ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> o cat: /dev/ttyp2: I/O error ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> q ?Ambiguous command ftp> quit [7]+ Exit 1 cat /dev/ttyp2 >2 bash$ cat 2 newage bash$ cat /dev/ttyp2>2& [7] 27549 bash$ gr gr: command not found bash$ finger newage Login name: newage In real life: ??? bash$ ftp ftp> o ftp: connect: Connection refused ftp> o brl.mil Connected to brl.mil. 220 wharf.brl.mil FTP server ready. Name (brl.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest 331 Password required for guest. Password: 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o hel4.brl.mil Connected to hel4.brl.mil. 220 HEL4.BRL.MIL FTP server (SunOS 4.0) ready. Name (hel4.brl.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest 530 User guest access denied. Login failed. ft ?Invalid command ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o pica.army.mil Connected to pica.army.mil. 220 aed FTP server ready. Name (pica.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest cat: /dev/ttyp2: I/O error 530 User guest access denied. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> quit [7]+ Exit 1 cat /dev/ttyp2 >2 bash$ cat 2 newage bash$ cat /dev/ttyp2>2& [7] 27653 bash$ ftp apgea.brl.mil apgea.brl.mil: unknown host ftp> o apgea.army.mil Connected to apgea.army.mil. 220 crdec7 FTP server ready. Name (apgea.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest 530 User guest access denied. Login failed. ftp> u (username) sync 530 User sync access denied. Login failed. ftp> u (username) root 530 User root access denied. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o apg-emh5.apg.armycat: /dev/ttyp2: I/O error .micat: write error: No space left on device l Connected to apg-emh5.apg.army.mil. 220 apg-emh5.apg.army.mil FTP server (Version 4.4 Fri Sep 25 09:56:09 EDT 1987) ready. Name (apg-emh5.apg.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> close q221 Goodbye. ftp> uit [7]+ Exit 1 cat /dev/ttyp2 >2 bash$ cat 2 2  [7]+ Stopped cat bash$ cat 2 bash$ rm 2 bash$ cat /dev/ttyp2>2& [8] 27664 bash$ who rootb console Aug 5 06:53 psteffn ttyp0 Aug 19 02:54 (hal.gnu.ai.mit.e) imcclogh ttyp1 Aug 18 17:39 (glia.biostr.wash) blanton ttyp2 Aug 19 04:06 (Elroy.UH.EDU) law ttyp3 Aug 6 16:23 ( tami ttyp7 Aug 18 13:15 (splinter.coe.nor) info ttyp9 Aug 18 16:43 (odin.cc.pdx.edu) barry ttype Aug 18 22:53 (waller.rutgers.e) bash$ ps PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 27215 p0 S 0:08 -bash (bash) 27240 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp6 27241 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp8 27244 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyq0 27245 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyq1 27437 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp5 27476 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp4 27659 p0 T 0:00 cat 27664 p0 S 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp2 27669 p0 R 0:00 ps bash$ cat: write error: No space left on device [8]- Exit 1 cat /dev/ttyp2 >2 bash$ cat /dev/ttyp2>2& [8] 27671 bash$ kill -9 27659 bash$ ps PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 27215 p0 S 0:08 -bash (bash) 27240 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp6 27241 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp8 27244 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyq0 27245 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyq1 27437 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp5 27476 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp4 27671 p0 I 0:00 cat /dev/ttyp2 27673 p0 R 0:00 ps [7]+ Killed cat bash$ o tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil Connected to tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil. 220 tecnet1 FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready. Name (tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o Connected to 220 pghsun FTP server (Version 5.52 Thu Oct 19 10:03:04 EDT 1989) ready. Name ( anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o ftp: connect: Connection refused ftp> o tacom-emh1.army.mil Connected to tacom-emh1.army.mil. 220 tacom-emh1.army.mil FTP server (V5.53 Tue Apr 9 13:20:12 EDT 1991) ready. Name (tacom-emh1.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> o flounder.nosc.mil Connected to flounder.nosc.mil. 220 flounder FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready. Name (flounder.nosc.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> quit bash$ tel tel: command not found bash$ telnet nic.ddn.mil Trying... Connected to nic.ddn.mil. Escape character is '^]'. SunOS UNIX (nic.ddn.mil) (ttyp3) * * For TAC news, type: TACNEWS * For user and host information, type: WHOIS * For NIC information, type: NIC * * For user assistance call (800) 365-3642 or (800) 365-DNIC or (703) 802-4535 * Please report system problems to ACTION@NIC.DDN.MIL WHOIS has been modified to show network blocks. If you have a network that was originally part of a block, both the network and network block that it is associated with it will appear in WHOIS. This will be corrected in the near future. NIC, SunOS Release 4.1.1 (NIC) #1: Cmdinter Ver 1.2 Wed Aug 19 04:21:38 1992 EST @ whois nosc Connecting to id Database . . . . . . Connected to id Database NOSC (NET-CSSNET) CSSNET Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC) (NOSC) TROUT.NOSC.MIL Enter a handle, name, mailbox, or other field, optionally preceded by a keyword, like "host diis". Type "?" for short, 2-page details, "HELP" for full documentation, or hit RETURN to exit. ---> Do ^E to show search progress, ^G to abort a search or output <--- Whois: ^E @ whois tacan Connecting to id Database . . . . . . Connected to id Database No match for "TACAN". Enter a handle, name, mailbox, or other field, optionally preceded by a keyword, like "host diis". Type "?" for short, 2-page details, "HELP" for full documentation, or hit RETURN to exit. ---> Do ^E to show search progress, ^G to abort a search or output <--- Whois: tac Tac Insurance (NET-TACINSURANCE) 8/222 Exibition St., Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia Netname: TACINSURANCE Netnumber: Coordinator: Phillips, Clayton (CP1166) [No mailbox] +61 3 664 6449 Record last updated on 12-May-92. Would you like to see the known hosts on this network? y No hosts found on this network. Whois: hq HQ - Interaktive Mediensysteme, Germany (NET-HQ-NET1) HQ-NET1 HQ AFSPACECOM/LKN (SPACECOM-HST)SPACECOM.SPACENET-GW.AF.MIL HQ AMC DOIM (NET-ALEXAND-NET1) ALEXAND-NET1 HQ AMC DOIM (NET-ALEXANDRIA2) ALEXANDRIA2 HQ Air Force - Pentagon (ICL-POWER-6) GA.HQ.AF.MIL There are 30 more matches. Show them? y HQ Air University, DCS Communications (NET-AUNET1) AUNET1 HQ BMO/SCS (MARCH-MMT-TAC) HQ DEFENSE SUBSITENCE REGION KAISERSLAUTERN (KAISERSL) KAISERSL.DSRE.DLA.MIL HQ IN SUPPORT UNIT, FL NG, CB-DOTMS (CPBLNDNG-ASBN) CPBLNDNG-ASBN.ARMY.MIL HQ MTMC Europe (NET-MTMCEUR-NET1) MTMCEUR-NET1 HQ SSC/AQFC (GUNTER1-GW) GUNTER1-GW.AF.MIL, HQ SSC/SSDN (AFINCC-GW) AFINCC-GW.AF.MIL, HQ SSC/SSOTF (AFNS) SERVER.AF.MIL HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF1) IPF1 HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF3) IPF3 HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF4) IPF4 HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF5) IPF5 HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF6) IPF6 HQ Strategic COmmunications Center (NET-IPF7) IPF7 HQ US Army Medical Research and Development Command (NET-ILCN-DETRICK) ILCN-DETRICK HQ US European Command (NET-PATCH-GW) PATCH-GW HQ US European Command J4 (EUCOM-DOM) EUCOM.MIL HQ US European Command J4 (J6-EUCOM-DOM) J6.EUCOM.MIL HQ USAFE/LGTTTC (RAMLGTTC) ramlgttc@LONDON-EM.ARPA (M) 2228-6321 (DSN) 480-6321 HQ USMEPCOM-MEPCIM-MA (GREATLAKES-GW1) GREATLAKES-GW1.ARMY.MIL, HQ United States European Comman (NET-UCCS-II) UCCS-II HQ United States European Command (HQ USEUCOM) (NET-UCCS-I) UCCS-I HQ, ARNG TRAINING SITE, EDW-IMO (CPEDWRDS-ASBN) CPEDWRDS-ASBN.ARMY.MIL HQ, CACR-DPTM-CS (CPROBRTS-ASBN)CPROBRTS-ASBN.ARMY.MIL HQ, USMEPCOM (NET-MEPCOM-NET1) MEPCOM-NET1 HQ, USMEPCOM (NET-MEPCOM-NET2) MEPCOM-NET2 HQ, USMEPCOM (NET-MEPCOM-NET3) MEPCOM-NET3 HQ, United States Army (NET-HILAN) HILAN National Aeronautic Space Administration (NET-HQ) HQ Quail, Hal (HQ) 485eig-eic@AFCC-OA1.AF.MIL (315) 330-4503 (DSN) 587-4503 Whois: quayle Quayle, K.C. (KCQ) KCQUAYL@G.BBN.COM (617) 873-3071 Quayle, Stanley F. (SFQ1) QUAYLE@SQUARE-D.COM (614) 764-4200 Quayle, Terry (TQ3) HQSACSCMT@STRATHOST.STRATCOM.AF.MIL (402) 294-5250 (DSN) 271-5250 Quayle, William R. (WRQ2) billq@FNAL.FNAL.GOV (708) 840-8254 Whois: bush [No name] (BUSH) BUSH.PICA.ARMY.MIL BUSH, M'LISS M. (MMB3) Bush, Anita K. (AKB2) abush@APG-9.APG.ARMY.MIL (DSN) 480-7136 Bush, Annette V. (AVB2) SPL8O@PENTAGON-AMSNET.ARMY.MIL (703) 325-0776 (DSN) 221-0776 Bush, Bradford L. (BLB43) 384SUPSLGSF@STRATHOST.STRATCOM.AF.MIL (316) 652-4151 (DSN) 743-4151 There are 30 more matches. Show them? y Bush, Brett (BB58) 600214@LANL.GOV (619) 281-3936 Bush, Charles A. (CAB75) bush@MANTA.NOSC.MIL Bush, Christopher (CB75) cbush@TACHOST.AF.MIL (DSN) : 574-3063 Bush, Christopher B. (CBB9) bushc@GORDON-EMH1.ARMY.MIL (706) 791-7585 (DSN) 780-7585 Bush, Dale W. (DWB19) BUSHD@INDPLS-ASAFM1.ARMY.MIL (COM) (317) 543-7698 (DSN) 699-7698 Bush, David E. (DEB3) (DSN) 459-3505 Bush, Deborah (DB381) (907) 353-5412 (DSN) 317-353-5412 Bush, Donald S. (DSB24) 313MGSGD@KADENA-EMH.AF.MIL (DSN) 634-2523 Bush, Elaine R. (EB81) root@TOOELE-EMH1.ARMY.MIL (801) 833-5039 (DSN) 790-5039 Bush, Frank (FB109) feb@TNTECH.BITNET (615) 372-3972 Bush, Fred (FB113) aets-wrz-dpca-cfa-rd-1@WUERZBURG-EMH1.ARMY.MIL (DSN) 350-6372/7145 Bush, George (GB103) BUSHG@INDPLS-ASAFM1.ARMY.MIL (COM) (317)542-3342 (DSN) 699-3342 Bush, George (GB20) scen07@PANAMA-EMH1.ARMY.MIL DSN 313-285-4905 or 011-(507)-85-4905 Bush, Henry C. (HCB11) BUSH@S5.INFO.WPAFB.AF.MIL (AV) 597-2242 Bush, James A. (JAB131) 1962CGLGGA@KADENA-EMH.AF.MIL (DSN) 634-1913 Bush, James D. (JDB70) aeaim-xo@HEIDELBERG-EMH2.ARMY.MIL(AV) 370-8510 Bush, Kenneth (KB166) 2SUPSLGSPC@STRATHOST.STRATCOM.AF.MIL (318) 456-4929 (DSN) 781-4929 Bush, Kenneth W. (KWB15) EAID-SC-MT-CP@CASEY-EMH1.ARMY.MIL (DSN) 730-4944 Bush, Leland R. (LRB39) LBUSH@S5.INFO.WPAFB.AF.MIL (AV) 939-7813 Bush, Liss M. (MMB27) 92SPTGMWF@STRATHOST.STRATCOM.AF.MIL (509) 247-2353 (DSN) 657-2353 Bush, Maria L. (MLB42) mbush@HUACHUCA-EMH2.ARMY.MIL (602) 538-7655 (DSN) 879-7655 Bush, Mary E. (MEB19) DRMOKAIS@OBL-LINK.EUCOM.MIL [49] (06314) 0307 (DSN) 314-483-8692 Bush, Randy (RB366) RANDY@PSG.COM (503) 297-8820 Bush, Robert M. (RMB59) FKJ6-JCIS-RM@SEOUL-EMH1.ARMY.MIL(DSN) 725-5803 Bush, Ronald (RB471) aeagc-fmd-i@HEIDELBERG-EMH2.ARMY.MIL (AV) 370-6603 Bush, Sheila (SB202) AMSEL-RD-GI@MONMOUTH-EMH3.ARMY.MIL (201) 544-4783 (DSN) 995-4783 Bush, Thomas A. (TB228) AMSEL-LC-SM-IK@MONMOUTH-EMH3.ARMY.MIL (201)532-8464 (DSN) 992-8464 Bush, Vonetta (VB2) SSO@ST-LOUIS-EMH4.ARMY.MIL 337-5372 Bush, Walter (WB27) Bushw@UVAX5.DISA.MIL (703) 692-8883 (DSN) 356-8883 Bush, William A. (WAB18) WABUSH@S5.INFO.WPAFB.AF.MIL (AV) 560-6456 Whois: @ exit Wed Aug 19 04:24:29 1992 EST Connection closed by foreign host. bash$ ftp ftp> o panama-emh1.army.mil Connected to panama-emh1.army.mil. 220 panama ADAX FTP server (Version 1.16 Fri Oct 19 10:28:56 PDT 1990) ready. Name (panama-emh1.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest 530 User guest unknown. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o indpls-asafm1.army mil indpls-asafm1.army: bad port number-- mil usage: o host-name [port] ftp> o indpls-asafm1.army.mil Connected to indpls-asafm1.army.mil. 220 FTP Service Ready Name (indpls-asafm1.army.mil:psteffn): anonymous 331 User name ANONYMOUS received, please send password Password: 530 User authorization failure Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o `ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> o ?Invalid command ftp> o ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> o Connected to 220 shrike FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready. Name ( anonymous 530 User anonymous unknown. Login failed. ftp> u (username) guest 331 Password required for guest. Password: 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. ftp> close 221 Goodbye. ftp> o ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> o Connected to 530- UUNET's archives are on ftp.uu.net (, not uunet.uu.net. Please retry using the proper hostname. 530 Access denied. ftp> close Not connected. ftp> o Connected to 220 ftp.UU.NET FTP server (Version 6.30 Mon Jul 27 14:07:35 EDT 1992) ready. Name ( anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send e-mail address as password. Password: 530-The response 'anonymous' is not valid 530-Please use your e-mail address as your password 530- for example: joe@wombat.gnu.ai.mit.edu or joe@ 530-[wombat.gnu.ai.mit.edu will be added if password ends with @] 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. ftp> u (username) anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send e-mail address as password. Password: 530-The response 'psteffn' is not valid 530-Please use your e-mail address as your password 530- for example: joe@wombat.gnu.ai.mit.edu or joe@ 530-[wombat.gnu.ai.mit.edu will be added if password ends with @] 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. ftp> u (username) anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send e-mail address as password. Password: 230- 230- Welcome to the UUNET archive. 230- A service of UUNET Technologies Inc, Falls Church, Virginia 230- For information about UUNET, call +1 703 204 8000, or see the files 230- in /uunet-info 230- 230- Access is allowed all day. Local time is Wed Aug 19 04:37:02 1992. 230- 230- All transfers are logged with your host name and email address. 230- If you don't like this policy, disconnect now! 230- 230- If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login, try using a 230- dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off 230- the informational messages which may be confusing your ftp client. 230- 230-Please read the file /info/README.ftp 230- it was last modified on Wed Aug 5 21:09:19 1992 - 14 days ago 230-Please read the file /info/README 230- it was last modified on Wed Aug 5 21:10:26 1992 - 14 days ago 230-Please read the file /index/README 230- it was last modified on Wed Aug 5 22:52:20 1992 - 14 days ago 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd etc 250 CWD command successful. ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 550 No files found. ftp> cd .. 250 CWD command successful. ftp> u (username) an 331 Enter PASS command Password: 332 Enter ACCT command Account: an 530 Failed SNSTCP accounting exit Login failed. ftp>