CONNECT COMPLETE WESPAC @15 @ ready @c 2737600 network congestion @c 2727600 network congestion @c 411209c connected 31104110020900/311042201901 loc proc err @ ready @ To : ALL Recv'd: N/A >From : Dave the Wave Status: Public Message Subject: . hey I need some visas or mc's, preferably with the address of the card holder. No cards off cbi-I need the correct exp dates. If someone could help me out that would be cool.. A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( 285+290 )? Date : Sat Dec 07 18:03:21 1991 Number: 287 To : ALL Recv'd: N/A >From : CHEVY/AFL Status: Public Message Subject: yeah 950-1033 174359+ACN or +011+ACN.. [CHE\/Y//\FL] A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( 288+290 )? [CHE\/Y//\FL] A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( 288+290 )? Date : Sun Dec 08 12:37:44 1991 Number: 289 To : ALL Recv'd: N/A >From : StarLight/FreeFlight Status: Public Message Subject: visa Visa:4132-5437-0036-0075 Charles Laker 1804 Stonebrook Drive Knoxville,TN 37909 OK Folks... Don't have a Tymnet NUI, but I got a Telenet one: intl pw: Associates Starlight A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( 290+290 )? Visa:4132-5437-0036-0075 Charles Laker 1804 Stonebrook Drive Knoxville,TN 37909 OK Folks... Don't have a Tymnet NUI, but I got a Telenet one: intl pw: Associates Starlight A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( 290+290 )? Date : Sun Dec 08 16:42:44 1991 Number: 290 To : ALL Recv'd: N/A >From : Dave the Wave Status: Public Message Subject: .. pbx: 617-466-8005 19531 wait for dialtone 715, dialtone again + whatever will call 900's and alliance. A>gain D>elete F>ile R>eply Q>uit =Next ( QUIT )? You can retrieve most of your changes to this file using the "recover" command of the editor. An easy way to do this is to give the command "vi -r /etc/passwd". This method also works using "ex" and "edit". & d & 2 Message 2: >From Mon Dec 9 20:33:43 1991 Return-Path: From: DOWELL N A Date: Mon, 9 Dec 91 12:46:02 GMT To: stamelo@corwin.CCS.Northeastern.EDU Subject: Re: Problem Ummmmmmm ... cant se why that isnt letting u in..ok try this instead... instead of typing in 000041002300 try that should let u in... After u have done just do exactly the same as u would of done had 000041002300 worked... Hope to see u on Zebedee soon.. or on Mizar. Nick (Insanity) & PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 9164 p4 S 0:01 -csh (csh) 9180 p4 R 0:00 ps % finger Login In real life: ??? % ruses ruses: Command not found. % rusers RPC: Unknown host % finger @ [] Login Name TTY Idle When Site Info mycroft Charles Hannum p3 1:21 Sun 22:09 tege Torbjorn Granlund p4 3:51 Mon 16:33 guest Guest Account p5 Mon 20:37 zoo David Zuhn p6 13 Mon 19:45 jan Jan Stein p7 6:59 Mon 11:37 trainer Russ Trainer p24 5d Mon 02:13 ,, % finger khawkes@ [] Login name: khawkes In real life: Kurt R. Hawkes Directory: /home/fsg/khawkes Shell: /usr/local/gnubin/tcsh No Plan. % ls 2d/ Apps/ Mailboxes/ excell.c trash 3d/ Library/ a.out* h1.c> guest account :) +delight Shadowcat H@ (Watagiwa Pfloyd ga suki +desu) +christian Deitiphob H (DJ the Social Guy!) * ssd_ H* (Steven Dick) +hottub Creideiki H@ (Captain of the +Streaker...) +fun jbelle H (goin crazy--wanna +come?) +top_ten Kojak H@ (Big Mac wannabe) +amiga! Ryman H@ (Very small +rocks?) +lonely ed H (Counselor Bob) * jEsTeR G (Karl James Brophey) +asians Solar H (Someone very dear and special) +asians Nicole G@ (NicoleNg) * chunky H acsm1@Menudo.UH.EDU (Chunks of Code) +hack rokK H@ Unknown@ (pc421-10.ccsd.uts.EDU.AU) * Cylon H (Jim) +AppleIIgs IRSMan H@ (Ian R Schmidt) +bondage Monitor G@ (Monitor) +bar whisper H (Whispered Secrets) * furu_d G (FURUKAWA H *1* IRCII: /HELP for help wdp (I) *** +being played by Charlie Sheen. I know this girl whjos dad owns the comany who make the braces... banging marko: you thought YOUR lawyer was a lot! tank: thanks d00d lad: thanks to you I was. :) due for Christmas 1992-1993 YEAH! eat shit you peons! Zorgo: haha yeah thats it!! KL: no way.. kl: haha kl: hehehhehe > kewl Yes way...but its a secret kl is full of shit. heheh mthreat: he IS a lot, but not that much. also starring Emillio Estevez, Richard Grieco, and Julia ROberts Morko> have you seen it may not like it at all? hehe Programming: n. 1. The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper (or, in +these days of on-line editing, the art of debugging an empty file) and Jennifer Jason leigh *1* IRCII: /HELP for help Dr_Delam Chn: +hack (+t) (I) ***