From Sherlock: I keep getting SRH... þ: From Ratracer (Shhhhhhhh): what symptoms / reactions do you get from THC? þ:  Message sent only to Ratracer  þ: þþþ From Ratracer: srh? þ: þþþ From Champagne: I think its time for a 12 step meeting.. þ: /rat real hot.. especially in the neck and head & pain in the chest. From Ratracer (Shhhhhhhh): ask him to call me sometime! - Marc Barlow home # 323-5570 þ: þþþ From Sherlock: Sperm Retention Headaches... þ: From Ratracer (Shhhhhhhh): we were going to meet face to face sometime! þ: þþþ From Ratracer: srh!?! þ: þþþ From Ratracer: hmmm i found a solo way to release that pressure! þ:  Message sent only to Ratracer  þ: