp:/bin/sh depmain::207:60::/usr/depmain:/bin/sh depot::208:50::/usr/depot:/bin/sh # cd usr # ls adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd depot # ls .profile a1.flx actr1a.flx actr1b.flx adjcount.flx adjrep.flx adjust.dat adjust.def adjust.fd adjust.flx adjust.k1 adjust.tag adjustm1.dat adjustm1.flx adjustm2.flx adjustm3.flx adjustm4.flx after aheader.dat aheader.def aheader.fd aheader.k1 aheader.k2 aheader.k3 aheader.k4 aheader.k5 aheader.k6 aheader.k7 aheader.tag aheader.tmp aheadr.flx ahedcon.flx ahinp.flx ajdustm4.flx audit.con audit.dat audit.def audit.fd audit.flx audit.frm audit.k1 audit.k10 audit.k2 audit.k3 audit.k4 audit.k5 audit.k6 audit.k7 audit.k8 audit.k9 audit.prn audit.tag audit.tmp auditinp.flx audtdump.flx auto.flx backup batch.doscp before cat.dat cat.def cat.fd cat.flx cat.hld cat.k1 cat.k2 cat.tag catimp.flx catinp.flx catm1.flx catup.flx cdt1.flx changeim.flx cleanup.flx cntadj.flx cntentry.flx cntprnt.flx color.dat color.def color.fd color.k1 color.k2 color.tag colorm1.flx costr1.flx count.flx credit1.flx credtm1.flx credtm2.flx credtr1.flx credtr2.flx cushism1.flx custdel.flx custhist.dat custhist.def custhist.fd custhist.k1 custhist.k2 custhist.k3 custhist.tag custinq.dat custinq.def custinq.fd custinq.flx custinq.k1 custinq.k2 custinq.k3 custinq.tag custmain.dat custmain.def custmain.fd custmain.flx custmain.k1 custmain.k2 custmain.k3 custmain.k4 custmain.tag custmnd1.flx custrpt.flx custupdt.flx dailyr1.flx dailyr1a.flx dailyr2.flx dcopyaway ddupes depback depotinc.flx depprice.flx deprest dffile.exe directry.dat disc.dat disc.def disc.fd disc.flx disc.k1 disc.tag discrpt.flx dmaint docentry.flx doclst.flx document.dat document.def document.fd document.k1 document.tag dresponse dscrepr1.flx dw.qry file17.flx filelist.cfg flex.cfl flexerrs.dat flexerrs.flx fv.flx fvdemo.flx help.dat help.def help.fd help.k1 help.k2 help.k3 help.tag imf.dat imf.def imf.fd imf.flx imf.k1 imf.k2 imf.k3 imf.tag imf2.flx imf3.flx imfconn.flx imfcstm1.flx imffix1.flx imfyrend.flx invalid.flx inven.dat inven.def inven.fd inven.flx inven.k1 inven.k2 inven.k3 inven.k4 inven.k5 inven.k6 inven.tag invenr1.flx invent.flx invloc.dat invloc.fd invloc.flx invloc.k1 invloc.tag invlst.flx invoice.flx ivprint.flx ivprint2.flx lastimf.flx lcdetail.dat lcdetail.fd lcdetail.k1 lcdetail.tag location.flx lost.dat lost.def lost.fd lost.flx lost.k1 lost.k2 lost.k3 lost.tag lostm1.flx lostord.flx lostr1.flx lostrpt.flx lst.flx master.flx mendm1.flx menu.dat menu.flx menuinp.flx msgcrat.flx msgentry.dat msgentry.fd msgentry.flx msgentry.tag msglst.flx newdet.flx newmenu.dat newmenu.fd newmenu.tag newpart.flx nonstock.flx nowinv nowupd oebatch.dat oebatch.flx oebatch2.flx oedetail.dat oedetail.def oedetail.fd oedetail.k1 oedetail.k2 oedetail.k3 oedetail.k4 oedetail.tag oeheader.dat oeheader.def oeheader.fd oeheader.k1 oeheader.k2 oeheader.k3 oeheader.k4 oeheader.k5 oeheader.k6 oeheader.k7 oeheader.tag oehinp.flx oentry.fd oentry.flx oentrym2.flx oepick oepick.flx oeupdate.dat oeupdate.flx oheader.dat partcomm.flx partinq.dat partinq.fd partinq.flx partinq.tag partinq2.flx parts.dat parts.def parts.fd parts.k1 parts.k2 parts.k3 parts.tag permis.cht phyloc.dat phyloc.fd phyloc.flx phyloc.k1 phyloc.tag plprint.flx podetail.dat podetail.def podetail.fd podetail.flx podetail.k1 podetail.k2 podetail.k3 podetail.k4 podetail.src podetail.tag poentry.flx poheader.dat poheader.def poheader.fd poheader.k1 poheader.k2 poheader.k3 poheader.k4 poheader.tag poprint.flx por1.flx porddump.flx porder.flx postats.flx prefvend.dat prefvend.def prefvend.fd prefvend.flx prefvend.k1 prefvend.tag prelim.flx pricing.dat printer.dat printer.fd prlmdtl.dat prlmdtl.def prlmdtl.fd prlmdtl.k1 prlmdtl.tag prlmhdr.dat prlmhdr.def prlmhdr.fd prlmhdr.k1 prlmhdr.tag prtnews prtnews.bak prtnote.dat prtnote.def prtnote.fd prtnote.k1 prtnote.tag qentry.flx query.k1 rcdetail.dat rcdetail.def rcdetail.fd rcdetail.k1 rcdetail.k2 rcdetail.k3 rcdetail.k4 rcdetail.tag rcdtcon.flx read.flx receipts.dat receipts.def receipts.fd receipts.flx receipts.k1 receipts.k2 receipts.k3 receipts.k4 receipts.k5 receipts.k6 receipts.k7 receipts.k8 receipts.tag recetm1.flx recetm2.flx recetm3.flx reconm1.flx reconm2.flx reconm3.flx rectdump.flx salcod.def salecods.dat salecods.def salecods.fd salecods.k1 salecods.k2 salecods.tag set_site shipaddr.dat shipaddr.def shipaddr.fd shipaddr.flx shipaddr.k1 shipaddr.k2 shipaddr.k3 shipaddr.tag shipvia.dat shipvia.def shipvia.fd shipvia.flx shipvia.k1 shipvia.tag shnews shnews.bak shop.dat shop.def shop.fd shop.flx shop.k1 shop.k2 shop.k3 shop.tag shopimp.flx shopinq.dat shopinq.def shopinq.fd shopinq.flx shopinq.tag shopmain.dat shopmain.def shopmain.fd shopmain.flx shopmain.k1 shopmain.k2 shopmain.k3 shopmain.tag shopmnt.flx smaster.flx stock.flx stockr1.qry stockr1.rpt strt.flx stup.flx sysfile.dat sysfile.def sysfile.fd sysfile.tag t1lost.flx taxcodes.dat taxcodes.def taxcodes.fd taxcodes.k1 taxcodes.tag taxm1.flx temp.dat tempbtch.dat tempbtch.def tempbtch.fd tempbtch.k1 tempbtch.k2 tempbtch.k3 tempbtch.tag tempcnt.flx tempcnt2.flx tempcnt3.flx tempdet.dat tempdet.def tempdet.fd tempdet.k1 tempdet.k2 tempdet.k3 tempdet.k4 tempdet.tag temphead.dat temphead.def temphead.fd temphead.k1 temphead.k2 temphead.k3 temphead.k4 temphead.k5 temphead.k6 temphead.k7 temphead.tag tempheade.fd termlist.cfg test.flx transfer.flx transm2.flx update.flx updtimf.flx updtimf2.flx upinven.flx vndhism1.flx vndmain.dat vndmain.def vndmain.fd vndmain.flx vndmain.k1 vndmain.k2 vndmain.k3 vndmain.tag vndperf.dat vndperf.def vndperf.fd vndperf.flx vndperf.k1 vndperf.k2 vndperf.k3 vndperf.tag vndperr1.flx yearrec.flx zero.flx zerodep.flx zimf.flx # login login: depot No utmp entry. You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh". # ls .profile a1.flx actr1a.flx actr1b.flx adjcount.flx adjrep.flx adjust.dat adjust.def adjust.fd adjust.flx adjust.k1 adjust.tag adjustm1.dat adjustm1.flx adjustm2.flx adjustm3.flx adjustm4.flx after aheader.dat aheader.def aheader.fd aheader.k1 aheader.k2 aheader.k3 aheader.k4 aheader.k5 aheader.k6 aheader.k7 aheader.tag aheader.tmp aheadr.flx ahedcon.flx ahinp.flx ajdustm4.flx audit.con audit.dat audit.def audit.fd audit.flx audit.frm audit.k1 audit.k10 audit.k2 audit.k3 audit.k4 audit.k5 audit.k6 audit.k7 audit.k8 audit.k9 audit.prn audi t.tagaudit.tmp auditinp.flx audtdump.flx auto.flx backup batch.doscp before cat.dat cat.def cat.fd cat.flx cat.hld cat.k1 cat.k2 cat.tag catimp.flx catinp.flx catm1.flx catup.flx cdt1.flx changeim.flx cleanup.flx cntadj.flx cntentry.flx cntprnt.flx color.dat color.def color.fd color.k1 color.k2 color.tag colorm1.flx costr1.flx count.flx credit1.flx credtm1.flx credtm2.flx credtr1.flx credtr2.flx cushism1.flx custdel.flxcd depmain # ls .profile termlist.cfg # cat .profile : # @(#) 1.3 88/05/10 # # Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985. # This Module contains Proprietary Information of # The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation # and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential. # # Admin profile # User $HOME/.profile - commands executed at login time # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME/bin:.:/usr/depot:/usr/dataflex # command search path DFPATH=.:/usr/depot:/usr/dataflex LPDEST=depot1 MAIL=/usr/spool/mail/`logname` # mailbox location umask 022 # set file creation mask eval `tset -m ansi:ansi -m :\?ansi -r -s -Q` export PATH MAIL DFPATH LPDEST flex # show hosts show: not found # cat /etc/hosts cat: cannot open /etchosts # cat /etc/hosts cat: cannot open /etc/hosts # cat /etc/host cat: cannot open /etc/host # who root tty2A Sep 22 22:55 # ls .profile termlist.cfg # cat termlist.cfg HARMON GLASS COMPANYtë߯]©$.,þþ J O_;[Hhaloepsn.prnà   adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd dataflex # ls 5349x.23b cleanup.flx dbread.flx delqry.flx dfedit dfindex dfquery dfrun dfsetup flexerrs.dat flexerrs.flx menu.flx menudef.flx modmenu.flx query.dat query.fd query.hlp query.k1 query.tag queryold.dat queryold.fd queryold.k1 queryold.tag termlist.cfg version # ls -l total 1242 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 70 Aug 17 12:26 5349x.23b -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35840 Aug 17 14:45 cleanup.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 73216 Aug 17 14:46 dbread.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26624 Aug 17 14:46 delqry.flx -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 43988 Aug 17 14:46 dfedit -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 65064 Aug 17 14:46 dfindex -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 94900 Aug 17 14:43 dfquery -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 114944 Aug 17 14:43 dfrun -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 57500 Aug 17 14:43 dfsetup -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8320 Aug 17 12:28 flexerrs.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5248 Aug 17 14:46 flexerrs.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10496 Aug 17 14:46 menu.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19968 Aug 17 14:46 menudef.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3840 Aug 17 14:46 modmenu.flx -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 640 Aug 17 14:45 query.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 182 Aug 17 14:45 query.fd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28563 Aug 17 14:46 query.hlp -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3072 Aug 17 14:45 query.k1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38 Aug 17 14:45 query.tag -rw-r--r-- 1 admin group 640 Aug 17 14:45 queryold.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 admin group 182 Aug 17 14:45 queryold.fd -rw-r--r-- 1 admin group 3072 Aug 17 14:45 queryold.k1 -rw-r--r-- 1 admin group 38 Aug 17 14:45 queryold.tag -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14336 Aug 17 12:26 termlist.cfg -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325 Aug 17 14:44 version # cd .. # ls adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd bin # ls acctcom assign at batch bc bdiff bfs calendar cancel capinfo clear coffconv compress convkey crontab ct cu deassign diskcmp diskcp doscat doscp dosdir dosformat dosls dosmkdir dosrm dosrmdir factor finger fixhdr fixpad flex format help idleout imacct imprint ipr last local lock logname lp lpr lprint lpstat mail mapchan mapkey mapscrn mapstr mnt more mscreen newform news pack pcat quot random rcp remote rmail runbig setcolor setcolour shl split spool sysadmsh tape tapedump tic tid tput translate trchan umnt uncompress units unpack uptime usemouse uucp uudecode uuencode uulog uuname uupick uustat uuto uux vmstat vsh w what zcat # ls -l capinfo -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 4234 Mar 2 1988 capinfo # ls -l uu* ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 60512 Nov 17 1988 uucp ---x--x--x 1 uucp uucp 25220 Nov 17 1988 uudecode ---x--x--x 1 uucp uucp 20968 Nov 17 1988 uuencode -r-xr-xr-x 1 uucp uucp 1870 Nov 17 1988 uulog ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 28276 Nov 17 1988 uuname -r-xr-xr-x 1 uucp uucp 3236 Nov 17 1988 uupick ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 42332 Nov 17 1988 uustat -r-xr-xr-x 1 uucp uucp 1708 Nov 17 1988 uuto ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 63504 Nov 17 1988 uux # cd .. # ls adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd flex # ls .profile # cat .profile : # @(#) 1.3 88/05/10 # # Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985. # This Module contains Proprietary Information of # The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation # and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential. # # # User $HOME/.profile - commands executed at login time # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME/bin:. # set command search path MAIL=/usr/spool/mail/`logname` # mailbox location umask 022 # set file creation mask eval `tset -m ansi:ansi -m :\?ansi -r -s -Q` export PATH MAIL # cd .. # ls adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd adm # ls ctlog hwconfig imagen messages msgbuf pacct # ls -l total 28 -rw-r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 0 Aug 1 1988 ctlog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 403 Sep 4 12:50 hwconfig -rw-r--r-- 1 lp bin 0 Apr 13 1987 imagen -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 11541 Sep 4 12:50 messages -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 0 Apr 13 1987 msgbuf -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 0 Apr 13 1987 pacct # cat messages Fri Jul 24 9:53:30 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Fri Jul 24 9:53:30 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 rootdev 1/40, pipede Fri Jul 24 9:53:31 v 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Mon Aug 17 13:25:32 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Mon Aug 17 13:25:32 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 Autoboot from rootde Mon Aug 17 13:25:34 v 1/40, pipedev 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Mon Aug 17 13:49:04 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Mon Aug 17 13:49:05 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 rootdev 1/40, pipede Mon Aug 17 13:49:06 v 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Mon Aug 17 14:39:24 floppy: ERROR: disk is write protected Mon Aug 17 15:06:34 floppy: ERROR: disk is write protected Mon Aug 17 15:23:09 floppy: ERROR: disk is write protected Mon Aug 17 16:31:14 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:31:32 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:31:50 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:32:03 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:32:14 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:33:41 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:33:57 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:34:03 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:34:17 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:34:58 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:35:11 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:36:54 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:39:26 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:40:13 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Mon Aug 17 16:40:26 fd: ERROR: error on dev floppy (2/36), block=1 cmd=00000000 status=00000003 insert disk or close floppy door Tue Aug 18 7:58:15 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Tue Aug 18 7:58:15 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 rootdev 1/40, pipede Tue Aug 18 7:58:16 v 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Tue Aug 18 10:03:02 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Tue Aug 18 10:03:02 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 rootdev 1/40, pipede Tue Aug 18 10:03:03 v 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Sat Aug 22 17:06:32 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Sat Aug 22 17:06:33 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 Autoboot from rootde Sat Aug 22 17:06:34 v 1/40, pipedev 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ Fri Sep 4 14:50:32 SCO XENIX SYSTEM V Portions Copyright 1980-88 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1983-88 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, duplication, and disclosure are subject to the terms stated in the customer license agreement. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SysV release 2.3.2 kid 5.22 for i80386 Serial Number: uni009853 ABCD0D1device address vector Fri Sep 4 14:50:33 dma comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 Autoboot from rootde Fri Sep 4 14:50:34 v 1/40, pipedev 1/40, swapdev 1/41 L4L5L6MNOPmem: total = 4736k, reserved = 4k, kernel = 1224k, user = 3508k kernel: drivers = 4k, 12 screens = 68k, 571 i/o bufs = 571k, msg bufs = 8k nswap = 2371, swplo = 0, Hz = 50, maximum user process size = 4219k QRSTUVWXYZ# # grep "Sep 23" * # ls ctlog hwconfig imagen messages msgbuf pacct # ls -l total 28 -rw-r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 0 Aug 1 1988 ctlog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 403 Sep 4 12:50 hwconfig -rw-r--r-- 1 lp bin 0 Apr 13 1987 imagen -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 11541 Sep 4 12:50 messages -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 0 Apr 13 1987 msgbuf -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 0 Apr 13 1987 pacct # cat hwconfig %floppy 0x3F2-0x3F7 06 2 unit=0 type=135ds18 D2D3%serial 0x2A0-0x2A7 04 - unit=0 type=AST nports=4 %serial 0x2F8-0x2FF 03 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 D4%parallel 0x378-0x37A 07 - unit=0 D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D20D21D22%ctmini - - - version=3.17 type=qic40 D23%console - - - unit=vga type=0 EFGHIJKL0L1L2L3%disk 0x330-0x332 - 5 type=A00 unit=0 cyls=100 hds=64 secs=32 # cd .. # ls adm admin backup bin dataflex depmain depot flex from_home lib news preserve pub scripts spool sys sysadm tmp to_home uucp # cd admin # ls .profile check_file_st cleanup cron_up delete_on_copy dmaint dnews dsnews killmail kmin move_maint remote_cron_t send_backup send_dir set_site st_tran_home termlist.cfg # ls -l total 68 -rw-r----- 1 admin group 570 Aug 17 14:55 .profile -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 538 Aug 17 14:56 check_file_st -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 113 Aug 17 14:56 cleanup -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 47 Aug 17 14:56 cron_up -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 269 Aug 17 14:56 delete_on_copy -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 2236 Aug 17 14:56 dmaint -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin admin 1175 Sep 18 20:03 dnews -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin admin 783 Aug 21 18:54 dsnews -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 259 Aug 17 14:56 killmail -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin admin 10 Aug 17 14:56 kmin -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 58 Aug 17 14:56 move_maint -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 247 Aug 17 14:56 remote_cron_t -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 542 Aug 17 14:56 send_backup -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 311 Aug 17 14:56 send_dir -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 59 Aug 17 14:55 set_site -rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 535 Aug 17 14:56 st_tran_home -rwxrwxrw- 1 admin admin 14336 Aug 17 14:56 termlist.cfg # cat .profile : # @(#) 1.3 88/05/10 # # Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985. # This Module contains Proprietary Information of # The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation # and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential. # # Admin profile # User $HOME/.profile - commands executed at login time # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME/bin:/usr/admin:/usr/depot:/usr/dataflex DFPATH=/usr/depot:/usr/dataflex MAIL=/usr/spool/mail/`logname` # mailbox location umask 022 # set file creation mask eval `tset -m ansi:ansi -m :\?ansi -r -s -Q` export PATH MAIL DFPATH # cd .. # cd spool # ls cron lp lpd mail micnet uucp uucppublic # ls -l total 14 drwxr-xr-x 4 root bin 80 Mar 24 1989 cron drwxr-xr-x 7 lp bin 352 Sep 12 05:06 lp drwxr-xr-x 2 lp bin 64 Sep 12 05:05 lpd drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 96 Sep 20 05:00 mail drwx------ 3 bin bin 48 Mar 24 1989 micnet drwxrwxrwx 12 uucp uucp 256 Sep 22 22:55 uucp drwxrwxrwx 2 uucp uucp 32 Mar 24 1989 uucppublic # cd mail # ls admin flex root # ls -l total 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 2096 Sep 22 17:00 admin -rw-r----- 1 flex group 230 Jul 24 10:26 flex -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1999 Sep 22 17:00 root # cat root From root Sun Sep 20 06:00:03 1992 To: root Date: Sun Sep 20 06:00:03 1992 Held 0 messages in /usr/spool/mail/root ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 06:15:02 1992 To: root Date: Mon Sep 21 06:15:02 1992 *.Z: No such file or directory ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 06:30:01 1992 To: root Date: Mon Sep 21 06:30:00 1992 /usr/admin/check_file_st: set_site: not found ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 19:00:03 1992 To: root Date: Mon Sep 21 19:00:03 1992 /usr/admin/st_tran_home: set_site: not found ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 06:15:13 1992 To: root Date: Tue Sep 22 06:15:12 1992 newmenu.dat already exists; not overwritten oentrym2.flx: No such file or directory rm: dfiles non-existent ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 06:30:01 1992 To: root Date: Tue Sep 22 06:30:00 1992 /usr/admin/check_file_st: set_site: not found ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 19:00:01 1992 To: root Date: Tue Sep 22 19:00:01 1992 /usr/admin/st_tran_home: set_site: not found ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. # cd # pwd / # cd sppol sppol: bad directory # cd so so: bad directory # cd spool spool: bad directory # cd /spool /spool: bad directory # cd usr # cd spool # ls cron lp lpd mail micnet uucp uucppublic # ls -l total 14 drwxr-xr-x 4 root bin 80 Mar 24 1989 cron drwxr-xr-x 7 lp bin 352 Sep 12 05:06 lp drwxr-xr-x 2 lp bin 64 Sep 12 05:05 lpd drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 96 Sep 20 05:00 mail drwx------ 3 bin bin 48 Mar 24 1989 micnet drwxrwxrwx 12 uucp uucp 256 Sep 22 22:55 uucp drwxrwxrwx 2 uucp uucp 32 Mar 24 1989 uucppublic # cd mail # ls admin flex root # cat flex From root Fri Jul 24 12:26:58 1992 To: flex Subject: Welcome to xenix386 Date: Fri Jul 24 12:26:58 1992 Welcome to XENIX! Your login shell is the Bourne Shell; please contact the System Administrator if you wish this changed. # cat admin From root Sun Sep 20 06:00:02 1992 To: admin Date: Sun Sep 20 06:00:02 1992 Held 0 messages in /usr/spool/mail/admin ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 06:15:03 1992 To: admin Date: Mon Sep 21 06:15:03 1992 *.Z: No such file or directory ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 06:30:03 1992 To: admin Date: Mon Sep 21 06:30:02 1992 /usr/to_home/0055dir already exists; not overwritten ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Mon Sep 21 19:00:02 1992 To: admin Date: Mon Sep 21 19:00:02 1992 /usr/to_home/0055dir.Z already exists; not overwritten /usr/to_home/0055dir.Z: already has .Z suffix -- no change ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 06:15:12 1992 To: admin Date: Tue Sep 22 06:15:12 1992 oentrym2.flx already exists; not overwritten ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 06:30:03 1992 To: admin Date: Tue Sep 22 06:30:02 1992 /usr/to_home/0055dir already exists; not overwritten ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. From root Tue Sep 22 19:00:03 1992 To: admin Date: Tue Sep 22 19:00:03 1992 /usr/to_home/0055dir.Z already exists; not overwritten /usr/to_home/0055dir.Z: already has .Z suffix -- no change ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. # mai mai: not found # mail mail version 3.0 January 28, 1987. Type ? for help. 7 messages: 7 root Tue Sep 22 19:00 11/279 6 root Tue Sep 22 06:30 11/280 5 root Tue Sep 22 06:15 13/342 4 root Mon Sep 21 19:00 11/279 3 root Mon Sep 21 06:30 11/280 2 root Mon Sep 21 06:15 11/265 1 root Sun Sep 20 06:00 11/274 _ Message 1: From root Sun Sep 20 06:00:03 1992 To: root Date: Sun Sep 20 06:00:03 1992 Held 0 messages in /usr/spool/mail/root ************************************************* Cron: The previous message is the standard output and standard error of one of your cron commands. _ q Held 7 messages in /usr/spool/mail/root # who root tty2A Sep 22 22:55 # cat /dev/* cat: cannot open /dev/cga 0923010892# ’&p€@€Ø€ cat: cannot open /dev/color cat: cannot open /dev/colour     .   OK a/ CONNECT 2400 clerdep!login: depot Welcome to SCO XENIX System V from The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. TERM = (wy60) ansi Terminal type is ansi )= *S: SCO XENIX V 386 MULTIUSER This program licensed to: HARMON GLASS COMPANY Serial Number: 178647 2.3b DataFlex. Copyright (C) 1987 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida. All rights reserved. (())())) *)ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿! ³ARMON GLASS COMPANY ) ) ) EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 )³" ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´# ³ ) ³$ ³ ) ³% ³ ³& ³ ) ) ³' ³ ) ) ³( ³ ) ) ³) ³ ) ) ³* ³ ) ) ³+ ³ ) ) ³, ³ ) ) ³- ³ ) ) ³. ³ ) ) ³/ ³ ) ) ³0 ³ ) ) ³1 ³ ) ) ³2 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ3 The Glass Depot4 Press to return to previous Menu: [ )]5 6 )=#9 The Glass Depot $9Warehouse Inventory Main Menu (&91 &=Order Processing )'92 '=Receipts and Returns =(93 (=Purchasing =)94 )=End of Day /Week Procedures =*95 *=Miscellaneous Routines =+96 +=System File Maintenance =,97 ,=End of Month Procedures =-98 -=Physical Inventory =.99 .