F,F' Which one of the following rhyming word pairs is used in the poem? 1. not-fought 2. pot-got 3. dirt-hurt 4. hens-mends[63m2 *F, FJoe planted birdseed in a pot, And then what do you think he got? Not robins or hens, Or tiny brown wrens, Just dirt that he watered a lot. F&PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF' What would Joe have to put in the pot first? water birdseed robins dirt[63mdirt *F, FSeattleis a large city in the state of Washington. It was named after a wise Indian, Chief Seattle. The city is close to the Pacific Ocean, and there are many lakes in and around it. That is the reason there are so many boats and ships in Seattle. F%PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF& Where is Seattle? 1. in the state of Wisconsin 2. in the Atlantic Ocean 3. in the state of Washington 4. in the Pacific Ocean F,3 *F/F& Does the story say Seattle gets a lot of rain? 1. can't tell 2. no 3. yes[63m2 *F+F& Why does Seattle have many boats and ships? 1. because it has many tall buildings 2. because it has trees to use in building them 3. because it is near Canada and Alaska 4. because it has many lakes and is near an ocean F,4 *F/F& How did Seattle get its name? 1. It was named after a president. 2. It was named after an Indian Chief. 3. It was named after some cattle in the sea. 4. It was named after a small ship. F,2 *F/F& This story is true, so it is ----. 1. fiction 2. fact[63m2 *F+ FTim and Jim are twins. They look so much alike that it's hard to tell Tim from Jim. Paul and Pete are twins, too, but they look different. Paul has blue eyes and red hair. Pete has brown eyes and brown hair. Twins are like that. Sometimes they are identical like Tim and Jim. But other times they are as different as Pete and Paul. F&PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF' This story is mainly about ----. girls twins eyes hair[63mtwins *F,F' Which set of twins does the story talk about first? 1. the twins that look identical 2. the twins that look different 3. both sets of twins 4. neither set of twins F-1 *F0F' Would Tim and Jim have the same color hair? yes no[63mno //// THE ANSWER IS yes. F+F,F' Which one of the following would help you tell Pete from Paul? toes hair teeth fingers[63mhair *F,F' "Identical" means ----. 1. almost exactly alike 2. almost completely different 3. a little bit alike 4. a little bit different F-1 *F0 FTim and Jim are twins. They look so much alike that it's hard to tell Tim from Jim. Paul and Pete are twins, too, but they look different. Paul has blue eyes and red hair. Pete has brown eyes and brown hair. Twins are like that. Sometimes they are identical like Tim and Jim. But other times they are as different as Pete and Paul. F&PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF' Would Tim and Jim have the same color hair? no yes[63myes *F, FTableofContentsChapter Page 1. Rita and Rosa ......................................... 1 2. Rita and the Baseball Bat ............................. 23 3. Rosa Wins the Basketball Game ......................... 39 4. The Double Birthday Party ............................. 56 5. Twins Don't Think Alike ............................... 73 6. Rita and Rosa Together ................................ 94 [36mPRESS RETURN WHEN READYF* On which page does Chapter 3 begin? 23 39 73 1F, ** YOUR TIME IS UP **F- F-y again.F/F-F. //// THE ANSWER IS 39. F/F0F* Page 73 is the first page of which chapter? 5 3 2 6F,2 //// THE ANSWER IS 5. F.F/F* Which chapter would probably have a picture of a birthday party? 4 3 5 6F,3 //// THE ANSWER IS 4. F.F/F* The chapter titles show that Rita and Rosa are probably ----. cousins boys twins friendsF,boys //// THE ANSWER IS twins. F.F/F* Page 18 would be found in which chapter? 2 3 4 1F,1f F.F- F0You might have the right idea, but the spelling isF1wrong. Check the spelling and type the answer again.F2F-1FF.F. //// THE ANSWER IS 1. F/F0 FTableofContentsChapter Page 1. Rita and Rosa ......................................... 1 2. Rita and the Baseball Bat ............................. 23 3. Rosa Wins the Basketball Game ......................... 39 4. The Double Birthday Party ............................. 56 5. Twins Don't Think Alike ............................... 73 6. Rita and Rosa Together ................................ 94 [36mPRESS RETURN WHEN READYF* On which page does Chapter 3 begin? 39 73 1 23F,39 * Great.F/F* Page 73 is the first page of which chapter? 2 6 5 3F,5 *F/F* Which chapter would probably have a picture of a birthday party? 5 6 4 3F,4 *F/F* The chapter titles show that Rita and Rosa are probably ----. boys twins friends cousinsF,twins *F/F* Page 18 would be found in which chapter? 4 1 2 3F,1 *F/ ear Kelly, Happy Birthday! I'm sending you ten dollars as a present. I would like you to put it in your savings account at the bank. In a year it will be worth more because you'll earn "interest". The bank gives you interest because they use your money to make more money. They then share their earnings with you by giving you in- terest. So my advice is to put your money in the bank! Love, Grandma F*PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF+ ---- is the first word of the letter's greeting. Farewell Bye Love DearF-x F. //// THE ANSWER IS Dear. F/F0F+ Why did Grandma send Kelly money? 1. to help buy a dog 2. to pay him back 3. for his birthday 4. for his brother F1^[[0W F2 //// THE ANSWER IS 3. F3F4F+ A bank pays interest because it ----. 1. likes to give money away 2. uses your money to make more money 3. uses your money to buy furniture 4. wants you to buy things F1^[[oW F2 //// THE ANSWER IS 2. F3F4F+ Grandma tells Kelly to put the money in the bank so he will ----. 1. have more money in a year 2. not lose it 3. not spend it 4. know where the bank is F1^[[2J F2 //// THE ANSWER IS 1. F3F4F+ This writing is an example of a ----. paragraph letter story poemF-^[[40;0z F. //// THE ANSWER IS letter. F/F0 ear Kelly, Happy Birthday! I'm sending you ten dollars as a present. I would like you to put it in your savings account at the bank. In a year it will be worth more because you'll earn "interest". The bank gives you interest because they use your money to make more money. They then share their earnings with you by giving you in- terest. So my advice is to put your money in the bank! Love, Grandma F*PRESS RETURN WHEN READYF+ ---- is the first word of the letter's greeting. Love Dear Farewell ByeF-^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[^[ F. //// THE ANSWER IS Dear. F/F0F+ Why did Grandma send Kelly money? 1. to help buy a dog 2. to pay him back 3. for his birthday 4. for his brother F1stop F2F3Type the numeral, not the word.F4y again.F6F2F3 //// THE ANSWER IS 3. F4F5F+ A bank pays interest because it ----. 1. likes to give money away 2. uses your money to make more money 3. uses your money to buy furniture 4. wants you to buy things F1quit F2F3Type the numeral, not the word.F4y again.F6F2F3 //// THE ANSWER IS 2. F4F5F+ Grandma tells Kelly to put the money in the bank so he will ----. 1. have more money in a year 2. not lose it 3. not spend it 4. know where the bank is F11 *F4F+ This writing is an example of a ----. paragraph letter story poemF-letter * F056% 19 CORRECT 34 ATTEMPTED Good-bye for now, Guest. Copyright (C) 1989 by Computer Curriculum Corporation. All rights reserved. 2w5z11zw40;0z Number, please: