DIRMaint operands available are: (Valid abbreviation is upper case) REView Get a copy of your own directory entry. MDPW Display access passwords for one or all of your minidisks. PW Change your CP logon password. PW? Find out how long ago your CP logon password was changed. IPL Add, delete, or change an IPL control statement. Term Add, replace, or delete logical line editing characters. MDisk Change access mode, change, add, or delete passwords. Link Cause an automatic link, at logon, to another users minidisk. DLink Drop link's made by other users to one of your minidisks. OPtion Add or delete options for your virtual machine. STorage Change the virtual storage size of your virtual machine. ACCount Change the active account number for your virtual machine. DISTrib Change the distribution code for spooled output. SCReen Specify 3278/3279 COLOR-HIGHLIGHT settings Verified Confirm that your minidisk contents are intact after a move. SETOPtn Specify DIRMAINT processing options. Qlog Retrieve log messages accumulated while you were not receiving. FOR Enter a DIRMaint command for another user if authorized. Help How to get more information on commands and related topics. To get more information on the above, enter: dirm ? operand  For command syntax only, enter: dirm ? operand s MORE...   HOLDING   Ready; RUNNING SPJC dirm  dirm    DIRMaint operands available are: (Valid abbreviation is upper case) REView Get a copy of your own directory entry. MDPW Display access passwords for one or all of your minidisks. PW Change your CP logon password. PW? Find out how long ago your CP logon password was changed. IPL Add, delete, or change an IPL control statement. Term Add, replace, or delete logical line editing characters. MDisk Change access mode, change, add, or delete passwords. Link Cause an automatic link, at logon, to another users minidisk. DLink Drop link's made by other users to one of your minidisks. OPtion Add or delete options for your virtual machine. STorage Change the virtual storage size of your virtual machine. ACCount Change the active account number for your virtual machine. DISTrib Change the distribution code for spooled output. SCReen Specify 3278/3279 COLOR-HIGHLIGHT settings Verified Confirm that your minidisk contents are intact after a move. SETOPtn Specify DIRMAINT processing options. Qlog Retrieve log messages accumulated while you were not receiving. FOR Enter a DIRMaint command for another user if authorized. Help How to get more information on commands and related topics. To get more information on the above, enter: dirm ? operand  For command syntax only, enter: dirm ? operand s MORE...    HOLDING     MORE...   HOLDING   MORE...   * PF10 UNDEFINED   * PF10 UNDEFINED   * PF11 UNDEFINED   * PF12 UNDEFINED            UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION        UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION       UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION   clear     CLEAR COMMAND UNRECOGNIZED