þ: is that wildbill hickup? þþþ From Jayce: My artist is a real fan of oriental stuff. He's been drawin it since he waz 11 þ: Message sent  þ: *** Ash is back! þ: Damn, you should meet my friend, he'd go nuts for it. þþþ From Ash: Hey Wildbill. þ: þþþ From Jayce: Wildbill, Yo Joe! þ: Message sent  þ: *** Ash declares, "Its so quiet in here, you can hear a pin drop!" þ: þþþ From Jayce: you can find it at Wilson's book store in st pete. The front cover sayz Soloshots...dont let the front fool ya or the artwork on the front......my stories in the front of the comic it is monthly and this is the first issue þ: þþþ From WildBill: What's up in Tampa/St. Pete tonight? þ: