s1954 Ok, here's the info for S1954... Box number S1954 is a 25 year old male Box number S1954 wishes to stay anonymous. I make my living as a I work in a perfume factory sniffing. My sexual orientation is xenophile My ethnic origin is High Zastrod from Planet Fluffernutter. My future goals are to Global control and dominate women. My height is over 6'-4" My build is I have malignant welts all over my body My hair is I'd have to look on the tempra bottle My hair is Acid scarred blotches on cranium. My eyes are Bloody plucked-out mounds of flesh. My sexual preference is Poignant and retched. My views on smoking are: I'll shuv it up your ass, so watch it. My favorite type of food is Whale vomit over easy. A mind is a terrible thing to taste. My favorite type of TV show is Beastiality and you (pirate TV station) My favorite type of movie is Voyeur with head against the window. I watch movies When my neighbor get's it on. My favorite actor is My neighbor Fred. My favorite actress is My neighbor's wife. I'd most like to live In your house, I'm a mooch. On a date I'd most like to go to Date's taste good.. probably to the pit I'd most like to vacation Inside my mind... it's scary in there! I drink Does BLOTTO have any meaning to you? My favorite type of book is a The necronomicon only. My favorite magazine is Right wing 'zines.. they taste good. My favorite kind of music is "chalk board art", I make it myself I play Chalk sticks. My favorite sport to play is I toss off mainly. My favorite sport to watch is I told you, I'm a voyeur.. SEX DAMNIT! My favorite exercise is I lift banks. Bob Dobbs _IS_ God! My political leaning is I lean on fences, politiks suck. My astrological sign is Wax Goblin Cupie Doll. My favorite hobbies are I don't like hobbies, ALL HEIL HITLER! My friends are typically Friends are a mythos of your mind. My financial status is How much money is in your wallet? I'm looking for A good analog comparison is prudent. My opinion on drugs is: Sometimes I don't feel, side-effects. As far as sex goes, Plug the snatch! I like real tuna. My basic personality is Mess with me and find out. My feelings on children are They go great with toast. I'm described by friends as They're all dead.. get a Ouji and ask. My perfect date is Nice and shriveled strait from the tree On a date, I would never show her my trachiotomy. I prefer my dates to be inverted at 50' over boiling oil. They only let me out on Holidays. How honest I was: Totally, 100 Percent HONEST! Summary: I'm a 2 year old genius typing this. Enter number to look-up, N for the next in sequence, or X to exit: