Running Sessions. Following are the commands used: COMMANDLOGON ABORT BYE DSLINE EOD EOF HELLO HELP REMOTE RESUME STARTSESS You can use any command as a keyword. > Running Jobs. Following are the commands used. COMMENT CONTINUE DATA EOD EOF EOJ IF ENDIF ELSE JOB SET SETJCW SHOWJCW STREAM You can use any command name as a keyword. > Running Subsystems & Programs. Following are the commands used: APL COBOLIIPREP FTN RPG BASIC COBOL FTNGO RPGGO BASICGO COBOLGO FTNPREP RPGPREP BASICOMP COBOLPREP IMF SEGMENTER BASICPREP DEBUG IMFMGR SETDUMP BBASIC DSCOPY MRJE SPL BBASICGO EDITOR NRJE SPLGO BBASICOMP FCOPY PREP SPLPREP BBASICPREP FORTGO PREPRUN VINIT COBOLII FORTPREP RESETDUMP COBOLIIGO FORTRAN RJE You can use any command name as a keyword. > Managing Files/Device Files. Following are the commands used: ALTSEC LISTEQ PURGEVSET STORE ALTVSET LISTF RELEASE VSUSER ASSOCIATE LISTFTEMP RENAME BUILD LISTVS RESET DISASSOCIATE MOUNT RESTORE DISMOUNT NEWVSET SAVE FILE PURGE SECURE You can use any command name as a keyword. > System Management, Status and Accounting. Status Accounting System Resource ------ ---------- Management Management ---------- ---------- DSTAT ALTACCT NEWGROUP ALLOCATE ALTLOG SHOWCACHE ALTGROUP NEWUSER DEALLOCATE APPCCONTROL SHOWDEV ALTUSER PASSWORD FULLBACKUP CACHECONTROL SHOWIN LISTACCT PURGEACCT JOBPRI FREERIN SHOWJOB LISTGROUP PURGEGROUP ÐA@TBACKUP GETLOG SHOWNMLOG LISTUSER PURGEUSER RESUMELOG GETRIN SHOWOUT NEWACCT REPORT RESUMENMLOG LINKCONTROL RESETACCT SHOWLOG LISTLOG SHOWNMLOG NETCONTROL SHOWQ NRJECONTROL SWITCHLOG NSCONTROL SWITCHNMLOG RELLOG SYSDUMP SNACONTROL TUNE STARTCACHE STOPCACHE You can use any command name as a keyword. > Operator Control. Following are the commands used: ABORTIO GIVE REFUSE ABORTJOB HEADOFF REPLY ACCEPT HEADON RESUMEJOB ALLOW IMFCONTROL RESUMESPOOL ALTJOB JOBFENCE SHOWCOM ALTSPOOLFILE JOBSECURITÿûY SHUTQ BREAKJOB LIMIT STARTSPOOL CONSOLE LDISMOUNT STOPSPOOL DELETESPOOLFILE LMOUNT STREAMS DISALLOW LOG SUSPENDSPOOL DISCRPS MPLINE TAKE DOWN MRJECONTROL UP DOWNLOAD OPENQ VMOUNT DSCONTROL OUTFENCE WARN FOREIGN RECALL WELCOME You can use any command name as a keyword. > Spooler Control. Following are the commands used: ALTSPOOLFILE DELETESPOOLFILE RESUMESPOOL STARTSPOOL STOPSPOOL SUSPENDSPOOL You can use any command name as a keyword. >ô¨ Utility Functions. Following are the commands used: CONSOLE SHOWALLOW PTAPE SHOWCATALOG SETCATALOG SHOWME SETMSG SHOWTIME SPEED TELL RECALL TELLOP REDO You can use any command name as a keyword. ( ) COMMAND LOGON Begins a session, executes the MPE V/E command enclosed in parentheses, and ends the session upon completion of the command. SYNTAX ([:]commandname)[sessionname,]username[/userpass] .acctname [/acctpass][,groupname[/grouppass]] [;TERM=termtype] [;TIME=cpusecs] [;PRI= {BS}] {CS} {DS} {ES} [{;INPRI=inputpriority}] {;HIPRI } > PARAMETERS commandname Any MPE V/E or user-defined command (UDC), including its parameter list. The prompting colon may be omitted. sessionname An arbitrary name used in conjunction with and to form a fully qualified session identity. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The default is that no session name is assigned. username The user name, established by the account manager, that allows you to logon into this account. The name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. userpass The user password, optionally assigned by the account manager. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. A slash (/) must precede the parameter. acctname The account name as established by the system manager. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. A period (.) must precede the parameter. acctpass The account password, optionally assigned by the account manager. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. A slash (/) must precede the parameter. groupname The group name to be used for the local file domain and the CPU time charges, as established by the account manager. It must contain from one to eight alphanumeric chara alphabetic character. The default is your home group, if one is assigned. The parameter is required if a home group has not been assigned. grouppass The group password, optionally assigned by the account manager. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Yoõ vo not need to enter the parameter when you logon to your home group. However, if you request a logon group that has been assigned a password, you must supply the password when you logon to that group. A slash (/) must precede the parameter. termtype Defines the terminal type. The parameter is the name of the file containing the desired characteristics for the terminal. The default value for, a number from 0 to 22, is assigned by the system supervisor during system configuration. If your terminal is not of the default , you must supply this parameter to ensure correct terminal input and output. The file may not have a lockword or reside on a private volume. The workstation configurator utility allows you to create your own files. You may specify the following characteristics of the terminal: data flow control, block mode, read trigger, special characteristics, echo, line feed, parity, and printer control. You are then responsible for the proper and efficient operation of the device controlled by this file. If you omit group and/or account names, the logon group and/or account name is substituted. For more information on terminal types, refer to appendix A, "Terminals Supported by MPE V/E", the Fundamental Communications Handbook (5957-4634) and the Workstation Configurator Reference Manual (30239- 90001). cpusecs The maximum CPU time that your session can use, entered in seconds. When this limit is reached, the session is aborted. It may be any value from 1 to entered in seconds. When this limit is reached, the session is aborted. It may be any value from 1 to 32767, provided that it does not exceed the limit imposed by the system or account manager. To specify no limit, type a question mark (?) or UNLIM, or omit this parameter. The default is no limit. BS,CS,DS, or ES The priority queue that the command interpreter (CI) uses for executing your session. It is also the default priority queue for all programs executed within the session. BS is the highest priority, ES is the lowest, and the default is CS. If you specify a priority exceeding that permitted for your account or user name, MPE V/E assigns the highest priority possible below BS. IMPORTANT NOTE: Use care in assigning the BS priority, because processes in this priority class may lock out other processes (MPE V/E uses the BS queue). DS and ES are intended primarily for batch jobs. Their use for sessions may produce less than optimum performance, and is generally discouraged. For guidelines on the use of the priority queue, refer to the TUNE command in the MPE V System Operation and Resource Management Reference Manual (32033-90005). inputpriority Determines the input priority of the job or or HIPRI session. It may be a value from 1 (lowest priority) to 13 (highest priority). The default is 8. If you supply a value less than or equal to the current jobfence as set by the system operator, or if the jobfence is equal to or greater than the default , the session is denied access. You can use the ;HIPRI option to override the system jobfence or to override the session limit. If you want to override the jobfence, the system first checks to see whether you have system manager (SM) checks to see whether you have system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability. If you have either one, you are logged on, and your ;INPRI de<Álts to the system's jobfence and execution limit. If you do not have either capability, you receive the following warning: MUST HAVE "SM" OR "OP" CAP. TO SPECIFY HIPRI, MAXIMUM INPRI OF 13 IS USED (CIWARN 1460) Despite this warning, the system still allows you to logon if your default input priority, which is 8, exceeds the jobfence. If the jobfence exceeds your input priority, you cannot logon unless you have SM or OP capability. USE You may not use this command from a session, job, program, or BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. If you press [BREAK] during the output of the logon message, the If you press [BREAK] during the output of the logon message, the rest of the message is terminated and the command in parentheses is immediately executed. If you press [BREAK] while the command is being executed, and the command is breakable, you interrupt its execution. Any optional logon UDC that is not a program is not breakable, and its execution is forced during logon. > ^ IGNORED EXTRA PARAMETER. (HWARN 13) OPERATION This command initiates a session and immediately executes the command in parentheses. Once this command or subsystem is executing, all input, output, BREAK capabilities, and prompts operate as described in the command or subsystem instructions. After the execution of the command or subsystem is completed, normally or through an abort, a logoff is performed automatically. This command has the following limitations: