INVALID LINE MNEMONIC,PET LINE INVALID LINE MNEMONIC, LINE AE$Y(i DISCONNECT Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> nm-betz,daniel,p. ca-8070,38,ave,st. petersburg,fl. Local -702- Keyword "îí-âETú¬äáîIEL¬ð" not known or ambiguous Local> dis Local -717- Session 2 not established Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> € Local -702- Keyword "A" not known or ambiguous Local> dis Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> dis Local -717- Session 2 not established Local> 1 Local -702- Keyword "1" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *o OPTION NUMBER? *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 9 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 6 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 5 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 4 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 3 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *d NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Local> dis Local -702- Keyword "DISE" not known or ambiguous Local> dis Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> sh users Port Username Status Service 1 (Remote) Connected CALL 2 Dialup Connected 06 7 Dialup Local mode Local> re Local -012- CALL session 1 resumed Ò$(!GQ!3¸ú DISCONNECT HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 10 10*2 1 OPTION NUMBER? *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 20 20*2 1 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Local> € Local -702- Keyword "E" not known or ambiguous Local> Local> €€€€€€ Local -702- Keyword "ú¬äáîI" not known or ambiguous Local> re Local -012- CALL session 1 resumed )\”ƒ1JgÝ DISCONNECT Local> € Local -702- Keyword "E" not known or ambiguous Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> ? Local -701- Command syntax error Local> help HELP ********** Help Screens Copyright 1988, 1989 ********** Digital Equipment Corporation The online HELP facility allows you to access reference and tutorial information about the DECserver 200. Choose one of the following options: o Enter TUTORIAL to see a succession of HELP frames with "getting started" information on basic DECserver functions (for beginners) o Enter HELP for full information on how to use the HELP facility o Choose a HELP topic from the following list: BACKWARDS FORWARDS RESUME BROADCAST HELP SET CONNECT LIST SHOW DEFINE LOCK TEST DISCONNECT LOGOUT Topic? define DEFINE Use DEFINE commands to change characteristics stored in the server's permanent database. DEFINE [PORT ] characteristic(s) Additional help available for: PORT DEFINE Subtopic? port DEFINE/SET PORT Use DEFINE PORT to change the port characteristics that take effect when the port is next logged in. Use SET PORT to change the port characteristics that you wish to take effect immediately, but only stay in effect until port logout. {DEFINE} PORT port-characteristic(s) {SET } port-characteristic(s) are one or more port characteristics options Additional HELP is available for the port-characteristics: AUTOCONNECT {INPUT } FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE CODES REMOTE MODIFICATION AUTOPROMPT {OUTPUT} MULTISESSIONS {INPUT } SPEED BACKWARD SWITCH FORWARD SWITCH ON-DEMAND LOADING {OUTPUT} BREAK GROUPS PARITY TYPE BROADCAST LOCAL SWITCH PREFERRED SERVICE USER CHARACTER SIZE LOSS NOTIFICATION QUEUING VERIFICATION FLOW CONTROL DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? parity DEFINE/SET PORT PARITY Use PARITY to make parity for your port identical to that for your port device. PARITY {EVEN} {MARK} {NONE} * {ODD } DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? DEFINE Subtopic? character size DEFINE Sorry, no documentation for DEFINE CHARACTER SIZE Use DEFINE commands to change characteristics stored in the server's permanent database. DEFINE [PORT ] characteristic(s) Additional help available for: PORT DEFINE Subtopic? port DEFINE/SET PORT Use DEFINE PORT to change the port characteristics that take effect when the port is next logged in. Use SET PORT to change the port characteristics that you wish to take effect immediately, but only stay in effect until port logout. {DEFINE} PORT port-characteristic(s) {SET } port-characteristic(s) are one or more port characteristics options Additional HELP is available for the port-characteristics: AUTOCONNECT {INPUT } FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE CODES REMOTE MODIFICATION AUTOPROMPT {OUTPUT} MULTISESSIONS {INPUT } SPEED BACKWARD SWITCH FORWARD SWITCH ON-DEMAND LOADING {OUTPUT} BREAK GROUPS PARITY TYPE BROADCAST LOCAL SWITCH PREFERRED SERVICE USER CHARACTER SIZE LOSS NOTIFICATION QUEUING VERIFICATION FLOW CONTROL DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? character size DEFINE/SET PORT CHARACTER SIZE CHARACTER SIZE controls the number of data bits in each character transmitted or received by your port. The character-size must match that of your port device. CHARACTER [SIZE] { 8 } * { 7 } DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? DEFINE Subtopic? flow control DEFINE Sorry, no documentation for DEFINE FLOW CONTROL Use DEFINE commands to change characteristics stored in the server's permanent database. DEFINE [PORT ] characteristic(s) Additional help available for: PORT DEFINE Subtopic? port flow control DEFINE/SET PORT FLOW CONTROL FLOW CONTROL specifies the characters or signals that control data flow at your port. FLOW [CONTROL] {CTS } {DISABLED} {DSR } {XON } * CTS means that CTS/RTS modem signals implement flow control. DISABLED means that flow control is disabled. DSR means that DSR/DTR modem signals implement flow control. XON means that XON/XOFF characters implement flow control. When using CTS or DSR flow control, MODEM CONTROL must be DISABLED. Enter to exit HELP or press to continue... You can specify a single direction for flow control. If you do not, control applies to both ingoing and outgoing data. {INPUT } FLOW [CONTROL] {ENABLED } * {OUTPUT} {DISABLED} INPUT controls data flow from your port device to the server port. OUTPUT controls data flow from the server port to your port device. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? DEFINE Subtopic? Topic? Local> set Local -701- Command syntax error Local> define port control disabled Local -702- Keyword "CONTROL" not known or ambiguous Local> define port flow control disabled Local> define port parity even Local> define port character size 7 Local> Local> Local -702- Keyword "" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*3 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL * Local> € Local -702- Keyword "A" not known or ambiguous Local> exi^H^H^H Local -702- Keyword "EXI" not known or ambiguous Local> save Local -702- Keyword "SAVE" not known or ambiguous Local> log Local -020- Logged out port 7 on server VULCAN NO CARRIER a/ CONNECT 2400 DECserver 200 Terminal Server V3.1 (BL37) - LAT V5.1 DECserver 200 - VULCAN Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> dialup Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established ‡‡‡‡ Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c‡c‡ll‡ Local -702- Keyword "CCLL" not known or ambiguous Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *o OPTION NUMBER? *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL ‡‡‡‡ Local>  Local> Local>  Local> Local> ^Q Local -701- Command syntax error Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Password> Password> Local -231- Connection to CALL not established Invalid Password Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> Local> dis Local -717- Session 2 not established Local> re Local -012- CALL session 1 resumed Q2PS 8} DISCONNECT HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local>  Local> ^[ Local -701- Command syntax error Local>  Local> Local> Local> ^S^S Local -701- Command syntax error Local> ^Q Local -701- Command syntax error Local> c call Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Password> Local -010- Session 2 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> dis Local -011- Session 2 disconnected from CALL Local -101- 1 other session(s) active Local> re Local -012- CALL session 1 resumed J%6E,Bq~ DISCONNECT HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o 17 INVALID COMMAND *o OPTION NUMBER? 17 17*5 1 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local>  Local> Local> ^[ Local -701- Command syntax error Local> Local> ^Z Local> ^X^C Local -701- Command syntax error Local> Local> Local> ^C^C^C Local -701- Command syntax error Local> ^S^S Local -701- Command syntax error Local> ^Q Local -701- Command syntax error Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*3 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 21 21*3 1 OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 6 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 5 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 4 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 3 INVALID COMMAND OPTION NUMBER? 23 23*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 10 10*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL ‡‡‡‡‡‡ Local> ^Q^H Local -701- Command syntax error Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local>  Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY * *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 20 20*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> sh users Port Username Status Service 2 Dialup Connected 06 7 dialup Local mode Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 20 20*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? 10 10*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*1 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 1 1*2 1 OPTION NUMBER? Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 17 17*1 2 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL ‡‡‡‡ Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> display set Local -702- Keyword "DISPLAY" not known or ambiguous Local> help display HELP Sorry, no documentation for HELP DISPLAY ********** Help Screens Copyright 1988, 1989 ********** Digital Equipment Corporation The online HELP facility allows you to access reference and tutorial information about the DECserver 200. Choose one of the following options: o Enter TUTORIAL to see a succession of HELP frames with "getting started" information on basic DECserver functions (for beginners) o Enter HELP for full information on how to use the HELP facility o Choose a HELP topic from the following list: BACKWARDS FORWARDS RESUME BROADCAST HELP SET CONNECT LIST SHOW DEFINE LOCK TEST DISCONNECT LOGOUT Topic? Local> Local> show port Port 7: dialup Server: VULCAN Character Size: 7 Input Speed: 9600 Flow Control: None Output Speed: 9600 Parity: Even Modem Control: Enabled Access: Dynamic Local Switch: None Backwards Switch: None Name: PORT_7 Break: Local Session Limit: 4 Forwards Switch: None Type: Ansi Preferred Service: None Authorized Groups: 0 (Current) Groups: 0 Enabled Characteristics: Autoprompt, Broadcast, DTRwait, Inactivity Logout, Loss Notification, Message Codes, Verification Local> help define DEFINE Use DEFINE commands to change characteristics stored in the server's permanent database. DEFINE [PORT ] characteristic(s) Additional help available for: PORT DEFINE Subtopic? port DEFINE/SET PORT Use DEFINE PORT to change the port characteristics that take effect when the port is next logged in. Use SET PORT to change the port characteristics that you wish to take effect immediately, but only stay in effect until port logout. {DEFINE} PORT port-characteristic(s) {SET } port-characteristic(s) are one or more port characteristics options Additional HELP is available for the port-characteristics: AUTOCONNECT {INPUT } FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE CODES REMOTE MODIFICATION AUTOPROMPT {OUTPUT} MULTISESSIONS {INPUT } SPEED BACKWARD SWITCH FORWARD SWITCH ON-DEMAND LOADING {OUTPUT} BREAK GROUPS PARITY TYPE BROADCAST LOCAL SWITCH PREFERRED SERVICE USER CHARACTER SIZE LOSS NOTIFICATION QUEUING VERIFICATION FLOW CONTROL DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? verification DEFINE/SET PORT VERIFICATION VERIFICATION specifies whether the server sends confirming messages when you connect, disconnect, or switch sessions. VERIFICATION {ENABLED } * {DISABLED} ENABLED permits display of the messages. DISABLED inhibits the messages. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? remote DEFINE/SET PORT REMOTE MODIFICATION Use REMOTE MODIFICATION to control whether port characteristics can be modified remotely by the service node side of a session. REMOTE [MODIFICATION] {ENABLED } {DISABLED} * ENABLED specifies that port characteristics may be modified remotely. DISABLED specifies that port characteristics can not be modified remotely. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? for DEFINE/SET PORT FORWARD SWITCH Use FORWARD SWITCH to set up a special character that allows you to switch to the next session for the port. FORWARD [SWITCH] {character} {NONE } * Control characters are recommended for switch characters. NONE deletes a previous FORWARD SWITCH character. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? preff DEFINE/SET PORT Sorry, no documentation for DEFINE/SET PORT PREFF Use DEFINE PORT to change the port characteristics that take effect when the port is next logged in. Use SET PORT to change the port characteristics that you wish to take effect immediately, but only stay in effect until port logout. {DEFINE} PORT port-characteristic(s) {SET } port-characteristic(s) are one or more port characteristics options Additional HELP is available for the port-characteristics: AUTOCONNECT {INPUT } FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE CODES REMOTE MODIFICATION AUTOPROMPT {OUTPUT} MULTISESSIONS {INPUT } SPEED BACKWARD SWITCH FORWARD SWITCH ON-DEMAND LOADING {OUTPUT} BREAK GROUPS PARITY TYPE BROADCAST LOCAL SWITCH PREFERRED SERVICE USER CHARACTER SIZE LOSS NOTIFICATION QUEUING VERIFICATION FLOW CONTROL DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? preferr DEFINE/SET PREFERRED PREFERRED specifies a preferred service for your port. Use this with the AUTOCONNECT characteristic to automatically connect to this service when logging into the server. PREFERRED {service-name} [NODE {node-name}] [DESTINATION {port-name}] {NONE } [ {NONE }] [ {NONE }] service-name is the name of the preferred service NODE node-name specifies a service node offering the preferred service DESTINATION port-name specifies a port that offers the service Enter NONE to cancel a previous service-name, node-name, or port-name entry. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? output DEFINE/SET PORT Sorry, no documentation for DEFINE/SET PORT OUTPUT Use DEFINE PORT to change the port characteristics that take effect when the port is next logged in. Use SET PORT to change the port characteristics that you wish to take effect immediately, but only stay in effect until port logout. {DEFINE} PORT port-characteristic(s) {SET } port-characteristic(s) are one or more port characteristics options Additional HELP is available for the port-characteristics: AUTOCONNECT {INPUT } FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE CODES REMOTE MODIFICATION AUTOPROMPT {OUTPUT} MULTISESSIONS {INPUT } SPEED BACKWARD SWITCH FORWARD SWITCH ON-DEMAND LOADING {OUTPUT} BREAK GROUPS PARITY TYPE BROADCAST LOCAL SWITCH PREFERRED SERVICE USER CHARACTER SIZE LOSS NOTIFICATION QUEUING VERIFICATION FLOW CONTROL DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? DEFINE Subtopic? Topic? define port remote enable DEFINE/SET PORT REMOTE MODIFICATION Sorry, no documentation for DEFINE/SET PORT REMOTE MODIFICATION ENABLE Use REMOTE MODIFICATION to control whether port characteristics can be modified remotely by the service node side of a session. REMOTE [MODIFICATION] {ENABLED } {DISABLED} * ENABLED specifies that port characteristics may be modified remotely. DISABLED specifies that port characteristics can not be modified remotely. DEFINE/SET PORT Subtopic? DEFINE Subtopic? Topic? Local> define remote mod ena Local> sh users Port Username Status Service 7 dialup Local mode Local> c call Password>  Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password>  Local> dis Local -712- No connection established Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> def port rem dis Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*2 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 3 3*3 5 OPTION NUMBER? 17 17*2 5 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*1 DSR CONTROL 03*3 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*1 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*2 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*1 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*2 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*2 AT CONTROL *o OPTION NUMBER? 20 20*2 1 OPTION NUMBER? *r NO. OF RETRIES? 1 5732995 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE 2400 NO ERROR CONTROL Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established OK ato CONNECT 2400 Local> dis Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from CALL Local> c call Password> Local -010- Session 1 to CALL on node VULCAN established HELLO: I'M READY *t 01*2 STANDARD OPTION 02*2 DSR CONTROL 03*5 CXR CONTROL 04*1 AUTO ANSWER 05*1 LOCAL COPY 06*2 DIAL MODE 07*1 BLIND DIAL 08*1 CALL PROGRESS 09*1 RESPONSE MODE 10*1 CHARACTER LENGTH 11*1 DISCONNECT CONTROL 12*1 NOT USED 13*1 CLOCK SOURCE 14*1 ASYNC/SYNC 15*1 AUTO REDIAL 16*1 NOT USED 17*5 FLOW CONTROL MODE 18*2 SPEED CONVERSION 19*1 ERROR CONTROL MODE 20*2 ERROR CONTROL PROTOCOL 21*1 CTS CONTROL 22*1 DTR CONTROL 23*1 DTE PROTOCOL 24*3 AUTO VOICE/DATA 25*1 NOT USED 26*1 NOT USED 27*1 NOT USED 28*1 NOT USED 29*1 NOT USED 30*1 AT CONTROL *d3457472 DIALING... * *