=Year-end Procedures =/910/=News, Messages and Documents=09110=Query =19121=Exit to Operating System =4\ =4\924]4\924\92=4\ =4\924]4\924\92=4\ =4\?4\? 4\ ?=4\ =4\004]04]04]4\004\00=&91 &=Order Processing =#9 The Glass Depot $9Warehouse Inventory Main Menu 8 FIELD NUMBER OUT OF RANGE << STATUS 77 >> #185(7=)=8 Y8 (8 FIELD NUMBER OUT OF RANGE << STATUS 77 >> #199)=#9 )=$9 )=&9 )=&= )='9 )='= )=(9 )=(= )=)9 )=)= )=*9 )=*= )=+9 )=+= )=,9 )=,= )=-9 )=-= )=.9 )=.= )=/9 )=/= )=09 )=0= )=19 )=1= )=4\ ))=#9 The Glass Depot $9Warehouse Inventory Main Menu (&91 &=Order Processing )'92 '=Receipts and Returns =(93 (=Purchasing =)94 )=End of Day /Week Procedures =*95 *=Miscellaneous Routines =+96 +=System File Maintenance =,97 ,=End of Month Procedures =-98 -=Physical Inventory =.99 .=Year-end Procedures =/910/=News, Messages and Documents=09110=Query =19121=Exit to Operating System =4\ =4\ OK a/ CONNECT 2400 clerdep!login: depot Welcome to SCO XENIX System V from The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. TERM = (wy60) vt100 Terminal type is vt100 )= *S: SCO XENIX V 386 MULTIUSER This program licensed to: HARMON GLASS COMPANY Serial Number: 178647 2.3b DataFlex. Copyright (C) 1987 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida. All rights reserved. (())())) *)ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿! ³ARMON GLASS COMPANY ) ) ) EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 )³" ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´# ³ ) ³$ ³ ) ³% ³ ³& ³ ) ) ³' ³ ) ) ³( ³ ) ) ³) ³ ) ) ³* ³ ) ) ³+ ³ ) ) ³, ³ ) ) ³- ³ ) ) ³. ³ ) ) ³/ ³ ) ) ³0 ³ ) ) ³1 ³ ) ) ³2 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ3 The Glass Depot4 Press to return to previous Menu: [ )]5 6 )=#9 The Glass Depot $9Warehouse Inventory Main Menu (&91 &=Order Processing )'92 '=Receipts and Returns =(93 (=Purchasing =)94 )=End of Day /Week Procedures =*95 *=Miscellaneous Routines =+96 +=System File Maintenance =,97 ,=End of Month Procedures =-98 -=Physical Inventory =.99 .=Year-end Procedures =/910/=News, Messages and Documents=09110=Query =19121=Exit to Operating System =4\ =4\94\9 4\ 9=&91 &=Order Processing =.99 .=Year-end Procedures )=#9 )=$9 )=&9 )=&= )='9 )='= )=(9 )=(= )=)9 )=)= )=*9 )=*= )=+9 )=+= )=,9 )=,= )=-9 )=-= )=.9 )=.= )=/9 )=/= )=09 )=0= )=19 )=1= )=4\ ))=#9 The Glass Depot $9 Year-End Procedures (&91 &=Customer Year End Update )'92 '=Vendor Year End Update =(93 (=Inventory Year End Update =)94 )=Depot Cost Year End Update =4\ =4\004]4\004\00=&91 &=Customer Year End Update =#9 The Glass Depot $9 Year-End Procedures 8 FIELD NUMBER OUT OF RANGE << STATUS 77 >> #185(7=)=8 Y8 (8 FIELD NUMBER OUT OF RANGE << STATUS 77 >> #199)=#9 )=$9 )=&9 )=&= )='9 )='= )=(9 )=(= )=)9 )=)= )=*9 )=*= )=+9 )=+= )=,9 )=,= )=-9 )=-= )=.9 )=.= )=/9 )=/= )=09 )=0= )=19 )=1= )=4\ ))=#9 The Glass Depot $9 Year-End Procedures (&91 &=Customer Year End Update )'92 '=Vendor Year End Update =(93 (=Inventory Year End Update =)94 )=Depot Cost Year End Update =4\ =4\x4\x )8 Y8 )4\ x=4\ =4\4\ 4\1 4\ 1=&91 &=Customer Year End Update =&91 &=Customer Year End Update )8 Y8 )HAINING TO CUSHISM1...() *)) *)ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»! º HE GLASS DEPOT ) 9/23/92) º" ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹# º º$ º º% º CUSTOMER HISTORY º& º º' º º( º T _ ø´Å à ÄÅ Â ÚÚ À± Åñ Å ´ÄÄ Åà ó ±Ä ±Å 1 ÄÄ ÄÄ ó ±Ä º) º ´_ÃÄÀ Ä _ÃÄÄó Å Ã ø Ú . º* º º+ º º, º º- º DÄ óÄ´  _ ÃÄ ÄÅà Ŵ ? ) (Y/N) º. º º/ º º0 º º1 º º2 º º3 º º4 º º5 º º6 ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ7 =-Q -Q -Q?-Q -Qn-Q -QN-Q -QH-QE-QL-QP-Q -Q?-Q -QH-QE-QL-QP-Q-QP8 INVALID ENTRY FOR THIS WINDOW << STATUS 15 >> #7-Q OK