t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL * Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password>  Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*5 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL * Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> sh user Port Username Status Service 1 (Remote) Connected CALL 5 (Remote) Connected CALL 7 Dialup Local mode Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password>  Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Password>  Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Password> Local -232- Connection to CALL not established Service in use Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Local> ^E Local -701- Command syntax error Local> c call Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Password>  Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Password> Local -232- Connection to CALL not established Service in use Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Local> sh us Port Username Status Service 1 (Remote) Connected CALL 5 (Remote) Connected CALL 6 (Remote) Connected CALL 7 Dialup Local mode Local> sh port Port 7: Dialup Server: VULCAN Character Size: 8 Input Speed: 9600 Flow Control: None Output Speed: 9600 Parity: None Modem Control: Enabled Access: Dynamic Local Switch: None Backwards Switch: None Name: PORT_7 Break: Local Session Limit: 4 Forwards Switch: None Type: Ansi Preferred Service: None Authorized Groups: 0 (Current) Groups: 0 Enabled Characteristics: Autoprompt, Broadcast, DTRwait, Inactivity Logout, Loss Notification, Message Codes, Verification Local> sh us Port Username Status Service 1 (Remote) Connected CALL 5 (Remote) Connected CALL 7 Dialup Local mode Local> re Local -012- CALL session 1 resumed TIME OUT HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *d9501771k56738114077291463 DIALING... 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DISCONNECT Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 2 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 3 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*5 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL * Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 3 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 4 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 10 10*2 1 OPTION NUMBER? *i IDLE Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> dis Local -011- Session 4 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 3 other session(s) active Local> dis all Local -014- All sessions disconnected Local> sh us Port Username Status Service 7 Dialup Local mode Local>